YouTube Is Collapsing
The Matt Kohrs Show
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I'm making no claims I'm not promoting any misinformation because I'm not promoting any information beyond the fact that, in my opinion, free speech is currently being trampled on. Let's talk about the craziness that is going on in the world of the markets, politics, and also content creation. and as of now, it currently centers around: Pfizer I Wish this video had a little bit more of an upbeat, positive tone, but in reality this is a story of a multi-head Hydra Where you have big Tech almost Big Wall Street Big Politics all coming in together and you're seeing almost like kind of crowds control psychology. You're seeing greed. You're seeing basic infringements on our First Amendment rights here in the U.S and in all centers around this. So as of this morning Pfizer reported their earnings and I'm talking about Tuesday January 31st depending on when you're watching this. Pfizer shares slump three percent after giving downbeat 2023 sales Outlook a mid-week Rona vaccine sales I Honestly don't know if I could say that word because recently I've been talking about this on YouTube and guess who got in serious trouble with YouTube And a special shout out if you're watching this on Rumble because at least I know I can freely speak there. So the fact that Pfizer's down I think good I Think really that they can go f themselves. So to give you guys a little bit more detail before we get into the meat of this story, here's what you need to know: Pfizer expects 2023 sales to decline by as much as 33 compared with record-breaking 2022 record breaking. this should be concerning. You have to understand the amount of money that they made off selling this vaccine. Pfizer Forecast 67 billion to 71 billion in 2023 and that's the low number that's them dropping off. That's a significant drop from over a hundred billion in Revenue the company booked in 2022. You have to understand stand the size of the numbers here because this is exactly why Pfizer can strong arm themselves into any situation by themselves. Creditability not only with media and advertising, but also with politicians. In one year when they're taking in a revenue of a hundred million and even Quote Unquote bad years, when you're dropping, you're still talking about 70 billion dollars. The reason I'm bringing this up is because when you see the numbers and start to understand the true size of them, it's very easy to wrap their head around of why they are so pervasive. And if you're saying that we just have to rely on the leadership team and the board and the people running. Pfizer To be Quote Unquote good people, That's scary. This is a lot of money where they buy themselves a lot of power, a lot of influence, and if need be, they can buy bad stories just being swept under the rug. And in my humble opinion, that's going on right now. So in case you missed it a couple days ago, project Veritas released videos of them talking to a person who was working at Pfizer Now if I'm being completely forthcoming with you, especially because of YouTube I don't know if I can show this I don't know if I can talk about it recently I Just reacted to the video I'm no doctor I reacted to it because it was a viral video I will show you exactly where I got in trouble. But just so you know, this all started with Project Veritas I'm not going to play the video I'm not making any claims YouTube whatsoever about Rona I'm making no claims I'm mainly explaining how YouTube Google is acting as big brother in this situation and it's a very orwellian situation that we have going on that I think should scare a majority of us. So to quickly wrap your head around this, this is a quick breakdown I Want to listen to a minute of Tucker Carlson's comments on the current situation and then I want to explain how it impacted me. A person who just talks about markets and I give no thoughts or opinions on vaccines or anything like that I Think you're an adult I Think you could do your own research I Think you could do what is appropriate for you, your family, your life and yet here I am still in hot water with Big Brother Tech Project Veritas Posted a video last week of a Pfizer executive called Jordan Walker admitting that the company is conducting what appear to be dangerous experiments. He suggested they were dangerous to manipulate coronaviruses to make them more lethal and then hiding that from the public seemed like a huge story. He also suggested that Pfizer wasn't worried about this because they own the regulators, but the national news media assiduously on purpose ignored the story. No one mentioned it on any other television network. Daily Mail ran a story on it today and God bless them Google which, like the TV networks, takes a lot of money from Pfizer pulled the video off YouTube on the grounds it was vaccine misinformation though there was no misinformation in it and today Pfizer admitted that 48 hours after the video came out, they finally admitted that it was real in a state. Okay, so that's a good breakdown. High-level tldr of what's going on and I have more information to show you. But to the YouTube overlords who are probably circling around this video right now thinking, should we crush this kid I'm making no claims I don't care I'm not promoting any misinformation because I'm not promoting any information beyond the fact that in my opinion, free speech is currently being trampled on. That's all I'm saying I'm not talking about Jabs or vaccines or roner or any of that. like I said, people are adults. They can do their own research I'm talking about how right now Regulators Need to seriously look into these big Tech platforms? We already know. We already know all the conspiracies about Twitter Now that Elon's in control, the conspiracies were actually true, the conspiracies about meta AKA Facebook and kind of stomping out stories. Well guess what? their act actually true. This is so crazy. But anyway, to better showcase what Tucker Carlson was saying here right after the video came out right here January 27th This is Pfizer's official response: Pfizer has not conducted gain of function or directed Evolution research. But and then if you just read this, most of this work is conducting using computer simulations or mutations of the main protase a non-infectious part of the virus Most not necessarily all, but most in a limited number of cases. When a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells. So basically, this is kind of like the exact same way when I believe it was Jack Dorsey of Twitter when in front of Congress and