Dumb Money w/ Matt Kohrs

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Shit gets dark when you want to come up. Where did you go? You come when you leave, you never seem to be there when i need you the most getting lost in my own flow, sick thoughts, polluting my mind and when i get steep some of you come out of the sky. Tell me tell me: what is the double dude tell the homies about it, but there's never proof in the sky uplifting heaven vision! That's right! I'm on the mission vision, tripping shit, i glisten it's getting brighter. Can you see that too? I'm feeling right to it, got ta step to it, shake it like a dice.

Do it tell me what your time doing been on a piece of paper pulling me to it, to my amazement, put it on the tongue and the sound took shape half an hour in the system, and i felt real great all right through the night. I just is through the night i mama, so i am all one for april fool's jokes. I am but the joke that we're seeing in the market right now, not so funny, i'm not hahaha in into market clothes right now. So this particular joke sucks ass, which leads me on to my second topic: some people, a very select group of people - think that my joke this morning was not within good taste.

Matt. You have a following. You need to take this more seriously. Matt you shouldn't be making a thumbnail with riley reed matt matt! Don't do this, don't do that and i'm.

I am sorry. I am sorry that you are completely devoid of any level of humor and i am also sorry that i don't give a fuck as well. So you could interpret that how you want. That's that's fair.

That is 100 fair. I i just don't i don't. I don't care it made me laugh, and this is folks. This is the match.

Show it's the internet, nothing matters! It's the goddamn internet. Who cares chill out? Don't be such a big baby? Fuck man, it's a joke. It's a matt! You have a platform, you have to be more serious. No, i don't! No! I don't at all i wear duck shirts.

I wore a cat shirt because i was a tiger. I was a vr tiger. I do what i want. It doesn't matter folks.

This is 2022.. There's no rules in this game anymore. It just it simply does not matter you do whatever you want. It's it's thunderdome baby.

It is 100 thunderdome. If you say something that pisses me. Who cares? Who cares? It's? The internet? It's reddit! It's twitter! It's youtube! It's rumble! It's myspace! It's only fans, nothing! Matters anymore. It's just let it ride! Folks! You should apply that to whatever is going on here, if your manager's mad at you just tell them who cares uh? Mr smith, please step into my office hey! What's going on boss? Oh, mr smith, it seems like you're not really exactly hitting your quotas that we've set for you.

It seems, like you, spend too much time watching that that kid who i find to be particularly irksome, um on youtube and we think it's cutting into your productivity here at boring, ass inc. You know what you do. Is you talk to me and you say, hey man, it doesn't matter who gives a shit? What are you gon na do what that's that's everyone's little homework everyone's little homework over the weekend at least three times to three unique individuals, old young everything in between just say: what are you gon na? Do? No, nothing! That's the answer! It's the internet, but what are you gon na? Do nothing who gives a shit? That's that's the message of the day who gives a shit uh people take life too seriously. Honestly, it was a small small minority of people who don't know how to take a joke, but most of you just like yeah.
I know i already just like don't care. I think 94 of us were already on the same page, but to that leftover group. Take a chill pill, your cortisol levels too high that stress not good for the baby, you got ta, you got ta, keep it calmed down and when i say the baby, i i read i'm referring to me because remember i'm the one who's on the psychological tightrope Between narcissism and low self-esteem - and you don't wan na upset the baby remember this is the match. Show let's, let's, let's worry about the baby here, oh, what is going on wtd.

I feel, like the friday streams, always get away from me. I really do, and i've talked to my team about it: they're like okay, like haha, it's a good joke, but like maybe we could keep the friday streams a little bit like more together, a little bit more cohesive and something about friday and then friday afternoon. I just go so far off the rails, like there's no point in like even attempting to be like oh we're, gon na, like i just i don't something about it. I think it's just like the full week and then it's just like all right time, like i'm good monday to thursday, i can keep it together, but then, by the time i get to friday, you just let it rip.

