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Live. Are we live? Are we live? Are we live? Are we live or is restream? Just gonna crash? Can anyone see me? Hello hello, Hello. I Think we're back. Um, and that concludes our discussion of how to make a hundred thousand dollars a day with no risk.

Uh, if you missed out on it, we're We're super sorry, but we only share this once a year so you'll have to wait till 2024.. I'm happy to share my secrets with everybody. So you think I've never done that before I've never shared my complete streaming here first. Sorry if you guys missed out, but uh yeah, he's never done that.

You're pure. You gave all your Bitcoin Keys away too. What? Uh, it happens. It happens.

Um, so in terms of people who are turning in this year and they're like, where's 2023 going, you're calling out for a mild recession. That's kind of your base case and that is being uh I guess discussed by many, many people I think there's a lot of people in agreement with you on that. Um, so you're looking at financials may be performing? um, a couple I Want a couple ideas? Um, and I'm almost hesitant to say this because it's like the least sexy thing ever. I think one of the best trades of 2023 might be buying bonds I Really do.

And like no one wants to hear that, no one wants to hear about like any of that. but like right now with like, if we end up doing nothing with yields, bomb prices should go back up. Yields are going to come down, they're at least gonna settle. um, any thoughts on that? Or do you think like, maybe you like it, but maybe there's like a sexier industry that you're paying attention to I Actually so I I Recently published um, my Market Outlook report for 2023 for two training group members it's free for two training group members I don't have to pay anything extra for it's included in their membership and you know my top trade idea of the year and I actually said in it I Go! I Know this is not the sexiest of ideas, but I would literally take cash put into three month t-bills and collect 4.5 annualized interest with zero risk.

especially if someone is either close to or at retirement age like my, that's what my father's doing I have my father doing this Okay, which one my father is going to be and it's it's called a ladder strategy which would be like you'd buy like a three month bill. You can also buy then a six month so this way like they mature at different times. So so if as the rates fluctuate you, you'll be getting money back at different times so you can then put that money forward. Um, and your zero zero risk I mean literally we've talked about this before the stream went down.

You got to go back to 2007 until you had a three month T bill at four and a half percent and I still think that those I still think that's going to climb even a little bit higher. So it's like you. you have an opportunity right now if hey, if you're worried about a recession, if you were a lot I don't know what's going to happen. you got a free four and a half percent.
Yeah, three now. I Also think bonds do do much better. There's only been three instances in history where you had bonds and equities get hit together as bad as I did at the same time. One of those three was 2022.

So the probability of bonds performing as poorly as they did in 2022 in 2023 is very low. So like you know there's a couple of different Bond ETFs that people can look at like you know TLT is one that everybody knows, um that everybody knows knows mostly. You also have like Vglt um Vglt is another one like these are just some Bond ETFs that I think bonds do better this year, but it's like you can either buy like a bond ETF and and play the move off of the price of bonds or you can actually go into like T-bills or treasuries and actually collect that interest. Yeah and get and get that interest with zero risk.

Yeah, no that makes sense. especially 4.5 like and I know people are like well hang on I'm told the market like on average return 1789 whatever but 4.5 when there's a good chance the Spy is red on the year I mean so many hedge funds would love to do that, they would love to not only outperform the Spy but just to also be positive. A very quick side note: One thing that I found absolutely hilarious. one of like the common jokes I have here is how much I love Texas Roadhouse as of December 31st the conclusion of the Year Texas Roadhouse over the past decade officially outperformed Google Texas you would be better to be in Texas Roadhouse For the past 10 years you'd have more money in your like net worth than Google The golden Buns are what finally performs.

Wow, so it's just I in the yeah Tech txrh it's it's where it's at. Um, but crazy stuff. So okay, we're talking about bonds and I don't want to let the cat out of the bag folks. if you're at all interested in the breakdown or even just what's going on at TTG you get a seven day trading day trial for just three dollars.

it's pinned to the top of chat. It's in the description of the video like no love lost, three dollars, no Auto upgrade. So and at minimum there are people out there many people out there who do their yearly analysis. It's hundreds of dollars.

It's not thousands of dollars. The fact that you can get this now and feel a little bit more comfortable and understand these types of things. So like we're not arguing that the bond stuff was hard to understand, it's just maybe something you were never taught. Maybe it was something that you just no one ever took the time to explain it to you.

So by that alone, and I if I remember last year's right, aren't other writer or like right the other mods They do their little opinions as well so it's not just yours. Okay, so you're gonna get multiple people's opinions. 100 worth it. Uh, 100 worth it.

Um I It's kind of funny because some of my opinions from last year haven't necessarily changed this year. medium term I'm still excited about energy I don't think we're ripping to 140 again, but just like I do believe oil eventually maybe 100 110. So I'm in. Oxy saddling up with Warren Buffett Um I'm trying to think of some of my like just core like where I love the interest payments or the dividends.
Uh, strong balance sheet companies Home Depot Microsoft like it's Fortress like balance sheets and you get a dividend. So the worst things get especially in the tech sector. if I see Microsoft taking a 20 30 hit I mean I'll be salivating like the ability to add Microsoft for a long term and collect the dividends. Um, another boring one.

Absolutely boring. but if it goes down, that means America's messed up. United Health Group is the biggest Insurance Play Good dividend but once again, the risk reward is different because if those plays go down, we have bigger problems than money so it doesn't matter to me. Like all right it either works.

I own United Health Okay, a pretty big position on it. Um, you know it's the Juggernaut of of healthcare largest helping Shore that's out there and so extremely well-run company. They've got great dividend growth. um just a a true Bellwether Um, you got good support in the mid-400s you know and you've gotten I think I think you're gonna get you're getting gifts to start off 2023 in some of these defensive names because what has happened coming into 2023 is a matter of like this.

This little rally that you've seen to start the year is nothing more than a matter of Market positioning when you look at funds and and money managers were so defensively positioned going into the end of the year. yet a lot of tax loss harvesting going in in December you had the FED kind of put the kibosh on the CPI number in the middle of December and everybody kind of got very very defensive going into the end of the year. and then all of a sudden you get to 2023 and the CPI data is great and the labor market data has still held up and the probability of soft Landing has gone up. It was about 30 and now it's gone up to around 40 percent.

