Time For A Blowout || Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs
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I'm in such a fucking crummy mood today, i feel like in the past 16 hours it folks when it it rains it fucking pours, like that's just the goddamn rule of life. It everything fucking everything like why can't it be the weekend like it should be the weekend. It shouldn't be tuesday morning, uh all right. Well, here's what we're gon na do we're gon na turn.

This frown upside down and we're gon na do fun stuff. So when the we do, the market prep and the market opens and all that by the time we get like, i don't know until like 10 in an hour folks, let's have a good day. Let's turn the frown upside down, just dm me on twitter, or something like just the funniest shit you can find and we'll just like, hang out today and we'll make it a good day. Positive vibes, only positive vibes only so start just blowing up my dms on twitter.

The funniest shit also make sure it can actually be played on stream, because i'm like come on like be make. You could push the line. Just don't get me banned because that was like part of the issue. Yesterday was so, i told you like moon, gang's growing and we have more production like members on our team, so i had to switch my youtube account yesterday, and that was if i just want everyone to know when you're on this side of it.

When i have an issue with rumble i text and or call the ceo or other people who are very high up and it gets fixed right away youtube, i get a message chatbot with people who don't know what they're talking about at all. So i was trying to switch over my account and for like an hour there, my account was gone last night. It was just into the ether like just and it was like. We don't know it looks like you permanently delete it.

I was like i didn't permanently delete shit bro, like i followed your steps that you're telling me to do right now. I'm like oh, i think i might have made a mistake. I was like made a mistake that this is my channel. Finally, as i was getting through that, then i was like hey.

The market is dying right now, because this all happened around 3 p.m. There's about an hour left to go in the day, and i was like oh okay market's pretty dead, and this is like the past year. The past calendar year is the first year i've actually like made legitimate money in my life. So i was like.

I should contribute to this thing called an ira and when it was going down, i put the money in it. I was like. I should probably buy some gold in my ira and then i went into my ira, which is important for tax season and then, like you, have no money in here, and i was like that's weird because i feel like i sent you a lot of money. Like a month ago, so like, where is that, and i call them and they're like oh yeah uh, we canceled that transaction.

I was like. Why did you cancel that transaction they're like well, because you selected the tax year of 2021 and we didn't complete your kyc until the day after it had to be due? So, like they're, like we completed your kyc on april 19th, but it had to be in by april 18th. I was like yeah, but i sent you the money in my documentation in early april, so that seems like a you problem and they're like it is a you problem as in themselves, but like we there's nothing, we could do about it. I was like, but why didn't you like email me or call me like? Why did i have to call you to realize that you just completely like fucked me on taxes and they're like lol? Sorry - and i was like oh and then in the middle of all of that - remember the market's not closed, and i was heavily short the market yesterday when all this was happening at one point i was up ten thousand dollars and between talking to youtube and the Ira it just ripped my face off.
I feel fortunate to say that i still locked in a profit, but it was almost at my entry point like i was right there to losing my money like like i was up, i feel so stupid. I was up 10 grand and it was in my hand. All i had to do was clench it, and we would have officially made a 100 gain on the account within less than one week of training, literally just six days worth of trading. We would have made a hundred percent gain.

I would have gone from 20k to 40k, which is serious money to me and just gone so then i felt stupid and when all of this was happening, i looked down and i don't really know how to use apple watches yet. But it shows you like a recent text and remember how i was saying: there's like a new producer of the team. Well, he was flying yesterday and there were turbulence and he was just making a joke about like the turbulence and he's like. Oh, like i hope to be around, but like i didn't see the first text i just saw the second text of like we might not be working together for much longer.

Once again, he was joking about it, but i didn't know the context of it. So i was like wait, so the guy that i'm now working with is pulling out. I just lost money. I just got screwed on taxes.

Everything was going awry and remember at this point. My account was just not live like youtube, did not fix it. So then, i'm like, okay, whatever i got deep breaths, you know 10 seconds in 10 seconds out or whatever the hell they say. I don't know i don't make up the rules and then i get to this morning and i crush it at the gym, as always, because like thickness is a way of life and then i sit down at my computer today and it's all broken like there.

I've been working on getting this stream working now for three hours um, i got a hold of youtube and like it just wasn't working i i didn't. I had to fight to get into my account and then i just couldn't stream. So i talked to youtube and they're like it's, not us, it's your stream labs and then i get a hold of stream labs and i'm talking to them and like no, it's not us it's on youtube side and neither of the customer or service knows what the Fuck they're talking about like whatsoever, so i'm like okay, like a last-ditch effort, i'll just get obs and i'll just rip it on rumble today, because rumble was still working when i was like spot checking it, and then i was like okay, i have a little bit Of time, and as you can tell the fact that we are right now, i'm using streamlabs and i'm on uh youtube uh. They were both wrong.
It was like they were trying to blame the other one and they both had their own problems. So i had to fix it on youtube and stream labs independently, and then it got to this point and dude when it rains it pours when it rains it pours. The only positive thing about going on right now is like i got the best bicep curls in today. That's all i do a lot of people they reach out to me like they're, like what's your diet plan, what's your lifting program, what's your skin care, routine, folks, i'll give it to you for free i'll, give it to you any day you want.