Look at this kid he's such a narcissist. Welcome welcome to the show all right. Where are we do? I have the duck shirt yeah the duck shirts right there, i'm always i'm never that far away from the duck shirt. Today i have the duck shirt and the cat shirt for just just two just to protect us at all costs.

All right. Where are we? Where are we? I should switch over to this um. You have a team yeah, it's my multiple personalities like i just sit there in a white room in one of those like suit things, and i just like talk to all my other all the other corners of my brain. This is the streaming mat hey.

How about we talk about the market? What do you want christopher? What do you want? What do you want me to tell about actually hey christopher? I was about to say something, but you actually reminded me: we do have something to say about the market. The house of representatives passes landmark marinero legalization bill time to talk about devil's lettuce, the wacky tobaccy jazz, cabbage, the gateway drug to bad bad drugs. The house passed legislation friday that would legalize marijuana nationwide, eliminating criminal penalties for anyone who manufactures distributes or possesses the substance. In addition to decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level, the bill would establish procedures for expunging previous convictions from people's records and impose attacks on the sale of cannabis products.
The one there's various things i want to say about this, but the one thing i want to say the bill would establish procedures for expunging previous convictions, procedures for expunging previous convictions. I feel like we waste too much of our tax dollars on dumb shit, like that. I really really do think about this. We have now paid our government to piss away time, making marijuana illegal.

We've paid our government to piss away time to prosecute all these people. For it now we're paying them a third time to make it legal and what we're gon na pay them a fourth time to establish procedures for expunging previous convictions. Listen send me ten dollars on venmo and i'll. Tell you the procedure.

You just basically say: hey you're. In jail for what and they say, a marijuana related offense and you say: okay, cool, you're, no longer in jail, bye, see ya or if there's something on your record, and it has marijuana in the reasoning for being on your record. You just you just backspace that line you highlight it and you you hit backspace right there boom. I, i came up with the procedure and i just thought about that right now.

The fact that we're going to quadruple pay our own government, like our government, is taking on the exact same business model as apple, create the problem, sell the solution, that's a fascinating business model. I love it. I really really do i feel like they have a little pow-wow all these people in congress they're like all right. How can we fuck things up to such a degree that they need to keep us around here to just try to fix it later, even though we made the problem, it's a beautiful business model.

Folks write this down. Do you don't go to college today? If someone is studying business, don't go to class; this is professor coors. You want to succeed in business, create the problem, sell the solution, that's what you got to do at one point in college. This is a very, very real story.

I was fixing iphones, that's how i paid for some of my bills in college. I learned how to fix iphones. I bought all the gear to fix iphones and i fix iphones because there's like apparently a lot of people in college that get drunk and break their phones. So i was a kid that would fix it and hey that's a it's good, but then i thought about it.

I was like how can i make this business better and i never did if, i'm being honest, i'm not this cool of a kid, but i wish i were. I wanted to pay my friends to break people's phones because i was like. Ah i that's the problem. I'm the solution, i just need more of the problem, so for any of you interested in business.
That's what you need be. The problem sell the solution, and now we can listen to this old guy. This landmark legislation is one of the most important criminal justice reform bills in recent history. According to house speaker, nancy pelosi said in remarks on the floor.

Tuesday does no one see the absurdness in this. This landmark legislation is one of the most important criminal justice reform bills in recent history. Listen fucker, you're, reforming yourself, they're standing there as if they're taking on some big social thing. It's congress that made it illegal they're like patting themselves on the back they're like we just did so good, like we crushed it team yo congress party, like are we partying on the west wing tonight like we crushed it they're acting like they did so so good.

They made the problem. They are literally just fixing their own problem. They're like oh. I can't imagine how many shoulders are getting dislocated, because they are patting themselves very, very hard on the back they're like we just.

We really deserved our six-figure paycheck this week, like we really did like we crush it like chill out house you're, literally doing the bare minimum for the shit that you cost. This wasn't. This wasn't like an oil spill and then all of a sudden they're, like some company steps up and they're like we're, going to fix it, we're going to clean up the ocean like we. We got to do it because it's the right thing to do like dude.

