Dumb Money Ep. 18
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Hello, hello, hello, welcome to friday afternoon or who knows maybe it's your morning, maybe it's your afternoon. Maybe it's your evening. Maybe it's your night. I have no clue, but i do know i have on a cool duck hat just in case just in case.

We need a duck hat, you never know. You never know when you need a good rain duck hat so good vibes only. You know what actually might get us really going for this afternoon session. Hang on one! Second, hang on one.

Second, i think this will get uh. This will get people ready, and here we go here we go. Is the volume going to be good? I want to make sure i could hear it. I want to make sure i could hear it.

Let's get us: let's, let's get us going there, we go hey friday, friday, music day, you guys know how it is. We got ta teach you that we make dumb amounts of money, so we don't mind it when you call us that's ironic, that they talk fundamentals while they're pockets, please just to fundamentals: no bots, no shills, no fud accepted when you address the apes and the different Messages our favorite breakfast is a tasty dip. Every red candle always leaves a wick that consolidates for just a little bit. We draw rocket ships and watch it rip.

We came about the jungle, we ain't scared to be broke, we're just a bunch of dumb guerrillas. Why? You mad at us bro because we made your game stopping now with the stars of the show. We take aim see the moon, that's where the apes wan na go. I said someone call ask that hedgie, where my money at failure to delivers, come and do.

But you can't get him back when margin gets a call and until you better answer that green boom candles to the moon and we ain't coming back potter, lay emc tilly share is worth 100. That's from martian xtg a message to hedgie. You can find that on youtube, just we're setting the tone for friday it's friday. Folks, let's have a bit of a good time.

We don't have to take life so seriously. You don't have to take life so so seriously right we're here for a good time. We're not here for a long time. You know all right uh.

Let me give you the quick updates on the day, a couple things to go over for this afternoon session. First of all, according to ortex, a net return of 1.11 million shares on amc, and yet the short interest is still hanging out at 15.2 percent gme. This is a very considerable net change. Betting against gme.

This is very, very sizeable because remember it has a far smaller flow. I mean right here. The shares on loan when we started off today was at uh 13.86 percent, and that was at 8 million. We jumped up by another million today, bringing us to roughly 9.2 short interest, huge jump and went up 12 today on a relative basis, putting us at 15.61 on gme, very, very, very considerable right now.

Gme is trading at 159, most likely just because there was a huge amount of selling related to it. Amc trading just below 37 down 3 on the day, while gme is down 3.3 7. On the day in we like once, we went into that midday consolidation leading to now uh, just strange stuff, going on very, very strange stuff um and we've seen this type of stuff happen on fridays. I think friday i mean low low volume, we're at 39 million on amc, we're at 1.58 million on gme, just really not an incredible amount of stuff going on uh between these two.
It seems like it's just a classic friday. Summertime thing happening um. Somehow robin hood went green on the day, we're up at 36.09, it's still below its ipo price at 38, but right now, trading at just above 36 up 30 had a something happened right past 12., around 12, 12, 15 uh. It just really started to pop um.

Very, very interesting, very, very interesting uh. What's everyone going on with chat uh? What's the story with stonko tracker, stonko tractor, it's accurate tractor tracker uh, it's accurate, but remember it only is using one data source, one data source and that's it. It's using information from interactive brokers, which is one prime brokerage, so it's accurate. It's just a very small portion of the overall picture: um uh, one trillion uh in the reverse repo yep.

I was saying that huge, reverse repo. Remember that really, that has not much to do that's more of an overall economy thing they're trying to take money out to help battle inflation! That's not commentary on like amc itself or gme, reverse repos repos themselves! Don't ever really deal with a individual company. They deal with the market at large, so huge amount of reverse repos. If this is your first time hearing about it, basically they are giving bonds to the big banks.

The big banks are giving money back to the federal reserve they're trying to get money out of the system to lessen the money supply, slow down money velocity just to really batter battle. Excuse me battle this inflation thing that we have going on because, right now it's not as bad, i guess as they were expecting it. That was one of the things i was commenting on this morning, but i mean inflation's still above their two percent thing and they're, saying that it's transitory as in temporary, but like a lot of other people, are saying yeah we don't, we don't really buy that one Um, so reverse repo huge amount, one trillion dollars, but uh. I don't know if i would personally make that mental leap to think at, like, i really don't think, has anything to do with amc or gme specifically ape app slinging pop at the financial establishment, while making some wicked attendees may have some hedge funds and etfs are Buying mass amounts of amc: why are we still getting beaten down? Are they buying on a dark pool? Why wouldn't they buy it on a lid exchange, so the price reflects the price always reflects um.