So what happens now with all these different hedge funds and all these computerized risk assessments that they have? They're too overly positioned defensively. So if the probability of soft Landing goes up, then that means their positioning needs to change based on that. So what has led the market so far in 2023? It's all your risk assets It's All Tech It's the Arc names. it's Bitcoin and Crypto.

That's what's moved the market to the upside. what's gone down and what's lagged this year? Health Care Consumer Staples all your defensive names and that's all that you have seen. You've seen the healthcare stocks, the consumer staple stocks all ripped in 2022. Now profit, take, adjust the positions, and put some into the names.

They got killed. You know, the worst. Three performers in the Dow in 2022 are the top three performers in the Dow for 2023 so far. Uh, just the rebound.
Oh, that's right. So it's like you're just seeing this this year. Yeah, you're seeing that repositioning and I you know I'm going live also at four or four pm. Eastern Um, on the true training of YouTube channel.

You guys can join me for that because I'm going to be talking about this in a little bit more detail today as well. Okay, yeah, and um. I'll make sure to get the link for you. Uh, but folks, I'll post that later on today.

but for 4 15? Uh, kind of a wrap up in the market and you do that? What? Sunday to Thursday that's like your schedule with them. so Sunday Sunday through Friday Sunday 8 30 p.m Eastern at night and then Monday through Thursday 4 P.M Friday 3 P.M I go live for the final hour of the day on Fridays Okay so just the only thing you really need to know is Saturdays are off days but beyond that you obviously get the opinion of Mike and some of the other people involved in. TTG uh I think it's going to be a crazy year I I Think it's going to be one of those things that some of the retail that were sucked into the market during the pandemic because we were stuck inside, people were getting stimulus checks and everyone heard about like crazy ways to make money. I Think some of them are going to be upset because it's not as simple as buy and hold of.

if you buy it's going to rip. But what's interesting is like that percentage I think is going to have not a good year but I think people who are like more of that Trend following of like oh we just got five big sell-off days or five big pops. My point is like I think we're gonna volatility go nowhere. So I think people who end up just holding are gonna lose a little.

Maybe look make a little depending on where they're going but people who are kind of sitting there whether they're day Traders or the active Traders using just basic risk reward of like this crack like using basically basic technical analysis I think there could be disgusting gains this year. What's funny is last year you were saying this like I remember like we could find those videos if you're like this is the year of the active Trader and most people ended down 18 because they followed the Spy but um like I know you did very well and I know people in true training did well because it was. It was that it was active Traders and I think we're gonna get some sort of awkward repeat of last year like I don't think it's going to deviate that much because like I think we're just getting through that. kind of like we're taking the hits of getting out of the mess up economic situation that we're in.

like trying to really set up that soft Landing that you're alluding to and I hope things turn around in 2024. Um, but for those of you who maybe missed it, one of the biggest things we were talking about is the overall pivot and I Just want people to know and please do your own research on this. But if you look at from the time of the official first pivot of when we start to bring interest rates back down and referring to the FED, there's actually still a noteworthy sell-off like if we hear the word pivot, maybe media and Twitter and Reddit has got you to think that that's absolutely amazing, but at the immediate moment it isn't. Eventually it becomes good.
Of course, like you're just in more of a supportive like growth environment. but for those first couple weeks, first couple months and like if it happens this year and that actually might even be a 2024 thing. I'm not even sold on the fact that they're cutting interest rates, so with it I'm prepared for volatility. I'm I'm prepared for extreme Chop on The Daily charts.

but for us, that's good. Like if you're it's good to sell options. It's good to buy options. It's good to be The people who are actively on their toes I think are going to make a killing this year I Could not agree with you more man.

I mean you know, like like you said, I did 2022 I was like this is going to be the year of the active Trader and you know I knew I was so so worried in 2022 that so many retail people that just got involved in the markets in 2020 and 2021 we're gonna get hurt because they had a false sense of reality and a false belief of what the stock market does and a false belief of who they should be listening to and that whole Diamond hand you know situation creation of you know, just buy every dip. Buy it I was like you're gonna get hurt in 2022 if you're gonna if you're trying to buy every single dip. Um, so it was like you know, understanding how to make money when the markets go down and be active. Like whether you're shorting stocks or buying put options or even learning about inverse ETFs can actually have Help people you do very very well in that environment.

I Think that Playbook is going to work again this year and you know that that volatility of I Don't you know we're not out of this bear Market Here yet you know I Think you're still going to have a lot of volatility? Um, and that going back to that whole like fed pivot. The reason why they pivot matters If the Fed is is cutting rates because inflation's back to two percent and everything is great and they can now slowly start bringing rates down. They'll bring rates down. If that's the case, they'll bring it down by 25 basis points.

probably for like I Don't know. Probably for like six months they'll bring it down 25 25. They'll probably bring the FED funds rate to around three to three and a half is probably where they'll bring it to because they still want real rates. Real rates means you're gonna have the FED funds rate is going to be higher than the current rate of inflation.

Those are positive real rates self-inflations Two or two and a half the FED funds will be three, three and a half. So if that's why they're bringing rates down, then yes, that's that. That's going to be a good sign for the market. and the markets would like that Tech would rally and the Kathy Wood names and rally and that's where you're going to want to be.
But if Fed Cuts rates this year and it's not because they've won, it's gonna be because the recession's here and it's the labor market is is breaking faster than they thought and they're making an adjustment to try to avoid a a deeper recession than what is than what they're probably okay handling. then that market would still go to the down South side because you would get the initial pop of oh wait, they're cutting rates. Yay! Oh wait a second. The reason they're cutting rates is actually bad.

And then earnings their jobs Market Unemployment goes up, earnings come down, and then the markets move to the downside. Even though they cut rates, you have to understand that. Dynamic And you got to understand the fundamentals of why the Market's moving. One of the things I focus on a lot of Entry training group is what does the market care about.