It's your problem, fucking. What congress congress is amazing senate is amazing, speaking of senate. That's where this is going next, it will go to the senate and then, if it gets past the senate, it will then go on to the president of the united states so and it'll most likely pass there. The real thing is going to be the senate so pay attention if this goes to senate.

But who knows when they're going to listen to it, because it's tough to get to all the things when you only work half an hour a week, just functionally, if you believe in the linear nature of time it's it's tough to fit in a 40 hour work Week within 30 minutes, so they just end up pushing it out a lot and a lot and and then even more past that so i wouldn't hold your breath on them like getting to this in a in a quick manner. But just just an idea - and i just came up with this one, so i don't want any of you stealing it from me. What, if just hear me out just if someone has a pen and paper, if you guys want to write this down what if we attach this bill, uh a little bit of pork barrel in here a little bit of pork barrel? You know pork barrel type of stuff, like let's just sneak this one on in here. What if this was a little thing that was snuck into raising their pay? What, if we say, hey congress, pay, increase, act right and then we just make this it like.

Let's just sneak it right in there i'd be willing to bet any amount of money that they would vote on it next week. Any amount of money right there. Let's just sneak it in, let's make it a little piece of pork barrel. Let's just call it the congress pay increase act, damn i need to get paid for this stuff.
The fact that i'm giving this out for free folks, i think the marijuana lobbying they need to pay. This is a great idea. Imagine if i just thought about it. For more than five seconds where i could get with this, just attach it to a pay increase bill, we'll we'll get the results next week, all right! So thank you, christopher you and your sassy attitude on this friday afternoon.

I do appreciate you for reminding me that i had something to speak about what else do we have to speak about amc short interest? 20.66 percent? There was a net borrow of one milli against it today, gme short interest at 22.5, with a net borrow of a quarter milli against it. Today, crypto is starting to look hot and, what's particularly looking very hot, is solana currently trading at 137, and if you want yourself, some solana go check out, blockfolio or ftx or whatever your favorite crypto platform is because solana is looking like a hottie with a body. The market we saw a recovery. Now it's selling off same in the queues, amc and jimmy i mean this is this - is just i'm just straight up, not having a good time with them.

Right now i mean g and me i had such high hopes for it. Today i had the highest of hopes down two percent on the day, amc's down 5.5, so maybe we'll get lucky with some sort of recovery. Amc is showing some strength right now. Maybe it comes back up to this area of consolidation.

That'll be a clear test: 23 65-ish, 70-ish uh gme as well, but it's just we're not seeing that volatility. I guess people are just calling it like an early week in early week. What else do we have rip? Petrodollar, hello, weed dollar uh? What else do we have going on? Hang on? Sorry, i missed some of these whoa stop the phone. We got some fat super chats super chat.

Matt! Please come right on down. It looks like some people want to talk to you. Well. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What do we have here? These are enticing to say the least david coming in with that fat 49.99.

I've learned so much from you, trey, tmi and others, and just wanted to say thank you. The interview with dave was awesome, keep it up david. I appreciate that so much and i'm sure i could speak for trade tmi and others that we all appreciate it. Those are some awesome, awesome, vibes and then nz topping them out by a cent a fat fitty here, hey matt, bro, it's sam.

You changed my life. My guy check out dm on twitter nft plug i'm the director of marketing. Now for a gaming franchise led by the gta og creators, including tony harmon, i appreciate that all right i'll be looking out nft plug. Let me i'm going to forget that let me write this down.
I flipped my aimc into making an nft business and made 50k. This year, no employees without monetization my media, my 10 media assets, here's some money back for being a g. That is crazy. Let me write this down at nft.

Let me just make sure i'm spelling this properly nft plug, but it's not just a plug. It's a one. I like that uh chop shot matt, you rock no chop shock, you rock i'm just i'm just i'm just a guy, i'm just a little duckling that found a camera mullen mullins on the move. Mullin alert, what's going on there whoa mullen, is waking up trying to get back above three.