I guess i shouldn't say ooze, but the price in general reflects it doesn't um. I don't know who this is from hang on. Let me uh mike mike very, very important - and i've explained this before, but i understand that there's new apes and i need you guys to understand this. It's a very, very important aspect of just how our market works in general.
For every buyer, there is a seller for every seller. There is a buyer. If you buy 10 someone's selling you 10. If you sell five, someone is buying five off of you, you are not buying from the ether and you are not selling into the ether.

So your question about hedge funds and etfs: it doesn't matter where they buy if they buy on a lid exchange if they buy it on dark pool. If they buy from a market maker, it's all most likely going to impact the price. There are certain, i guess, exceptions in this scenario, but it's not something you really need to. I guess like concern yourself with, because when they're buying someone is selling it to them and it does impact the overall supply and demand um.

I i don't know where this got started, that somehow trading on a dark pool has no impact on the price. I don't know where that got started, but it is patently incorrect. Um, if you're hearing that, if you hear from me, you don't have to trust me, don't don't like if you're like, hang on like matt, that's not cool! It's not like really making me feel good about my confirmation, bias, um, that's fine, but go out and find another source, then that um actively and it should not be social media and i'm not i'm. I mean i'm on social media folks we're on social media right now.

We're on youtube. I'm saying find some sort of legitimate source that tells you buying and or selling on a dark pool does not impact the price now uh before everyone gets like all up in arms about this, am i saying that dark pools are good? No, i don't think it's good that a bunch of trading a high majority of trading is done in by definition, a less regulated environment, i'm last night alone on fox, i was speaking out against payment for order flow. I am not a fan of that. I think we should get rid of it.

Do i think payment for order flow in connection with dark pools hurts price discovery. Yes, i do. I think it hurts price discovery. I am saying literally just this one sentence does buying and or selling on a dark pool impact the price of a stock.

Yes, it does. There is no way you can go through the stock market system and not impact it, especially if you're talking about a considerable size of shares being exchanged. You at that point, you're literally just defying laws of supply and demand. Can you influence them as a market maker or some other large competitor in your favor yeah, of course, but this concept of just like getting away completely scot-free and buying and or selling like, let's say, like a million shares, met, that's going to be seen in price Action all of a sudden, if someone out there and i don't care it - doesn't matter if it's a dark pool a lit exchange, a market maker.
If someone hits the buy button on a million shares, you will see a jump in price. If someone hits the sell button on a million shares, you will see a drop in price. You can't get away from that. There are certain influences, you can do in certain loopholes, but it's um.

It's not completely changing the game. It's just small influences here and there uh that i guess like could be used to be a bit more advantageous. Um, like i said overall, i don't know who first pitched this concept, but it's just wrong. Any market professional will tell you that if you're buying or selling it doesn't matter, the venue that price will be impacted, you're gon na be able to see it when it comes through you're gon na see it on the ticker tape.

They're all reported um. I think the two systems you need to look up are sip and tnf um. There's a couple of those tnf actually i'll. Go into that.

I think that's a good learning point for us. That's what we could talk about today, um, but oh, i don't know. If f uh hang on hang on hang on hang on all right, i think i'm back. I think i'm back.

I just hit a quick refresh um. I don't know where oop is it refresh refresh? I think i'm live. I don't know: what's going on with youtube here, refreshing, it's good. I think i'm back.

If you just hit a quick refresh, i think i should be good um. I don't know where i was at in that conversation um. Let me think. Let me think, as going on um.

Oh, if i were a new ape to the community and um, i'm completely new to the world of stock market plumbing the stock market in general, specifically stock market plumbing, and i heard that this person we were battling against these hedge funds had the capability to use Something nefarious called the dark pool, and basically the way it's being pitched on social media is that it's like complete thunderdome anything goes, you can buy, you can sell and you can get away with almost anything um. That would scare me think about what the way the narrative is being pitched to newer apes. That sounds messed up. I don't know how to make this more clear.

Do i think dark pools are messed up and need more regulation? Yes, do i think we should get rid of payment for order flow? Yes, i don't know how to make that more clear, but that doesn't mean because i dislike those two things and i think they need to be improved or completely like taken away. That doesn't mean what people are saying about. It is actually right. Uh, like i mean i guess we could almost have the same opinions but like we have the same opinions of like the end results.