My lifting program is exclusively chest and biceps think about it. Look it i'm a very fashionable individual. I can't afford to lift anything else. If i lift my legs, i'm not going to be able to fit into my pants anymore so that cuts off the whole lower half of my body.

And then, if you want to talk about your back well, the back is just the upper like the legs of the upper body. So who gives a shit about that? I'm not going to do that! Triceps they're weird! I don't like how they're shaped so obviously with arms. I still want to hit my bi's chest that really makes her shirts look good and then i don't really care about my abs at all because like who? No, i don't think anyone really cares about abs. I think that's just like something that hollywood has gotten us to think.

So it's exclusively biceps and chest every single day every single day. That's it that's my lifting program. If you want to get on it all you do is bicep curl and bench. The easy, easy peasy lemon squeezies back and forth.

So that's the saving grace of the day. I got some good curls in this morning, uh i'm on a weird split now, where it's like bicep days and chest day. So i'm just trying a new program and oh hey i'll, sell it to you for the low low price of 69, but it's like literally what i just explained to all of you um. I guess we should talk about market stuff, i'm just i feel like today.

I shouldn't do an excessive amount of training because, if, like one thing goes a little bit against me, i'm on the proverbial psychological edge right now, like i don't know if i can mentally handle, making a stupid trade like at all like at all. So we might only do like one or two trades today, and especially because it's probably going to be choppy, don't forget that the fed meeting is tomorrow at 2 pm. We get the result. It technically starts today the federal open market committee meeting the fomc.

Basically, we're a bunch of people who have been wrong about everything are making more decisions to show us how much more wrong they could possibly be so today, probably actually up to and including the results of the meeting. I think the next two days are gon na. Be a lot of chop, probably like we saw like chopping up dropping down like. I think this will continue.
So if it gets a nice trend, obviously you can make some money in the short term. I'm going to be honest. I think at market open, i'm leaning a little bit more bullish, but in more of the medium time frame of where we're going over the next couple weeks, i'm still bearish. So it depends on the time frame that you're really talking about.

But just this was a really nice recovery. We bounced off of some lows like this there's just dip buyers who are stepping in and we might see some nice action - maybe could get rejected here at 415. But if it doesn't, we might be talking about 420. Maybe it wants to push up to that that that's definitely a possibility.

So, even though i've been saying bearish, please understand what time frame i actually mean that, for i think in the short term market open i'm a little bit more bullish, but hey i'm still going to trade whatever you guys do, because i'm not in the best mental Space to be training right now and you guys have a 100 track record, so i'm just going to put all my trades on you guys today, because it's literally never been wrong. So why would i deviate from a perfect trading methodology? I should probably get over and like get into the stuff that you guys actually care about. Uh what's happening today, we're green green green oil is coming down. Yields are still sky high.

Five things to know before the stock market opens today, tuesday may 3rd stock futures are lower after monday's intraday reversal, and it is that reversal that made me want to rip my hair out. I feel so so stupid. I had ten thousand dollars in my hand, and i just needed it off. The cliff uh 10-year yields a hold just below three percent yields are going high.

High high bonds are going down uh, it's a rough market for equities and bonds right now, pfizer and burger. King apparent deliver earnings b, pfizer did beat, but it's actually down in pre-market right now down point five: eight percent so kind of a muted reaction wall, street's top regulator nearly doubles its crypto unit staff, we'll be talking about that more when we get into the crypto Segment, politico reports leaked draft supreme court decision would overturn roe versus wade. I know a lot of you were tuning in today because you're like i need matt corza's opinion on the potential overturn of roe vs wade. I am here to let you know why your personal, political, potentially religious, potentially human-based, opinions on roe versus wade are wrong.

Obviously not i you look at my shirt. I am not the guy that you want your roe versus wade, information and opinions front like what a way to just split this chat right away like we just make it a massive massive argument about roe versus wade the entire day that it would just. We would just tank the chat it would be so hostile in here. Folks, look at me, i'm not the guy.
You need to learn about roe versus wade from go watch. Some other commentator go google. It yourself. That's just not me paul.

Tudor jones says he can't think of a worse financial environment for stocks or bonds right now, a lot of people calling it out. Well, if you don't know him he's a billionaire hedge fund manager, very, very respected, he's considered to be a wall street titan wall street legend and a lot of these big players. I mean even banks now, like so you're getting hedge funds and banks are all saying, hey we're kind of in for a rough one, and why is that? It's just because, if you compare it to other economic and market downturns, the safe haven is the fact that the government can assist you by lowering interest rates and doing all that the issue is: we've just had a crazy, crazy environment of qe anyway, so we can't Really rely on the government or the fed to help us out of a bad scenario, at least not in this one, because it's the catch-22 we got into the scenario because of them and the things that they were doing that prompted this guy high inflation. So to fight it, they have to do the opposite, but doing the opposite makes everything go down.

It's kind of um, a paradigm that it's a paradox really and it all just kind of relates to us getting screwed u.s stocks, reverse course to close higher, even as ten-year treasuries hit. Three percent and fed rate hikes loom so remember 2 p.m. Tomorrow, we're gon na get the fed's decision, and then powell, the chairman and the fed, will be speaking at 2 30.. I will be doing a specialty stream for those of you who missed the stream yesterday.