Well, as we go into close, how would i possibly pull this off uh wait? Can i switch this? What happens do i do this? I really hope i don't mess this up, but i might i'm not the best with this animation thing, so let me think about how i would do it. So if i switch it to here and then i open this, hang on hang on hang on hang on uh um, i think. Can you guys see me right now, i'm back to the tiger right, let's see what else we have in here whoa! Oh, i'm a scary shark rawr all right. Well, no, i'm actually not that scary of a shark.

It looks like they gave me a freaking toy. Am i a shark with a toy? What that's not even that scary, all right! Let's go to something! That's actually scary! Oh now i'm a big bad werewolf. Oh i'm an angry dog. I don't like the moon or i do like the moon.

I don't know something err, i'm a moon, i'm i like ooh, i'm a velociraptor. Oh i'm, a big lizard. I like the stock market and i'm a big lizard god. Where are all? Why don't i have friends i need counseling? Have you ever seen a velociraptor left? This is like a velociraptor corporate laugh.

Those are great sales numbers, mr smith, where's, the teaching segment. This is the teaching segment all right. What else do we have? In this frank, the bound brown bear hang on now we're just a a brown bear. That's hit like a midlife crisis.

It's just like yeah, the the divorce isn't going so well, i'm just a little bit of a sad bear. Um, i'm frank: the brown bear all right. What else do we have in here? Uh? Oh, this is gon na make some people mad, i'm just i'm just the eggplant. This shit is too funny holy fuck.

Why did they make this fucking eggplant no way? This is too much honey. How are the markets today? What did matt say he was a fucking eggplant, oh man, okay, what else do we have in here? Don't know if i'm gon na be able to top an eggplant all right. How do i now switch off of this hang on disable? We're gon na kill this all right. Now, i'm a frozen eggplant all right, we're back! That was too funny.

I can pee an eggplant, that's just so wild. What will they think of? Next? Has technology gone too far next on live with kelly and matt? Has technology gone too far? We will be interviewing a lead financial streamer who found out. He can turn himself into an eggplant. Will this have implications on your 401k stay tuned after our commercial from pfizer? What do we have really an eggplant saying, wait, wait.
What is this really an eggplant thing? I don't want to go over the top, hey happy friday, buy yourself some edibles and chill this weekend. Remember indica is into couch. Sadly folks. This is this.

Is it sober? This is i'm sober as a freaking bird right now this is just my life. I prefer the eggplant matt help me understand this. If i sell a cover call and then the price exceeds the strike, do i owe extra, or am i only obligated to give up 100 shares at the agreed-upon strike price, jerry, the latter uh? The second part you understand it correctly. Eggplant for president birds aren't real, say something: that's, i think, we're all.

On the same page, there there's no way birds are real. They they just don't even make sense that eggplant does look thick. I have too much fun. Hey folks, make sure you find me on myspace we're trying to boost those numbers over there salon is that one third solana's still ripping.

Oh, oh solana solana's, like i said, pretty hot thick plant cores hashtag flatbirds and he wonders why charles casparino won't come on his live stream. Yeah blows my mind whenever i think about it. I think matt took his house bill two series: oh man, oh man. What a day, what a week, what are we up we're at three minutes? We have 180 seconds to reflect on the week.

I hope everyone had a good week. Maybe we should pay play some think about three three minutes for three gratitudes. I myself am granted grateful. We should all express these gratitude, but i'm grateful for all of you.

I very very much am uh. This is fun. This is such a blast like these communities that you could build. I don't know this: our community, the moon game community and our little secret corner of the internet.

Here you guys are always just vibing and i like it. I like messing around with you guys you're fun uh. What's the second, oh i'm obviously grateful for cappuccinos. Why would i not be that's crazy? So that's gratitude number two.

What's gratitude number three, what should we all be grateful for honestly this particular week, i'm pretty grateful for ryan cohen. He like it. It's just like such a fuck you to all the shorts and the consulting companies. He cracks me up the way he uses his twitter same, like elon musk, like those guys like the way they hit back against people that you're like not supposed to hit back against uh.