Why is the market moving up? Why is it moving down? Because if you don't understand the why, how are you ever going to know when it's time for the direction to change Because that Catalyst has to change? Yep, without a doubt. uh I Want to touch on? One of the things that you brought up is so much of what brought retail in of doing like we're locked up pandemics, stimulus and like kind of that David Goliath thing and then it was CME AMC I Appreciate it because so many retail people got brought into the market and I truly believe Wall Street is the best vehicle to ever improve your wealth. but there are negatives to it. There's that yin and yang and what you said there of like this concept that some people think as soon as you hear a short like everything should be Diamond handed um I'm sure you've heard a little bit about it just because like it's active movers but really uh, you have Bed Bath and Beyond you have Mullen you have these ones that are Sky High and I I get a little bit of hate for it.

but like I mean I mean Chad could even agree. Here's like I'm trying to tell people no, that's an active trait. As soon as your trailing stop loss is hit, you get the hell out because it's going to come down and like, um, there's a lot of Mullen supporters and it was kind of building up that and like this isn't me being against Mullen But also we have to face reality, the economic situation is not good. EV as a sub sector, not good and it's a penny stock.

Statistically, most penny stocks fail. So when you have three big things going against it, that's not something new diamond in you. Diamond hand something where it's a five-star setup and you can't find anything wrong with it. it.

But when everything you can find is wrong except for the fact that it's getting some sort of cultural filing, it's just people are treating every single trading day as the same. And when we were in 2021, people don't understand. It was the perfect environment for bubbles. like, and that's why you won.
But when we got into 2022, now it's it's the opposite. It's actually more difficult that it's already a rarity. It's an anomaly, a statistical unlikelihood for something to squeeze. and now that we're running into every single headwind, it's just I Don't think people should be playing that anymore.

Like right now. Bed Bath is exciting, and I get if you're an active Trader If you're a degenerate, run it. just be mindful of your risk, move your risk up to break even as quickly as you reasonably can, and then move it up to positive after that. But this concept of oh, it has to go I'm so tired of hearing things have to happen.

the nothing is ever, ever guaranteed and I was just wondering in true Trading Group Like you've always been on that mindset because you've been around the block enough that like I you had that rhetoric with aims CNG mean you're Like I'm not Diamond handing if it moves I'll be long if it comes down I'm taking my profit so like I don't think this like I'm definitely preaching to the choir here. Um, but with that like I guess from a psychology standpoint, how are you teaching people that and then also just from like you already having that in your mindset like is that literally what your hedge fund education taught you? Is that just like literally when you learned about this type of was that literally this is what you were taught? Yeah, Yeah, okay, you know it's you know, like at some point valuations do matter you know? and when I listen I commend you man. I mean I think you're you've always done I think a great job of like of being very honest with your your viewers and and trying to get like that, right messaging and the right education across that can help people make better decisions. Um and you're spot on.

You know, like when you're like coming from a fund it's it's all about making money you know and and you can't You don't make money until you sell it. you know you can't And one of the one of the sayings that I used to say to my members is at some point you've got to get off the bus. Yeah what happens if you if you if you were to get on a bus and you never get off what happens you end up right back where you started. So you're going to get to your destination and you're gonna end up right back where you started.

At some point you've got to get off the bus. At some point you've got to take the money and stuff it in your pocket because the safest place for profit is in your pocket. And the whole you know it's like when you think that way of oh, it has to do this It has to be this mother of all short squeezes. It has to do this that you are constantly moving the goal post like I'll say to somebody okay hey here's the stock.
It's at five dollars. Would you be happy if we bought this stock right now at five dollars and it went to eight at that moment when I asked you that question, you go like oh hell yeah man, yeah let's do it. Let's do it great. So we buy it at five it goes to eight.

Then what happens? All of a sudden you're no longer happy with eight. Now you're like oh I think it's gonna go to 12. Okay, you think it's gonna go 12 right? So you're gonna hold on some. Now it gets at 12.

now you're like oh man, it's on. Now it's going to 20. it's going to 20. and you never get off.

Yeah, at some point you've got to take it off. And the one thing that I would tell people and I'll leave I'll I'll leave the topic with this: When you're when you're looking for, when you're in a trade, you do not know how far that stock is going to go. Nobody does you have targets. plural.

So I Always teach members in true training group. You cannot enter a trade unless you know four things. Where's your stop loss? Where's your first, Take profit, your second, and your third. You should know those four answers before you pull the trigger.

And when the stock reaches their target I Sell some, It reaches my second target I Sell more. It reaches my third target I Sell more. It gets my stop loss I Get out and you just follow that that rule and you follow that system. But people, people will just endlessly hold on to a position I Don't know which one of these resistance levels the Stock's going to reverse at I don't Which is why every time it gets to a resistance level I Take profit.

That's all a profit Target is it's a level of resistance and when a stock reaches those levels of resistance I Take my profit and the best problem that any Trader could have is I simply ran out of shares I got to so many profit targets I Just have no shares left. Yeah, the best problem to have because that means you just made a boatload of money. You'll make more money following that process then you will. trying to catch an HKD, an HKD or like in AMC or games.

Those situations come about once in a blue like AMC and Gme were the perfect storm Scenarios like it was like I the market conditions for that. Those short squeezes was unbelievable, but that's not something that's going to happen every year. HKD That's not something that's going to happen every year and if you wait to try to find the because those are like one in a million trades, you'll make way more money focusing on the 999 000 than you will that one into one million. Yeah, it's just not a repeatable system like it's one of those things that like yeah you might hit that trade and it works out on an individual basis.

but it's no system like the law of large numbers. If you're treating everything like that, you get busted up. That's what it is. Like it like I like the perfect analogies or whatever.
Blackjack Uh, poker. It's just like sometimes in poker do you win with a 7-2 off suit. Yeah, it's possible, but you don't take that bet. all the time you wait for your kids, you wait for your Aces and like okay once in a while if you're just gonna be silly and you want to play great okay, size down, understand what you're doing and you know your big blind right? Your big blind, You're like I'll limp in here.

Seven two, no problem. Okay, yeah and like and sometimes it works because like it, we're playing with. it's an unknown thing. It's a infinite multi anti-variate equation.