We're trying something new so buckle up buttercup. The new stream is longer we're going from 9am to 12pm, just because that was a common vein that i was seeing when i asked various people of like hey uh, we really like want more stream. We want more time. Um, not just the video uploads, but like we like it when we're live just so, we can capture more of what's going on in the market in real time so because of that, the new stream - and this will be continuing until i don't know - whenever 9 a.m - Till noon is the new schedule, but then we'll do these, like one-off specialty things and the first one's going to be tomorrow when the fed speaks at two.

So i'll start streaming at like 150 and we'll stream all the way up and through fed pal's discussion and answering the questions from the reporters, so that'll happen tomorrow. So that'll be the first specialty thing, and it is because of that that up like really it's the hawkish fed, that is getting the whole market to be a little bit iffy right now, but also, if you're looking at the bonds, i mean the yields are sky. High, so the bounce, really it's these yields that are sky high. That are getting me to think that this bounce is momentary.
I really think in the short to medium term, we're still going down, but in like the ultra short term, like market open, like i said, i'm leaning a little bit bullish just for market open, fed policy has rocked markets and the coming rate hikes make the risk Of recession, unsettling um - i don't know how bad it's going to be. I'm of the personal opinion. I don't see how we get through the calendar year of 2023 without going into a recession. Now.

Does that mean doom and gloom and panic and there's fires, and so everything no we've gone into recessions before, where there's a good chance that you didn't even know, we were technically in a recession. Remember recessions deal with the economy and gdp contraction. I believe over two like consecutive quarters: uh bear market is more on the equity side of things. So are they correlated yes, but they're, not the exact same thing.

There have been times where, like i said, we're in a recession and you might not even know about it. So just because you're seeing this is it not? Is it good not at all, but maybe it's not as bad as mainstream media and headlines, and some of this click bait is like leading you to believe american will recover all jobs lost during rona by this summer. So that's a bit of positive news in terms of the economy, but remember the better. The economy gets that opens the door for the fed to be more hawkish to fight inflation.

So, what's good for the economy right now could actually send stocks down equities down crypto's down, like i said, we're in a bit of a paradox where it feels like we're in the upside down and you're like wait, hang on the economy's doing good shouldn't stocks be Doing good, sometimes that's an accurate assessment, but this time around i'm of the personal opinion on hello friends um am i back youtube's just gon na murk me today. Dude, i'm telling you when it rains it pours like i just i'm not going to be catching a break today. I can already tell you all of this and october, although you can't argue that these months historically have been weak, they still sport a positive return. So it's one of these things where there's sometimes in life, you have things that are commonly held thoughts and opinions, but when you actually dive into the data related to it, it's just not right so good to know good to know there.

Russia looks to avoid default in dramatic styles, clearing house processes, it's dollar bond payments, so yes, the whole russian debacle is still going on, but it looks like it made a 649 million dollar payment, uh ford's bombs, bonds with a n in there. So um some positive news, or i guess, depending on who you are and but in general i think it's positive for the people who loan the money they're like okay, we're actually still getting paid and there is not just a giant default. So this morning, pfizer announced we also had marathon hilton after the market closes today. One i'm particularly interested in is amd.
We have airbnb, we also have starbucks lyft lyft will give us a good idea of what will be or won't be going on with uber tomorrow. Before the market opens, moderna cvs feel free to check this out on e whispers or just screenshot this. If you want at the end of the week, we have some draftkings uh crocs, always an interesting one, to pay attention to crocs, doing its thing so once again feel free to screenshot this or just go to this twitter account just to understand the big earnings that Are still rolling out this week now, obviously you know i'm not having the best of days. It's it's one of those things where it rains it pours and like woe is me type of a thing, but i came across this article and i was like wow.

It could be way way worse, so maybe i should count my lucky stars check this out. This is just insane and it might answer your question: can one bank can one fund? Can one person have a noteworthy impact on markets in general? Is like one entity big enough to do that type of a thing? The answer is a resounding yes and no matter how bad your day is no matter how bad my day is probably not as bad as this person's day. City admits. A traitor error sparked a flash crash that sent swedish stocks plumbing plunging.

Excuse me, eight percent in european shares tumbling sweden's benchmark. The omx 30 stock index crashed 7.9 in morning trading on monday, before quickly rebounding leaving investors shocked. On monday, one of our traders made an error when inputting a transaction within minutes. We identified the error and corrected it.

That's a big fat finger mistake just like oh, like one little issue, let's crash and entire index 7.9 percent. The sell-off quickly spread to other markets on monday with shares in germany, france, norway and denmark. Also, following chartley before rapidly recovering the continent-wide stocks, 600 index finished 1.5 percent lower on fears about the global economy. So this, like one little oops, typed it in wrong billions of dollars and it also produced a crazy amount of volatility.

But the story actually gets a little bit more nuts than that, because the nasdaq and the stockholm department of nasdaq is saying: hey sucks to be you. If you lost money on that nasdaq, stockholm, the nordic country's main stock exchange, said it would be not canceling any trades from monday raising the prospect that the mistake could hurt. City, financially, nasdaq is continuously investigating all market movements on the marketplaces, and we have done the same in this situation. The reason for the job was a sell event by a market participant.