they're like, no, no, we're not Shadow Banning people And how could he get away with that lie? It's because just internally, they called it something else, they called it debusting. That's where we're at. This is the legal loopholes that they're finding these massive big tech companies. These massive Pharma companies is they're like, well, we just call it something different. So if you're accusing us as that, we don't do that. But we, uh, we're kind of doing that exact same thing. We just happened to call it something different. That's crazy. So once again, the project Veritas video I just showed it because why not show a video of someone smashing an iPad But in reality, it got me in trouble. In fact, it got me in this much trouble. hi Matt Cores Our team has reviewed your content and unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy. We remove the following content from YouTube once again. I Talk about Stocks I Talk about Crypto I Talk about Futures I Talk about options and I share random stories about my life here in New York The video mark S Rip higher, higher and higher Me talking about the overall market and stocks ripping got me in trouble with medical misinformation. Are you kidding me? I Didn't tell anyone to get shots I didn't tell anyone to not get shots. That's not my place I'm not a doctor I Haven't done enough research to publicly speak on it, but what I can speak on is the fact that big Tech is going out of their way to silence anyone who is not saying exactly exactly what you want them to say. We know that this might be disappointing, but it's important for us and YouTube is a safe place for all. If content breaks our rules, we remove it. If you think we've made a mistake, you can appeal it and we'll take another look. Keep reading for more details. Of course I repealed it and of course the appeal is going to get rejected. and right here. this is the exact issue that I got in trouble with: YouTube doesn't allow claims about Ronin 19 vaccines that contradict expert consensus from local Health authorities or the World Health Organization I I didn't make any content about that I didn't make any claims I Reacted to a video where a guy was interviewing someone who works at Pfizer and he was making the claims that dude should be the dude that YouTube has a problem with and Pfizer has a problem with their only employee I made no claims I'm not in the position to make those claims. This is insanity. Someone working at Pfizer made claims that Pfizer wasn't happy with. They used some of their 100 billion in revenue from one year to flex their power over Big Tech Big media and this is the world we live in. This is serious this. This is absolutely wild. and yes, of course more information has come out. This is breaking I Guess like urgent guidance that was breaking and someone sent it from YouTube Google and they sent it to Project Veritas so you can actually read internally. Here's the memo that like things went down: Urgent Guidance Project Veritas Video on the Pfizer vaccine and this happened obviously on January 27th. so not that long ago. a clip uploaded by Project Veritas featuring Pfizer uh official is rapidly spreading on the platform. The video when uploaded is its entirety, contains the timestamp that violates the Runa 19 Vaccine Minutes information policy for making a categorical Claim about Ronin 19 vaccines are ineffective So that's why I'm not making that claim. It's basically the dude who works at Pfizer was kind of suggesting that and like, yeah, you could play like a little bit and you can he and Han like, what was he saying what was he not saying? That's what I'm saying, those you're an adult, listen to it, you come up with their own breakdown of it. You're smart enough to take in this information kind kind of dissolve it. boil it down and know what is useful and what isn't YouTube doesn't think that way And they think that because someone filmed someone working at Pfizer who is making a claim, everyone's taken down, including me. Um, so unless it can claims Edie Essay: CRC I looked up EDSA It stands for educational, documentary, scientific artistic. so I thought me just doing commentary was acceptable. but I don't know why I'm in trouble in all reality. Confirm the following: violative timestamp: the fact that vaccines are ineffective against the virus variants. That's what people have issues with. uh, or that's what YouTube has issues with once again. I did not say it. Check the four corners for metadata. So basically I guess there is a way to get around with it and if it's not there you get a strike. But if you have all these things trying to say like hang on, here's my proof for that proof. Whatever, it's just wild. So anyway, leak stuff and I don't know project Veritas sent this off. The video is still popular on Twitter so shout out to Elon for letting it rip and letting people come to their own conclusions. And whether you are interpreting this to be like Pro or anti-virus that's not what I'm here to talk about. Pro or anti-vaccine is probably the best way to word that. That's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm just here to talk about that. We have the constitutional right to talk about whatever we want to talk about. that's something afforded to you being an American I should be able to talk about whatever I want to talk about and in this very specific case, I wasn't doing much talking I was reacting to a viral video, I was making no claims and then yet here we are with big Tech Big Brother most likely in the pocket of Pfizer if I had to throw out a wild guess, just really exuding their power in a way that they seem fit that I would say is not only hyper immoral and bad for the fabric of society, but here we are where it's just like, isn't that straight up illegal I get that they have their terms of service, but I think they're playing fast and loose with their own rules and their own TOS Like it just simply does not make sense to me. Obviously if there's any updates on this, I'll let you know. But more importantly, maybe I'm just wrong. Maybe I'm a little too close to this because it was my channel that was impacted. but if you're watching this, am I right? or am I wrong? Seriously like maybe I'm too close. Maybe I can't see the forest from the trees. some weird saying or situation like that. Maybe I'm just maybe not mature enough or not understanding it. and maybe I don't know I would love to get your thoughts and maybe see a little bit of a different Viewpoint or is this maybe I'm right on it? Maybe I'm right and this is straight up disgusting I Don't know. Let me know your thoughts in a comment.