I really appreciate that, but i guess that's kind of what you get when you're a billionaire there's really no like rules on life anymore. I feel i'm grateful for the gap. Daddy, i'm grateful. I was able to escape from that dark pool very, very grateful.

Matt. I had made a cover, call contact for a year out and received my premium that got freaked out when i saw lost potential unlimited. No, no, no, there's lost potential. You don't have unlimited loss potential on a covered call.
Your biggest risk is minimizing your profit as in. If it goes in the money, you don't, if you're selling a covered call your biggest yeah. Once again, your biggest risk is minimizing your profit, not a maximum loss, and even when you buy a caller put, your maximum loss is the only thing that really has mac, like unlimited loss is going short, even when, if you buy a stock going to zero, buy A call going to zero buying a put going to zero selling a put selling a put. You would be on the obligation to buy it off of them.

Maybe there no, but for a covered call. Your maximum loss is not unlimited. You just you, know yeah. You would lose your shares at the strike price.

All right. Where are we at? We are 10 seconds until ding, any ding ding ding the first day of the quarter, the last day of the week, the first day of the month, what a time to be alive a happy april fool's day to all of you. The casino is closed. It is closed.

It is closed. It is closed. I hope all of you listening right now have an absolutely beautiful weekend. I hope you get some r and r with some family friends and hey.

If you don't like your family and friends, i hope you have a fun solo weekend. I appreciate all of your time, even if you spent a second with me honestly seriously. It means the world to me. I hope you have a good one.

I will be posting some content over the weekend, i'll be streaming over the weekend on the crypto channel on sunday and then i'll catch you all back here monday morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

What there's a lot of spamming there matt our amc, 24 calls already hedged. For probably it depends on the expiration date um, but overall, thank you. I appreciate it i'll catch you over the weekend, i'll catch you on monday, i'll just catch you in the next video hope you have a good one. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Peace out. You.

25 thoughts on “Wtf”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave beckett says:

    Dude you literally go off on Fridays 😆 love it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiBird says:

    LMFAO, made my day Matt… thanks for all that you do and enjoy your weekend!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Percy The Perfect Dachshund says:

    There never has been any rules

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles osborne says:

    Cannabis was legal until the early mid 30s

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Santos says:

    Pretty sure Matt was drunk

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robby Calkins says:

    You should actually make all your thumbnails with reily reed

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Vaval says:

    🤣 🤣 😂 I knew it was coming.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph ramirez says:

    Sorry the heart was an accident

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Noble says:

    Yay it will be nice to get my marijuana conviction off my record 🤩

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph ramirez says:

    I thank you for all you have done 💘🤙

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph ramirez says:

    Cool 😎 you do you boo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars caleb allen says:

    I liked it Matt, sorry for the bitchin you have to hear.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa's Peace Of Art says:

    I love the shark, that bear was High AF

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim P says:

    theyre never going to take us seriously lol a fn eggplant

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthewcast81 says:

    have a great weekend moon gang, trimmed some options at a loss today not a great day to be an ape, lame lame lame, sorry for those who lost like me today

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo's LoopHoles says:

    Its all trivial in the grand eye view of 🌷 trading

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarah Noble says:

    Where did you get the cat shirt? I need it!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Sinnes says:

    I was only around for about 30 minutes or so but I enjoyed the tiger avatar.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Shipman says:

    😂 love it. The humor was needed.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Allen Grove says:

    We need more Tiger Fridays. That was funny stuff!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reepix says:

    Please do the next stream entirely as an eggplant 🤣

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Arturo says:

    1st rule: You do not talk about Fight Club

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reepix says:

    for months and months everybody's wanted to meet your girlfriend and now this is the thanks you get… pffft

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n lars says:

    Periodically, just gotta shake off the haters, lol. Real ones get it

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Stutzman says:

    I thought it was hilarious!!! No need to apologize

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