You don't know how things are going to develop. The plot might be good, crazy things might happen and they have proven to happen. But if you're using that, like and that's the difference between treating trading as like I need one big whatever win to pay off this versus a marathon of I'm a Trader I'm an investor and I'm looking to continually grow my account and like both are right. I guess depending on what you want to do, you just have to know what you're doing.

because like if you're treating the entire Marathon as all these Sprints it's it might work 99 times. but that hundredth time you're now in zero like you're now in the trading hospital and you're busted up and that's just That's the Law of numbers and I think what's weird is when we say things like that or at least I I feel this way I don't know about you Um, people sometimes act as if we're going against them. They're like oh, you want Mullen to fail, you want bed bath I don't I want everyone to make money as as a greedy businessman, if they're more successful, we're more successful. More people sign up.

They tell their friends like I'm not against it but like I'm actually so agree that I want them to stay in the game like I'm trying to keep them alive like that's how greedy of a person I am that like I want them to keep trading and be successful because they bring more friends in I get more ads like that's how it is for your business so it's never going against them. It's just like I don't know. like I know you have far more experience but just the experience that I've seen with this. it's like I'm just trying to share that.

that's all it is. It's just like hey, I've stayed in the game this long by doing XYZ Here's the points where I've like blown up an account. please avoid that and uh I Don't think sometimes it's interpreted because it's it very quickly turns into the game of like are you the fun guy like that guy's like he's raging with us, they're partying. it's like we'll save that literally for your party and just not in the market like that's where that's acceptable.

That's that's why I said I I mean like you know I've always been very kind of outspoken about this kind of stuff and I quote a lot of eat for it I caught a lot of heat for it when I was like you know, like you know when I was trading like you know some of the you know, like the meme stocks or like when I told people like Mullen is I mean you got like when I I traded Mullen I traded Mullen when the thing went to four dollars I made money on it long but I haven't gone anywhere near it since and it's like you're wasting your time on these stocks that are doing nothing that you're gonna end up bag holding. Then when you're missing such phenomenal opportunities in other areas of the market, there's I mean you take a look at. like like the way that Tesla is moving. you take like the way that Roblox is moving, where the banks are moving the solar stocks up and going nuts the oils like there's just so much opportunity out there.
Gold is on fire now. Finally, after a terrible year in 2022, it's like there's so much going on and you're wasting your time every day staring at this penny stock. It's like guys Focus your attention elsewhere and all I'm I want to do and you said it perfectly. It's like the stock market's the greatest equalizer when you saw tens of millions of new retail.

Traders coming to the market because of coven I was so happy I'm like yes, this is fantastic. Everybody should get exposed to the market, but then people jump in. they jump in at the wrong times, they buy everything because it's the hype and they get crushed and they go. Oh, the stock market's a scam and they leave just as fast as they came and it's like you're doing yourself such a disservice by approaching it that way.

and like when you said hey, I'm looking for the home run I'm looking or I'm looking to just kind of grind it out and do the marathon. You got to ask yourself, are you trying to be a Trader Are you trying to be a gambler? Yeah, Are you trying to be a gambler? Then sure, go ahead and search for the motherboard short squeezes I hope you make ten thousand percent on one of them. You know all the power to you. but instead I'm gonna focus on where can I make 10 15, 20 every single day is what I'm going to be focusing on and that's the difference between a Trader and that's the difference between a gambler and you really have to think of it that way and I wanted to.

Your poker analogy is one that I actually use a lot with members of true Training group and I'll take the opposite side of. um of the analogy. which is like sometimes you know seven Two works out for you, but you don't play it every time, right? That same concept applies to pocket aces and that is what trading is. Trading is about.

probability. and as a poker player, if you get dealt pocket aces pre-flop you're gonna play that every single time. It doesn't matter what anybody else does, they can raise, they can go. All in.

it does not matter. You're gonna call that every single time. Why? Because with pocket aces pre-flop you have mathematically the highest possible probability of winning the hand. Is that probability 100? No.
Because the Flop could come out 772 and the that limped in with that seven two is gonna beat you. But does that mean the next time you get pocket aces, you don't play it? No, of course not. You play pocket aces every single time you get it because it's the highest probability of your chances of success in the stock market. Trading successfully is just about identifying high probability setups.

and when you find a high probability setup, you put yourself in the right side of that probability over and over and over again, knowing full damn well nothing in the market Works 100 of the time and sometimes those pocket aces are going to lose to the 7-2 But that doesn't mean the next time you get pocket aces you don't play. That's what trading is and that's what I'll teach you guys is how to identify a high probability setup that has 75 probability. This has 65 probability. This is a 50 50 coin flip.

Stay away from the 50 50 coin flips you want 50 50? Go to Vegas Yeah, in a nutshell, that metaphor is perfect and that's what people don't understand is that's actually what happened with GameStop people like Melvin Capital They were dealt pocket aces and they went all in and then their jaw hit the ground. The short interest was a hundred percent and their jaw hit the ground with the next person at the table. They called it with a seven two and they're like this is crazy. we're about to clean up and make a crazy unbridled amount of money.

and then they saw the Flop and it was the craziest flop ever and the people who called it for no reason just because they're fun gambling. it worked and it can work. They we hit quads like it that it it was crazy and that's just I don't think people understand that and like unfortunately many people do like I don't like to paint in these General things but there are some people who don't understand the game of poker and like oh I guess you just always play seven twos It's just like the answer is no like it's just that like you play it once in a while and everyone wishes you the best of luck because it's hilarious to see it. especially actually when it's the big whale at the table that blows that.

That's even more funny. And then all of a sudden the crowd, everyone watching the game, they start cheering for you because it's hilarious. but it's just like it's also not how you're gonna make it playing poker like just to really go with that metaphor. but uh, I've been up a ton of your time as always I Appreciate it folks.

for 4 15 today. True! Trading Group will be streaming on YouTube if you have any questions DM me all the information for the one week seven day trading three dollar sign up pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video obviously reach out to Mike if you have questions specifically for him. but we'll be talking again next week. But I do appreciate it as always it's a great chat Mike I Appreciate it.
Always a pleasure man, always a pleasure I Love I Love I Love our convos every time and they get they get better and better Guys like that. You do want to join our trial. Like I said, it's the perfect time to do so because it's seven trading days. The weekends don't count.

you get seven trading days. It's the we're getting into the heart of earnings. There's never been a better time. So check out the link.

it's uh for our seven day trial and I'll see you guys over in chat and then I'm live at four o'clock I'll see you guys there Matt Always a pleasure bro! Thanks for having happy man. Good luck the rest of the way. We'll talk soon. You too talk soon.