We have, i had not identified any disturbances in nasdaq system. So what they're saying is it wasn't actually a market issue? It was some big player. They made a mistake and i kind of understand where they're coming from it had nothing to do with the actual exchange. It was just a player put in way too much of a size and it caused a rapid rapid sell-off that was quickly bought up huge volatility.
Massive percentage swing and it's probably going to lead to people getting fired nasdaq has not seen any reason to cancel trades. That were made during this event once again at first. That might seem a little bit like wait what the hell, but, if you think about it, the exchange worked as it should have. It was just one random trader made a big old mistake that caused a huge stock plunge and most likely accounted for billions and billions of dollars and, as we saw it, actually bled into other markets.

Germany, france, norway and denmark - crazy, crazy, crazy. So i think this is a little bit of a silver lining. You might be thinking that you're having a bad day, probably not as bad as this trader, who, i would assume, is no longer employed whatsoever a little bit of an update on viru, just because i'm still short, veru culpa. Research just came out with a kind of a interesting write-up.

We are short veru, a female condom maker, run by a team of alleged frauds and failures, who now tout a rhona 19 drug. We find glaring anomalies in the company's phase three trial and think an e-ua is a non-starter. Our report is now available, so i wrote into it and they basically just said all this. They said they.

This company doesn't know what they're doing. I had no idea about this whatsoever. Once again, i still have put positions against viru, thus far, they're not doing that. Well, i need a clear breakdown of ten dollars, but i do think this is coming back down to gaapville.

It's just a question of when i am bearish against vuru. I was before that article even came out. I just didn't like the price action. I was like this no way will this run uphold.

I got in short here i was a little bit early. I still have till may 20th, so i have about 17 days, but i just want to be clear. I think virus is coming down and now it looks like somewhat respected. Researchers are starting to see the same thing about varue, at least from a fundamental perspective.

I'm looking at it from a technical perspective of if it breaks this low of 960 and holds below it. I just don't see anything catching it all the way down to 450.. So i just wanted to let everyone know about that. So that's i have some other stuff we're going to get into.

I have some crypto stuff. I want to talk a little bit about politics, because, obviously, who else would be you be getting your political opinions from these days? I want to talk a little bit about the whole johnny depp amber heard thing. I found an interesting article that i wanted to share with all of you other than that i think we're ready to rock. So i just need to look at this vote for market open.
I'm gon na end it um. Let's see, i asked you guys for the market open uh. What is it 60 said green today? 60, so you guys are feeling very green. So let me quickly update this code.

If i can find where it is uh, where is it so all right, all right, all right all right, the code is secured code secured all right, we're going all right. We have about 20 seconds. You guys told me to go long. I just updated the robot we're going long and for the day that i'm having i don't know, i'm gon na lock in i'm gon na try to make a quick thousand just to calm down, realign my mentality and then we could.

I don't know i just need a good degenerate bet to make me feel better about my life at this point. Perfect right away down 500. Just push just give me. My thousand just give me my thousand.

Apparently, it's going for a thousand fifty just because there's a little bit of a difference between the open and the fill son of a bitch, oh, no! No! No! No just pump! Just give me my fill just lock in the thousand. Let's just do this thing, just pump pump pump pump pumpity pump pump pump. I deserve this uh t-money. I went short well, congratulations! Well! If you guys told me to go short, i would have already locked in the thousand.

So maybe chat, maybe you're, not as maybe maybe you just don't know what you're talking about. Maybe it's one of those things. Maybe it's oh no come on just more girl. I need some green just give me some green son of a bitch folks when it rains it pours when it rains it pours.

Oh man uh. If the screen is blurry, just reload it and make sure you're on 1080p or whatever it is double down, i can't double down. I already went long three like on my. The account is fully on tilt right now, oh son of a bitch.

Why do you guys do this to me all right? Well, we got in at 4156 and we're trying to get out at 63. So 56 63 are the magic numbers in the meantime. We'll go back over to this. Just so you guys can watch some of these.

Other things oh wait. It's popping right now hang on. Is it gon na go? Oh golly, golly golly, golly, golly fizer coming down mara marathon, they reported ugh. Now we got ta switch back over where's the money, all right, we're almost break even again we're almost breaking all right, i'm seeing some green, just calm, it's gon na be a good day, matthew matthew! You got this.

Your internet friends are here to support you just because you had a bad day a bad night a bad morning. That shouldn't mean that the rest of your day is bad. You can't let your past dictate your future. If you're living in the past you're messing up your future, you got to live in the present.

The pre is on that's what we're going to do here, it's all about living in the present today. Let's not focus on the fact that streamlabs youtube my ira holder. Let's not focus on the fact that they're all pieces of shit - that's that's not going to be good. You don't want to carry that hot coal with you.
You got to focus on the now focus on the money. That's that's all! It is that's all. It is just focus on the money. That's i'm just trying to be my own therapist right now.

Did i change the font yeah. I made it bigger there. We go. Give me my money just give me my money come on.