28 thoughts on “Youtube is collapsing”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Reid says:

    Yikes, we need to fight back

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie G says:

    The American Constitution doesn't provide these rights it forbids them being restricted. These are rights every human has been endowed with by the creator.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soullessrider says:

    You youtubers nee3d to understand that phizor burned their name and became taboo on social media due to the amount of pharma spam that revolves around their industry,. You are fighting the solution to a serious problme that happened starting in the 90's. They got blackballed and rightly so. Without looking at the whole story of why I can understand your point of view, but I was fighting those spammers at everyones internet way back when so you don't want to hear my opinion of your opinion, it's not polite. fuck pharma and everyone that spams it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Barlin says:

    George Carlin said it best in the 70's. It's a BIG club, and you will never be in it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlee Beatz says:

    The people are waking up to the simulation.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars runescapekill3r says:

    couldn't care less, you sold out the apes, bye

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jays22b says:

    matts getting banned agin , come on matt you have played these guys before and called them out. Luv u from australia

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jays22b says:

    dropping a 2nd comment blank just for fun. cause your right and this maybe best way i can help
    You said the P word agains bro

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jays22b says:

    Matt said the H word Hydra , WOW , Now u need a tin foil hat like me. I think they call them the A word now. Had to comment cause you said the P word live on youtube .

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. M. says:

    Actually, initially the FBi was 'suggesting' what should be allowed, then they had bimonthly meetings, then biweekly, daily and last I heard a full time team of FBI agents have a backdoor method to sensor.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. M. says:

    Their goal is to get everybody to self-censor, and that in itself is scary. Shhh I've said to much already.

    Social credit scoring

    I'm not allowed to say that.



  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. M. says:

    YouTube gone downhill since Google took it over, just like the Google search engine that no longer gives the results your searching for.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig5233 says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Middle Coast Noel says:

    The thing about Big Pharma is that the American taxpayer funds their research, then the company patents the resulting medication and sells it back to us at a huge markup.

    Nationalize the healthcare industry already!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Rodriguez says:

    Great video Matt !πŸ˜¬πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cecilyt006 says:

    Cringe watching you justify and plead YT/G like a little Biatch not to pull you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flurbius says:

    wtf – pfizer saved the world from the pandemic – are they not allowed to make money?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Real Conker says:

    No. You are collapsing

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iceavelli says:

    Damn man stay safe

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Gromada says:

    You simply aren't mature enough to understand it πŸ˜‚

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali says:

    are we going to die !!!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars renegadewad3 says:

    You are right βœ…οΈ

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Opanasevych says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC Cray Cray says:

    Tucker Carlson is paid to fuck with you period. His defense in court is any who believes me is a moron… that's his defense when he gets sued. So WTF kohrs

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FordMoorePerformance says:

    You're right πŸ‘

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 937dtd says:

    YouTube sucks πŸ€

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Morse says:

    YouTube creators should pick a date have all viewers stop watching YouTube for 5 days. Can’t have ad revenue without viewers. We forget we have the power someone just had to have the balls to start it

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr. jozo says:

    I wouldnt let Tucky Car son putting me out if I was on fire.

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