Bye All right we're switching this up. Uh sorry there about some of the I guess Tech discrepancies I just got kicked off restream I didn't I thought it just cut uh I thought it just simply had cut the YouTube one I didn't know if I said something inappropriate on YouTube uh but we got it up and running. so I think we are good there. uh uh.

The interesting change from the meme suck thing is that a lot of us were forced to understand the market on a broader level. Retail is relevant, maybe for the first time ever. Well, and that's I guess in my humble opinion, one of the exciting things about it is because some retail unfortunately and I feel bad for them got chopped up in the craziness. But there were people who took it in stride and have learned a crazy amount and are now like Vicious Assassin Traders And like kind of an interesting beginning.

but I I guess it's so important and maybe this is like a good life lesson too is you have to be on your toes like nothing I mean I guess in the market and arguably within life as well. Um, nothing set in stone, nothing is going to be so incredibly static that like just the same thing is always going to work. And work. And work.

and work. Uh, it just isn't that it just is not that by any means. So you have to be willing to always learn and iterate and improve. And maybe potentially the biggest thing is being able to know when you're wrong, Being able to know when to throw in the towel and be like okay, this trade wasn't my trade.

uh, this thesis wasn't my thesis. Today's just not my day and by no means am I saying that like I'm the person to look for the for that because if you've watched me for any amount of time, you damn well know that there's times I go on till I do stupid things I break my discipline um I do all this not only to share a little bit of what I know I'm not arguing that I'm like that high up on the rungs of trading or investing I know I'm a couple runs up because I've done this for years now and I can bring you guys to my level. but my interest in doing this is well. first of all, it gets boring in trading by yourself.
but second of of all is I do this because I know there's people I'm going to learn from day over day I hope to teach you guys things but also like I learn things I learn things from all of you so it's just like I myself am interested in becoming a better Trader an investor and more knowledgeable about the market and I'm looking to just improve and continuing up and I know some of the people in here actively watching right now. You guys do that for me and like it's not just one ladder set. obviously like you can learn about crypto Futures all this options trading like technical analysis um and I just view it like that like so much of trading like I mean yes I've done all these courses I've done all I've read all these books I've done this and I've done that. The one thing I've noticed and it really struck me and I remembered I was on my couch I was living in DC it was 2017 and the biggest thing that hit me at that moment in time was so much of trading is shrouded in like I guess kind of like secrecy of like haha I figured it out and like good luck to the rest of you like very much of someone gets up the ladder and then they like they pull the ladder up behind them and that was especially in the world of mechanical trading like systematic trading.

but I could explain that later because no one like wants to get get give away their systems. uh and I didn't like that I didn't like it in the slightest and I always thought that was weird to me so I figured and I was always interested in YouTube and I always looked up to people such as like Graham Stefan Andre dick me Kevin uh Jeremy from Financial education I was like dude if I did that ever I like that they were sharing I just wanted it in the world of because they're a little bit more of investors, they're not necessarily active Traders I Always thought it would be so cool to be able to do that type of a thing. but for active Traders And that's why I do it like inherently. that's like one of the main core tenets of why I Keep doing all this with all of you is just because like I I think there needs to be more communication I think there needs to be more openness.

So those types of conversations you might agree with people wholeheartedly, you might disagree with them wholeheartedly. The point is to have a talk to Foster communication and some sort of good discussion where maybe you have the opportunity of learning something that can improve your financial situation. your Financial Health That's what this is all about. um, and some people do it and I like obviously you could charge quite a bit of money and I just thought it'd be better like I thought I could reach more by just doing it for free and streaming it to awesome places such as Rumble such as YouTube Um, it just makes it far, far easier.

Um Mike is still under Kenny's payroll. What he never worked at Citadel I Like that that concept of like just apparently everyone that disagrees with everyone. Like one of the worst things you can accuse people of is being on Kenny's payroll like a citadel shell. Uh, Citadel doesn't need to Shield themselves.
Uh, between Citadel the hedge fund and Citadel Security is the market maker they pulled in 35 Bill last year. Um, no, they don't need anyone to show for them. They're doing, uh, pretty great themselves. 35 billion billion? Uh, they're They're rocking it in rocking it into the accounts.

Um, but I am very, very curious of why things went so Haywire I don't know if it was my internet I don't know if it was my um I like my lots of confusion. Okay, Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Yo shout out to my producer Chaos. He nailed everything perfectly as I was talking. All right, we got it where we need to be, where we need to be. All right.

So anyway, yeah, shout out to True Trading Group pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video. they are going for free YouTube No payment or anything like that. Uh, they stream six days out of the week, but also, if you want access to what's going on, try it out for seven trading days for just three dollars pinned to the top of chat in the description of the video and with that being said, uh I Do want to quickly update this to, um, the locals page right here. All right, we're gonna pin this.

Uh, remember to use the code Goonie for free access for one month. Uh, Goonie? G-o-n-i-e Um, that will get you on locals. Let me just make sure that this is in here. Good thing lunch is a little bit slower.

A little bit slower gives me time to redo the things I need to do. All right. Cool, cool, cool cool. Someone said AMC is ripping.

No, it is not. AMC is up five percent which is a great gain. Great gain I'm not belittling that by any means. Uh, but that is hardly ripping.

Hardly hardly ripping. All right, we did that. Um, if you're not on, um, the Locals Community you might as well like. For all those listening right now, if you're not on locals, even the free version, you might as well do that because it's free.

Um, the the free version. You don't need a credit card or anything like that, but you might as well get on the list serve because whenever there's like big announcements I email everyone just so you know. like the numbers are this or that, or if there's a market holiday, or if we're doing some sort of fun giveaway, um, it's the best way for me to all directly message all of you. especially.