Do it do it, do it? Do it do it? Do it come on come on come on, it was so close. Ah come on. Oh, this is gon na give me my money. Oh you're, gon na give me my money.

We were just over a point away. We're trying to get a fill at 62.75 and it hit 61.50. Give me my money. Give me my money.

They're all gon na pay, they're all go. Give me my money they're, give it give it to me uh-oh what happened? Why did it not fill hello order? Filled there we go oh boom and um. Sorry, we made our thousand bucks. Ah now i can calm down.

You deserve this matthew. You've been through a lot. You deserve this thousand dollars. Did you provide a thousand dollars of utility to the world around you? No, you listened to people on the internet and played with numbers on the screen uh, but you deserve this.

Are there people out there who bust their ass all day every day to make about a hundred dollars and are arguably better people for the world than you are yeah? But let's not really get into the details there. Let's just focus on the fact that you had a tough tough evening and you might not have the psychological tools to handle that. Well, you deserve the thousand dollars. Are there other people out there who deserve it? Far more than you do yeah, but once again we're not going to get tied down in into those weeds it just doesn't really that's messy! That's messy! Now what chill you earn every cent? Well, technically, you guys earn it technically! You earned it.

It's all a cry for help. Fuck me, i'm on the edge just one more thing can go wrong today. One more thing can go wrong. I just spilled my fucking cappuccino can can anything go right in my life, just breathe, harambe wouldn't give you anything.

You couldn't handle it's a challenge, fucking god's being a big dick today. Ah, just don't let it get to you just don't let it just don't let it get to you. Oh motherfucker, no, no reason to freak out no reason to freak out big breath in big breaths out um. Now, let's do some emotional trading.

Let's do some emotional trading um! No, that's stupid! It's! It is stupid. It's fun i'll! Just we'll run another one. At 9, 45 and i'll, let you guys start voting at like 9 42, because i want you to have more of the markets information before we do the next vote. Matt i'm gon na need some more positive attitude.
While i slave here at work, dude just quit. Just tell your boss be like dude. I've had enough today, i feel like today is the day you guys shouldn't be taking like career or life advice from me. It's just just not the day.

You know just not the day, or maybe it's the exact date. You guys need, oh now, my shirt, it's just soaked. I have espresso all over myself on my pristine, pristine, lt gray, shirt uh, what's going! Oh amc is green on the damn, like the crazy problem that we're having on youtube, come to rumble. But i'm saying that to people who can't hear me so it doesn't matter um.

So that's life order filled order, filled, he's going rogue he's trading like a madman. Folks, i just went short against the market, but what i did to bring this one back um, i i increased my size even more because i'm a glutton for punishment we're going for it. I i went rogue on all of you because i'm having myself quite a day - and i just want the market to pay - i went short for contracts and i did it at the low of the day, which is not good. I did it with the rsi being like this is all just like it was all wildly stupid.

I broke my rule. I traded five minutes early. I didn't listen to chat. I went big size at a really really bad point.

In the day i mean it's. It's coming together. It's it's really coming together: oh golly, golly, golly, golly, golly golly. I just i want that pain of it going against me.

I just want to sit here and bask in it. You're a pico, bad influencer who hurt you reality. Reality hurt me life. I went rogue come on, go against me, go bigger.

I want to be down even more money. Higher rip rip go against me, bring it on. I think i'm scared of this. I think i'm scared of the market ripping no way no way i want.

I want it to happen. I want to see a massive massive loss, huge the biggest on record. You know that city trader that tanked the like swedish and german and french markets. I want to be number two.

I like the style i like that guy's style. That's what i'm into oh man d-wack. I just can't let that guy that city trader - i can't let him uh one-up me - microsoft, nvidia, nvidia, nvidia, nvidia nvidia is flat right now, let's see what the whales have been doing, um a spy put 28 days out agnc for three days out for 3 30. A q call for 45 days out 2.25 mil a big one.

Just came in one of the biggest we've seen in a while a russell 2000 uh iwm. We are seeing a 45 day out call and they bet 6.35 million. That's actually the biggest trade of the day, thus far, okay, so this is kind of interesting. What we've been seeing historically is over the past week, i would say the premium was dominated by the bears.

That is not the case. This is a noteworthy shift in what we've been seeing. Usually it was 60 dominance by people buying puts now it's 50 50 50, so kind of interesting to see. What's going on there, everyone double down all of your trades for matt, if you're not doubling down today, i don't know what you're doing.
This is a degenerate yolo day. What's my reasoning for these trades, i don't know i'm just not having a good day. Mmm matt market manipulator, i'm about to manipulate the shit out of this market. Here we go some people, they just want to see the world burn and that's what i'm doing today, i'm gon na bring the market down to its knees.

All the hedge funds are gon na, be calling me up after this, but we were still long. You caused us to lose billions of dollars, tough, that sucks apple, apple's down point four: six percent: how is the spy green? What is green in the spy right? Now? Oh, it doesn't load, i think, until 10, so we have another. I think 15 minutes on this one uh. Okay, what levels should i actually be watching for? I need it to stay under 415 or i'm screwed, but if it does stay under it, then i could watch 411, which in the world of the futures contracts that would be it needs to stay under 4150 and a legitimate target would be about 40 points.

Lower amc had a good push this morning, but it's getting smoked right now. The only green thing i'm really seeing is dewy, dwack and cfei. So alternative social media is what's up right now die die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, i'm almost back to break even remember. I shorted it at the low of the day because i'm a ding dong, because i'm a ding dong, ding, ding, ding ding.

Hey look i'm up again now. Does anyone want to take a bet on what are the odds of me being able to go up 10k again today and then, like yesterday, fumbling the whole situation again um? Does anyone want to start a sports book on that of like okay yeah? No, we think matt, like it's kind of like a parlay mac, goes up 10k and then manages to not lock it in and loses 90 of those gains. Um does anyone. I think we should start a sports book on that robert's interested brendan's, interested pork chops interested.

The fact that we have someone in here named porkchop is amazing. 100 josh is into it nate's into it. It looks like youtube. Chat is once again buffering so you're having issues just head over to twitch today or to rumble rumble like we really don't have any issues uh.

I could continue to do polls in twitch, but rumble twitch if there's still big problems on youtube or if you want to help me out, watch them on all three open. Your rumble page open your twitch page, open your youtube page and let me play on all three, so you can get three times the mat in the normal amount of time. I respect porkchop. Why is youtube such a piece of shit? Is this going to bounce back? Because this is actually like some sadistic bullshit, if i went short, luckily went into profit, don't lock it in and it bounces and rips, knowing that i could have just made a profit when i'm trading on tilt.
That would be. That would be some professional stuff. That would be some professional level stuff, gme, ooh, gme down to 116 getting beat up this morning. Low volume, both amc and gme - are having low volume over the past about month, i would say, but amc i just want to call it out when the market opened.

Yesterday actually had a noteworthy burst in volume, but overall, like just compared to like how we've seen it act, this kind of low volume, low volatility recently. I think i completely forgot to do the sponsorship read. So if the sponsor is like listening, my apologies um. Today's sponsor is true trading group aka ttg.

If you want to learn how to trade with like actual plans and methodology and not be such a degenerate, like myself, go check out true trading group and you can be like but matt i don't know if i trust them, i don't know if i want to Spend money on something that i'm not sure of the product. That's fine, because you could get a one week trial for completely free, no credit card or anything like that. You just put in your name and your email and you get access to their full platform. Their chat room, their education model modules one week, absolutely free, no credit cards.

None of that bs. It's pinned to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video shout out to true trading group and the fact that i missed it at market open. If you guys could help me out and just go sign up for that, that'd be six: hey, hey, that'd, be sick.

All right is amc going to base at 15. This is where it caught itself. Yesterday apple kind of coming back around what time is it? It's 9.50. Almost there keep moving for one minute to make progress towards your stand goal.

I don't have a standing desk, though, and i'm about to sit for another two hours plus, so that's something, hey, that's something uh just for anyone who's following that futures contract, my average cost is 4144.5 4144.5 is where i'm in. If you want to track, if i'm up or down or break even let me bring it up over here, just because i know so, i'm down by like five points right now: 4144.5. The issue that i'm really seeing is we're not employing what we know works. Sometimes, if you want to make money, you got to do it yourself.

If you want anything done right, it's up to you and only you. You know for the amount of times that i've drawn the connection here, i always still have the worst time finding it curve there we go there we go well. That sucks is my anchor not heavy enough. This is uh.

Is he gon na break out? Oh uh, we're playing with fire. Are we getting a intraday morning breakout about 22 minutes into the day, or is it gon na get smacked come on anchor? You got ta, pull anchor. Stop the breakout. Stop the trendline breakout! Yes, work! Anchor work anchor! Do your job! Do your job, you can do it, you can do it bring it down.

Let's make it even heavier. Heavier anchors, pull things down faster. There we go. You know a lot of people think that the whole emoji training is like kind of a joke, but i had no anchor on as soon as i put the anchor on market went red like i'd like to i'd like to know your explanation for that.
If emoji trading isn't real, if emoji trading isn't real, how did it possibly go red? The second that i did this hey gap daddy? I got a double gap: ticker chd your thoughts, not financial advice, chd, church and dwight company, so it has a gap to the upside. What does this do? Household personal care? I mean yes, you can still play the gap fills now remember when it comes to gap. Fills i do like it better on market indices, it's still a very applicable trading strategy for equities, but i prefer to do it on the spy, the cues, the dow, the russell that type of stuff. I think those just end up filling more quickly.

Does it still work on equities yeah, the testing i've seen, but i i just want to clarify where i really use this, so it does have a gap fill to the upside and the downside. I don't really know much about this, so i don't know what one i would want to play my gut feeling right now is you have lower risk by trying to play the upside gap bill because you could just risk 94 94. and it's trading at 96.60. So you can risk two dollars and like what 75 cents per share and you could attempt to get this fill all the way up to 103, which would be uh like the risk reward, is clearly in your favor.

If you're right, that's a six percent gain and you're risking a three percent loss, so it's two to one which is kind of like the minimum setup i would want, but really it's just kind of range bound. So if i were to play it either way, i'd play it risking 94, so you're risking two dollars three dollars playing it up to that gap fill, but i would want to dive a little bit more into what this company does. I don't know what church and dwight is off the top of my head. Oh, we didn't move our anchor.