I Try to only do it like at most once a week or once every two weeks. I Don't abuse it at all. Um, what is locals? It's the private group. Uh, so think like a like a private Discord It's just this one's locals it's a competitor to Discord Um, there is a free version at an absolute minimum.

Get on the free version just so like if something's happening I could fire off emails if there's an important Market event that I think you need to know about. Um, if we're doing like a poker tournament or anything like that. The important stuff I Fire off emails and that's the best place to do it. Uh, it's pinned to the top of chat in the description in the video.
There's a premium version. Ten dollars a month or a hundred for a year I Obviously think it's worth it. Um, but if you want to test it out and see if it's for you, uh, just put in the code Goonies or Goonie G-o-n-i-e and you'll get one month for free and you can see if it's like if you like it or not. Um, but honestly, even the trade that I posted this morning like the one trade this morning would have paid for your entire year.

Uh, why did you promote AMC and turn your back on it now I Never like I Don't get this thing about promotion. do you mean covering the story? Like are you really counting? like covering the craziness of a story as promoting I Think a lot of people are just like butt hurt about it and I'm not turning my back on it at any point in time I'm covering what's going on in real time. So when there was point to be excited and explain what shorting inches and dark pools are, yeah, I covered that because that's where the interest is right now. there's almost no interest in.

AMC Adam Aaron People like I don't know who needs to hear it but like there's um I I don't like there's a bun like I'm a bag holder. Um, but I'm not going to be like a sore loser about it like just let's be honest. Adam Aaron Us Say it with me folks. Um, this is going to be the the AMC Recovery Group instead of a A we're gonna have AMC A instead of Alcohol Anonymous This is going to be AMC Anonymous And step one is just to admit reality.

Admit that Adam Aaron us all over. Start there. Let's we'll stand up. We'll say it as a group or we're gonna follow the the 12-step recovery process.

Um, and we'll get back. We'll get we'll get back to break even with good trading and investing methodologies techniques. Um, that's what it is. Uh, where's Trey he quit he couldn't handle it.

he was pump and dump. Hey I Try to. We all trust them and that's a good lesson there. I Mean this whole situation is much bigger of a loss if you don't learn anything from it.

So we've all learned more about the market. We've learned the fact that you should literally never trust the soup and this is a much more of a negative situation if you don't take anything from it I pray it comes back I'm not saying it won't come back I'm saying let's be realistic. In the short term, there's no chance of it coming back in the short term. Uh, long term I Don't know your guess is as good as mine.

Foreign? Is that what you sell? Only for option Trading Uh, I'm not quite sure do you mean for locals I post my trades in locals whether it's options Futures Crypto I Let you guys know what I'm doing. Um, so like I Took my one short this morning and I posted my entry, my exit. all that good stuff. Um, sometimes I'm training when I'm not streaming.
so I still post it there. It's like the best way just for me to stay connected with all of you. Well, at least Trey went out as not a traitor. sad mat.

How am I a traitor? Cass Leah Do you really think you know what you're talking about here? At least Trey went out as not a traitor I Mean by definition that is betraying the cause. Um, you? You don't know what a Trader means. You mean a person who's telling you the unbridled truth and opinions at any moment in time opposed to like blowing smoke up your ass. Cass I Think you're paid off now? Uh, Cass Your opinion means nothing to me because with your mindset, you are gonna blow up in the market like I care about people who have a chance of surviving and your account is going to go to zero.

You you do not have the mindset to be a Trader You don't? You're not going to survive in this game so your thoughts mean nothing to me at all. Um, you're you're gonna go to Zero like you just it's you're too rigid in your thought and you're not uh, malleable with the current situation and you just spout off weird conspiracy theories that like it doesn't matter, you're about off like you just repeat like where do people come up with this dumb damn, you were my favorite too. So sad. uh do you think perhaps I was your favorite because I was the person who was honest and told you what was going on.

Do you think like maybe there's a little something there? did you sell your AMC Nope, still have it. I mean I'm gonna go down with the ship if need be I you could see all my AMC you could see my Gme. You could see all that it's all in public, it's all publicly available. but my mindset is that of yeah the captain has to go down with its ship and I was heavily involved in it and I would feel like morally it would be really messed up for me just to like sell it.

but that doesn't mean I'm not going to tell you the truth about the current situation. So much hate yet they're in here, day, in and out. So many uh, social sites you're the man. Shout out Reuben that's so nice I feel a lot of us started winning.

Name the stock crypto I appreciate you Matt you're teaching what you know. Forget the haters. Have you done free knowledge? There's honestly not many back. I mean there's people, um, like Cass and I I want casters around like that's a crazy thing and I was just talking about this with Mike it's like I want Cass to be massively beneficial or even if we use cast like symbolically of everyone else like forecast's sake I want AMC to rip whatever she's in, whatever her positions are I want her to be successful because I I want the quote unquote Little Guys to win I'm tired of like big business and Wall Street winning and winning and winning And the average person barely getting by.
But the mindset that some of these communities have become is it's more important for them to just say that they are a devout follower of the group rather than actually winning. and I'm not gonna I'm tired of sacrificing my money for it. The amount of money that I piss away on AMC is it's astounding. I could have multiple houses right now.

my life could be way way better. Um, so it's just this like that concept of like I I don't want to let the this grow, this group and this internet culture to be more important than actually being financially successful. Um, but with that this concept of like girl show like that's just like it's stupid conspiracy theories. like if your mind is so easily tricked into believing things that are so easily disproven, you're not going to be in the market.

The market is all about critical thought and if you can get tripped up on the most basic of things of just like if somehow you can stare reality in the face and say nope, that's not reality and say dumb like was anyone ever bought off in this group in any of the Gme? AMC No, because that's stupid because if anyone was ever solicited from the likes of a hedge fund or a market maker, you turn that into the SEC and you get paid back even more money. So the fact that people can unders like see that reality and be like no, no, no, no, no, no, you're paid off. You don't have enough critical survival uh, critical thought to survive in this game. and the Market's not for everyone.

It really really isn't. Um, but if you cannot logically think through some of this like just those basic dumb things of like being paid off, you're not gonna make it and it's sad I I Want people to because I Love the market I Truly as I was alluding to with Mike, do not believe there's ever been a better vehicle created by Man for Upward Financial Mobility I Really, really don't. Um, but that doesn't mean that that particular ride is for everyone. Some people are not.

they. They just don't have what you need. The the market is not for everyone. Um, it is for everyone.

In terms of being a long-term investor, that's great. I I Think everyone on the planet with any form of disposable income should be investing in the market in the long term. That's just core great stuff. But for people who are trying to like, stick it to the hedgies and figure out complex option structures and understand systematic future training.

Let's just be honest, not everyone has what it takes. Um, all good. No biggie. We'll take my unsolicited opinion elsewhere.

You can leave. This channel has changed. Do you not see what I'm saying like at all like Cass Does it really like not strike you? You're saying it's a negative thing. As if the channel has changed.

Do you not understand the market? The winners in the market are the people who have the ability to change right there you. Your chances of success are damn near zero. If you cannot change, you do not win in the market. And right here you're acting as if it's a negative.
You you just you simply do not get if someone like all you're doing is expressing your rigidness and thought. And if you're always so hell-bent on your opinions being the right opinions You're Gonna Lose You You are 100 going to lose. You look at channels changing and people changing as a negative thing. Other people call it growth.

Other people call it a way to win in the market. You're stuck, you're a stick in the mug and you will be stuck there. So maybe the phase will come back in with your opinions and you'll be right and you'll make some money. And I want you to make money I Don't want anyone to lose money, especially retail.

but uh, you don't even realize what you're saying and how backwards it is for the market. The people who make money in the market are day in and day out. The people who can understand the situation and they ask themselves what is changing, what's the pattern and you just don't get it. You just don't get it at all.

Sometimes you just can't fix stupid. Clearly they're not understanding. Yeah, uh I would I I wouldn't call her stupid I would just say like I feel bad for her Matt your hell been on your opinion being the right one. It is the right one.

it is. If your opinion was the right one, you would be up money. But you're not up money. So I mean you I mean opinions are subjective, but returns in the market are objective.

That's the measuring stick. The measuring stick in the market is how much money are you making. You're down because you're bag holding. So clearly that's what I care about.

You can argue about opinions till you're blue in the face, but what matters is the money. Uh, whatever. It doesn't matter though. like I've been through folks when you do this for now What? two years, three years? Um I Feel bad? Uh, at one point she seemed to be a loyal supporter.

Uh, but it sounds like maybe the appropriate place for her is like just like the The Space Calls and the crazy Reddit threads that like just continue to push conspiracies and good luck I I hope it works out for I Hope AMC rips the face off of every single short I mean I want people to make money I want to make money myself. but whatever Twitter changes people. Can we still get paper shares of the stock? Actually you can. Uh, it's kind of a pain in the ass of a process, but yeah, you can get like the legitimate uh, paper shares of a company.

Do you like the wheel strategy with options? Love it, Love it, love it, love it. Uh I think the Wheel Strategies is one of the strongest options training strategies you can possibly employ. In fact, if you guys want this week, if you guys are up for it, maybe during one of the down times this week, uh I could do a whole uh wheel strategy lecture for those of you who maybe have heard it or haven't but uh, we might want to split it up into two parts. Uh, the wheel strategy is something I've studied quite a bit.
um I kind of Actually, if I found time in my life I Want to see if I can upgrade because like you can add your own like little I don't know opinions and twists and turns onto the wheel strategy to try to improve it? I've done that in the past I Kind of want to redo it, but in terms of just basically, what is it? how do you employ it? Um, it's phenomenal and I would love to teach it. Okay, we'll do that. What is today? Tuesday Uh yeah. Okay, so either Wednesday or Thursday we'll set apart like a half hour and I'll just teach you guys what the wheel strategy is.

and if you miss it, it's all right. We'll cut it and we'll just post that as an independent video as well, just in case you miss it. So if AMC rips tomorrow big time, you will be showing the stock non-stop like before and sharing on. AMC Uh, 100 because I cover what's happening I cover what's moving if AMC is not moving I'm not covering it if it is moving I'm covering it.

Uh, people like that is like that's a weird gotcha type of a thing. If things are moving, they're moving of course I'll cover it. It's a money making opportunity. That's why we're here is to make money.

It's just. it's the inverse. that's crazy is showing something that's not moving. That's like actual lunacy.

Absolutely absolute degeneracy. Ate her. Bring it back I forgot about a term. What's going on with that one dude? Look at rum Aether it is coming back I Mean it's gonna be a pump and dump I'll throw that out.

Now if you know the song, please sing along. This song is called Pump A Dump and it goes Pump down. That's the exact beat and that's actually the full song. Um, so ate.

It's going that way. Beautiful 52 Uh, gain. Today it's a penny stock it just got out of Penny Stockland It's gonna pump. It's gonna dump.

Fun active trade and if you're in it, be on your toes. But you can make money. To the upside and the downside: foreign. Why don't you buy AMC stock on occasion? Don't you think you should help the community? That helps you? Why would I buy a stock that's trending down I haven't bought AMC Well I've never bought a I was just giving ape Um, but I haven't bought AMC in a while.

Why would I buy something trending the wrong way? That's just like why don't I just go light money on fire like it all it's going down. especially right now. We know with the uh, potential conversion of ape back into AMC that just sets up the Arbitrage opportunity of AMC going down more and ape going up. That's what.

like really the most interesting active trade with AMC and ape right now is arbitrage ape up AMC down until they're at some form of a price parity. Why would I buy AMC If you think buying AMC right now is a good idea I Very much question what you've learned about the market in like the past year and a half two years. but Matt what if AMC goes up and ape keeps going up? I Would love for that to happen because that means that they can raise more money and they have over five billion dollars worth of debt and they can both go up. The point is price parity.
Um, so you would actually want ape to increase at a faster rate than AMC so they can hit a price parity. For example, AMC could go up to six dollars and so could ape. There is a scenario where you Arbitrage it and they both go up. But the idea and like, obviously if you're short AMC and long ape, you're gonna make more money.

The point is to play the differential. Uh, right now AMC is trading at 525. Ape is trading at a dollar 61. Which means that what roughly you have like a three and a half dollar 375 Arbitrage opportunity.