Is it going to get rejected again, or am i going to get screwed? No? No! No! No! No! No, are we gon na get a breakout and a rip shit? Is it gon na break out and rip? This is painful down two grand right now and for those of you keeping score at home, i've only locked in a thousand. So that would be, by definition, a net loss on the day. Come on anchor show us what we pay all the big bucks for show the world. Why i pay an extra two dollars a month to get these emojis? Let's do this.

Let's do this. Someone said elon tweeted, so it has to go back down. I think it has to go back down because we attached an anchor to it. So it's just it's making it really hard for it to actually pop right here.

Come on. That's roughly my breakeven level. I think i got in over here shit is this breakout gon na hold fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck um, quick, someone in chat tell me: is this breakout, real or fake, real or fake? Everyone needs to tell me what the hell is going on. As my financial advisors, i need to know, is this breakout real or fake, fake someone said fake? It's a fake breakout.
Someone said real. Someone said fake, real fake. Oh it's real fake. Maybe we just need to reposition our anchor.

Maybe that's our problem. Ah, when in doubt, zoom out zoom out a little, it feels like you're just really running into this resistance. At 4 15., it's struggling struggling at 4 15. amc starting to bounce all right, good, guys win.

Remember the good guys always win come back under come back under this trend line. You could do it, you could do it. I think it goes back to 412 to 410 jobs. Report comes out in two minutes.

Oh 10, am this could get gnarly yeah jobs report? Yes, today's the third okay, i think it today's. I think, today's the day, how much volume is there? That's actually a really good question uh. So a little bit of a lower volume breakout we got a one bar. One of these one minute bars was good.

The rest not as much as you'd want it to be kind of a lower volume scenario. Good question: that's actually a really good question. Well, we're about to see the reaction to the jobs report in if the jobs report is coming out, which i have no reason to doubt you um 60 seconds, oh son, of a bitch. It just bounced right off of the trend line which that's not good.

For me, that is no bueno for me, team it needs to come under needs to come under all right. We are about 30 seconds from this jobs report and it's showing some strength. Fuck fuck fuck all right, 15 seconds 15 seconds. What are we doing? Five seconds to the jobs report, you went long or short, i'm currently short.

What was it did? The report come out shit, some strength in the market. Why am i being so dumb uh anything? Did the jobs report come out? Is it supposed to come out? Yes, factory orders for the month of march surging almost double expectations up 2.2 percent - that is the best since may of last year when it was up 2.3 and if we strip out transportation, it's still solid up two and a half percent and durable good orders. The final read, so we take eight tenths to mid month, read and replace it with a better up: 1.1 percent. That's the second best of the year.

Second, only to up one and a half percent in january strip out transportation and just like factory orders, it does better. So the mid month, read of 1.1 is now replaced with up 1.4 percent. And if we look at capital goods orders non-defense x, aircraft, a proxy for capital spending, it was mid-month at one percent. It increases to up 1.3 percent and up 1.3 percent is the best of the year.

As a matter of fact, that's the best going all the way back to september of last year and finally, our march look at job openings and labor turnover uh. That is known as jolts expecting a number around 11.2 million. 11 549 000. A new all-time high.
For this series it replaces 11 million 448 000. That was the last read of last year and if you look at rear view mirror we had an upward revision of last month from 11 million 266 000 to 11 million 344. 000.. That's a lot of millions! There isn't it folks, but i could summarize strong on the jobs, jobs, jobs front, at least reflected by jolts on a day honestly, i'm surprised that this is not sending the market down because remember the economy is looking good right.

Thank you, 30 minutes into the trading session here at three big. Remember, the stronger the economy is looking that puts more pressure on the fed to be more hawkish. In this scenario, hawkish is bearish for the market, so that was a very, very positive jobs report. Very very positive, but remember we're kind of in that upside down world and the fact that it was so strong is actually leading me to believe, like.

I wouldn't be surprised. If now, because of that report, i'm surprised it's actually already not selling, because i would view it more of like sealing the deal that the fed's going to come in and do the 0.5 interest rate increase and maybe do the like announce the 95 billion in terms Of um selling off the assets that they own right now in terms of their quantitative tightening uh interesting this it came out at 10.. I'm really surprised we're not seeing a dump in the market right now, and i know that's all a little bit confusing, but we're just in a weird situation where what's good for the economy, not necessarily good for the stock market. Does it always happen like this? No, it's just the weird world we're in right now, with inflation.

The fed meeting coming up starting today concluding tomorrow when we get the answers and all that stuff i mean even the market, doesn't even really know how to price this in ever since 10, like the results came out and we've just gone flat, just people are battling. It out the big players are battling it out. It's not really commonly retail. That's going to be moving the overall market because you have to look at apple and spy or excuse me: what's you have to look at what's in the spy, so you have apple amazon tesla, like you have 500 of the biggest companies it's.

This is going to be like the aggregate move of all those, and actually let me show you how they are right now. So this is what the s p 500 is looking right and it's actually. Tech is red. Consumer service is kind of on the red side.