Uh, you're playing for Price parity. You don't care what price they meet at you, just care that they meet at a price. I'm glad this channel changed. If I want to hear someone talk about AMC for eight hours there's other channels I want to learn long-term skills and that's why I'm still here Tiffany you're the best and that's my goal is like uh I I mean I wouldn't be able to like I Talked about AMC and Jimmy for pretty much a year straight with Doge and Shiva involved.

Uh, at a certain point you just get burned out, especially when they're not doing anything well I wish they were doing nothing. In fact, they were losing me money so like it was just sad and I was like a Creator I would have been burned out. I would have ended up doing what traded and um I would have ended up quitting. um.

but the fact that I had other interests in the market besides supporting um an absolute suit like Adam Aaron it would be wildly different if I had any respect for Adam aired I Have respect for Adam Aarons and intellect 100 I Think he's smart, but just because you're smart doesn't make you moral. He saw an opportunity for himself to clear 40 mil and he did it. He's smart, that doesn't make him moral um I would have a much easier time supporting AMC if I respected Adam Aaron's morality I respect his intellect I do think he's a smart guy Uh, he just happened to use it for self-gain and that's life man. Uh, I gained 100K on AMC and lost 90k of it.

Well at least you're green I am in the red on AMC to the tune of like half a million actually more. Is it possible that Adam Aaron knows something? you don't Of course it is. I mean he's Adam Aaron He knows the company he probably knows a lot more about AMC uh than I do I would hope he does if I if I knew anywhere close to the same amount as Adam Aaron did about AMC that would be problematic. That would be a huge I I Pray he knows leagues more than I do How exactly did Adam Aaron screw you? AMC Apes Uh, he sold at one point all of the stock he possibly could.
He personally profited 40 mil. So um, that's not a good look obviously because if you believe a company's gonna go higher, you don't sell it. Um, he told the company that he's not going to dilute it and now he's literally asking for the permission to do dilute. AMC He went against the shareholders vote.

At first we said no more authorized shares because we don't want AMC Deluded. He went behind everyone's back and created ape Too deluded. Um, he's done nothing in terms of the SEC or Finra to try to look into any potential synthetic shares and a lot of people like, well we don't know. like what do you mean? Look at what's going on with Mmat.

You have the CEO of Trch and the CEO of Mmat almost on a daily basis, trying to talk to someone about the illicit things they believe going on with their company. Um, so there's many things if Adam Aaron hasn't done anything in the way of trying to get the SEC or Finland to look into things. He sold all of his own personal stock and now he has more from stock grants and he would sell it, but he can't Because of his own rule, he instituted that he has to own at least eight years worth of stock that he would get from his Equity Like my, a better question is, what has he done? All he did was donate fifty thousand dollars of his own money to the Jane Goodall Ape Foundation which was really all smoke and mirrors because he got people all excited for it and in that exact same conversation. That's one of the times they were announcing dilution.

so it's all smoke and mirrors. Uh, he's smart, devious, but smart. Good time. or wait till a couple months to invest in Tesla I'm personally waiting.

Tesla's looking good right now at 1 30. it's looking great, but I think you'll be able to snag Tesla for sub 100 at some point this year? Uh, will you sell your aim? See at a loss right now? Uh, the AMC that I have in my public account is just gonna sit there. Um, it's just gonna sit there because I think it's just like it's just a bad look. It's just a bad look.

if I get rid of it. Like let's just be honest. like the AMC world would implode if I got rid of my shares. Uh so I'm gonna hold my shares.

That doesn't mean I'm happy to hold them. but I'm holding them. Um, because I don't want anyone of my supporters to ever feel like I stabbed them in the back. So I will do what I need to do what I need to do? Okay, um, but that's what I'm doing.

You need to do what's best for you. You are in charge of your money and do what is best for your money. Uh, I'm doing what's best for my money. Um, okay.

important note: Uh, it's 12 45 I'm going to take a very quick lunch break till 1 pm. so I'm going to be in it for 10 15 20 minutes you can hang out with chair I'm gonna play some music for you I'm not turning off the stream I will be right back. just give me 10 15 20 minutes to uh, get some quick lunch and then we're going to be trading until the end of the day and hopefully post lunch. There's going to be some nice setups for us.
Um, so hang on one second. I'm just gonna get lunch and then I'll be right back. but let me actually get some music for you. Let's get some music some musica.

Musica Musica Musica All right there you go. Hang on, let's get something a little bit more exciting. This one's called Stylish Beats. apparently.

this is very, very stylish these days. Okay, I Will be right back. Foreign. What happened? Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign.

Thank you Foreign Foreign. Thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign. Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign. We are back.

Uh, waiting for this Market consolidation to do something Tesla Looks like it's Rip City Bed Bath has given up some of its gains Si's continuing to vomit. At one point it was up 20. Now it's only on 5.3 I Think it's a matter of time before this thing comes cratering down? I'm looking for an opportunity to go short. unless we get above and hold above 3.99 then I'd be looking for a long, but obviously I will let you guys know if the strategy is like firing any signals or something like that.

Maybe in the meantime let's drop everything to the 15 just to kind of better see everything that's happening throughout the day. Uh, what else is moving today? Tesla is up a beautiful 6.86 percent. Bed Bath did pop but uh I think as long as it's above 381 382 the shorts are probably in trouble SI not looking the best right now. Uh, Bed Bath is up quite a bit.

we have SI up quite a bit Tesla up quite a bit. The Spy is neutral. Uh, we have the Q slightly green, the Russell slightly red. Uh, just kind of getting out of that.

um like that lunch chop BS Um so I am in no way uh I don't have a position right now. no position at this moment in time. but hopefully between now and like 2 2 30 within the next hour, hour and a half I could layer in a good position that I would love to. Uh, just hold and see how it goes.

Love to hold it and see how it goes into clothes just looking to take advantage of a nice Trend In the meantime there are some I think some important new stuff that we should be going

2 thoughts on “Will the bull run continue?! pt.2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory Murphy says:

    Just 2.. me & you 😊

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LitLeakers says:

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