Cyclical is red, and then it's all this other stuff, that's actually in the green energy is green. Real estate's, green industrials are green. I would say: half of healthcare is green and half of financials. Two-Thirds of financials, i would argue, are green, so the tech world of how we think of microsoft - apple, google, facebook, nvidia, intel, amazon, tesla, google disney those ones um more.
On the red side. The green is all over here. Really energy is looking super strong. Today, energy is looking strong.

Is this going to just break and rip fuck um, i'm actually very, very hesitant to cut this right now, because to my understanding of what's going on, i'm surprised that we're not seeing a big sell-off because of this, like i don't know if people are just reacting To it, slow, it just doesn't really add up. In my mind, a good report is showing strength of the economy should be putting pressure on the fed to be more hawkish, and knowing my luck, if i cut my short position right now, just my stupid luck. If i cut it, that's probably right when it will dump time will tell time will definitely tell oops, let's detach our. I just want to zoom in on this.

For a second, oh, you know what we should check. We should see what's going on with how the options market reacted to this. Where is the big flow in the world of options? Uh q puts 73 days out. So that's quite a bit of time, 4.46 million spy puts for 45 days out.

2.3 million q puts eight days out 1.06 million three days out. Someone just got tesla calls uh a q call for one day out a spy put for three days out. It's a mixed bag, we're still roughly 50 50.. I would say a little bit more bearishness has come in because early this morning, when i was pointing it out to you calls bullish calls were dominating the day.

Now it's a little bit more on the bearish side. It now is kind of inverted, but still very, very close to 50 50. uh. The bears have not been dominating like they have been over the past week.

I would say all right all right all right. What are we gon na do today? Are we coming back down? This makes sense folks it was a good report and i know i sound like a broken record right now, but it's just if there's any questions on my reasoning or anything like that feel free to like let it fire, but, as you can see time for a Blowout, as the title of the stream tells you i'm not gon na lie, could anyone in the audience who knows what i know a blowout is a thing that, like girls commonly do to their hair and i believe, there's things called like blow out bars but like? What's a blowout like actually like i don't know, i knew it had something to do with hair. A blowout is when i eat taco bell, uh a tire on your corolla, a shampoo. It's when you eat taco bell.

Blouse are when i'm just done all right. I guess no one's gon na give me legitimate answers, so we were down a shitload of money. To be specific, we were down 4.5 000., now we're down 1 200 uh just to keep everyone updated in real time, and this is roughly where i go back roughly, because really what i'm trading is on the futures market. Someone i saw before was asking how i got so much leverage it's through the futures market, it's a little bit different of how it works and there's like some complex things to understand.
But the main thing you need to know about the futures market is. It is absurdly leveraged, and i do think it's necessary for me to say this - this type of trading - it's stupid, it's degenerate. I am being a full-on degenerate right now for your entertainment. If you want to trade futures understand, it is absurdly leveraged and i highly highly highly recommend you start with a paper trading account.

I can make this more explicitly clear. The way i'm trading right now it is stupid. It is degenerate. Do not copy me.

I am not a financial advisor. I am doing this because i have deeply rooted psychological issues that i should probably talk to a therapist about, but in the meantime let me do my thing, but i want you to know. Do not copy me. Don't do it good.

Let's, like just just don't fucking, do it all right, we're almost break even almost we, we almost tapped being break even and now we're down a thousand again son of a bitch. It just tapped it like it literally bounced off my entry point. It's like! Oh, hey that matt chorus, kid is doing something. Let's just let's make him profitable, then let's run it really against him and then right when he thinks he's going to start making some money, let's just like slap it right back into his face.

Just my luck. Just my luck, uh, i don't. Is this font big enough for you guys to see it says down 700.. Is that big enough or do i need to font font font font? Is this better? Now i made it even bigger, it's perfect! It's per it's perfect! Thank you, that's the type of support i needed today.

Of course, the other support i would have needed is if the spy actually came down for me right now, instead of bouncing off the early morning low and ruining my life apple kind of doing its thing, iwm the small cap sector went green amc pushed up. Maybe a cup and handle if it can keep a higher low here, maybe am i gon na go green? Is it gon na? Is it gon na go green? Come on go green, go green, your boy's green he's green, come on. I don't lift these biceps for nothing. No bicep curl the shit out of this position go go, go more green, more green! More more! More! More! More! More! More! More! More! More! More come on! Don't tease me! Don't tease me just sell off just do it.

Don't flirt no one likes to flirt like that. It's like come here. Come here, okay, go away! Okay! Okay! Come here! Come here! Come here! Come here: okay, okay, you go away this! It's flirty today, the s p, 500s, being a big old flirt today, a flirt being a hottie on the dance floor. Come here come here.

Okay, now go away i'll dance with you; okay, i'm not gon na dance with you, okay, i'll dance with you.

4 thoughts on “Time for a blowout dumb money w/ matt kohrs”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Camp says:

    Let's see how long the market goes sideways

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TextπŸ‘‰wagehack230 on Telegram says:

    I can't wait to do another process on there platform thanks you for the 1BTC

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KaiSupreme2 says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeff woodring says:

    That screenshot is hallarious!

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