The same, maybe we're going for the same thing, but i'm here the onus is on me to teach you guys like. What's actually going on and like to better understand this and i think there's this concept of people are pitching it and i think it's scaring away newer apes because they're like well. Why would i play in that game if they can do whatever they want whenever they want, and they can just completely do everything like they're, essentially like gods of the market, with this thing that they're calling and that's just not the truth in this scenario, um - and I think that it's very important - and i know sometimes you come across as like the party pooper of like oh hang on. Why is he getting so technically accurate, like? Let me just like live in my own echo chamber of fun? If you want to do that, i mean i could get you a list of creators and you could hang out with them and you could feel all good about yourself and your position and you can live in your echo chamber um.
But that's just not me and that's not what i'm going to do with this channel like if you're here i want to tell you what a dark pool is meant to do. I want to tell you where it's gone wrong and how it's being abused uh. I want to tell you what point payment for order flow is i want to tell you how it's abused. I want to tell you how it's damaging the bid ask spread of the overall market, it's good for you to be informed about the truth of reality when it relates to the stock market and stock market plumbing, because at the end of the day, you're putting your Own hard-earned money into it, so it behooves you to like truly understand.

What's going on um all that where, what's that word, i'm trying to slip into conversation, wherefore wherefore, wherefore, wherefore, um, wherefore, we can better understand like what's actually going on um this afternoon, i was supposed to have that interview with dave lauer about payment for order flow In dark pools, he had uh his own business and life thing come up so that got pushed to monday. I know i was telling you a lot of people, i'm interviewing him this week and then he'd be coming out tomorrow. Unfortunately, uh just because of life and business like he when dave lauer talks to us he's doing that out of the goodness of his own heart he's not getting paid. He's literally has his own life to run like he's running a business um.

So i we have to respect that and right now the interview is scheduled for monday in about three days: uh jimmy choo, choo man, interesting interesting, is trading on a dark pool, impacts, price, the same way as a live pool. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a dark pool, isn't the intention to avoid spikes up or down by facilitating through a dark pool, not exactly kind of related to that, and that's a very good question. The purpose of a dark pool is to not see this little ditty right over here right now, you can see on the new york stock exchange that someone is trying to buy 400 shares at 37 13. on a dark pool.

You would not see how deep the bid is. You would not see how deep the ask is, so, basically, you can put in a massive buy order or a massive sell order without other people. Seeing it that's. The purpose of a dark pool is where you're trying to create a position without other people, knowing you're trying to create a position because right now, here's what happened on a lid exchange.
If someone comes in and tries to buy a million shares of amc on the new york stock exchange, let's just say it's at 37 15. We would all see that it would show up literally right where my mouse is and then people would see that and they would play against it because they know they're going to get backstopped and they would run the price away from that order because they know there's A big order that it's not going to drop below because it's such a sizable order, the purpose of a dark pool is literally you just don't see the bid in the ask. You see the price that we're at you see what's referred to as the prototypical midpoint, and you see where it's trading it's still within the nbbo, the national best bid and offer, and that's what we're kind of seeing right here, which there's some details about that. And sometimes there is a a way to get a better execution than the national best bid and offer, and that's the way that market makers actually make some money.

But i don't want to go into that right now. The purpose of a dark pool and there's about 40 major dark pools. There's not just one dark pool, there's about 40 major ones. You don't see the bin in the ask, you don't see the sitting, buy orders and you don't see the sitting sell orders.

So you have these big whales that are attempting to make positions without other people, knowing that they're trying to make a position so sometimes, when i'm referring to a hidden bywall in a hidden cell wall, that's exactly because of dark pools. All of a sudden, we might not see it on the new york stock exchange but, like, let's just say it's not breaking below 37, even though there's no bid and we're like well hang on, why is it not going through it's because on a dark pool, there's A massive buy order sitting there, that's continually soaking up size. This is where the conversation deviates a little bit, because that's how dark pools are pitched and that's how dark pools are used, but now we're starting to see a trend in which they're also being used in a different manner. Do large players play post massive, buy and sell orders on dark pools? Yes, and they do it, so their competition doesn't see what they're doing.

Obviously, when the trade goes through, we see that trade volume - and i know citadel connect - is a little bit different um. There was an article on the tokenist that was saying: citadel connects trading volume is not reporting to finra. I find that very odd, but anyway, that is one manner and mechanism in which dark pools are used and that's how they're pitched and that improves market efficiency. It improves market liquidity and it improves the overall competitive nature of.

If you don't want people to know what you're doing, that's whatever you can have. Your opinions on those what's interesting is over here we're starting to see a different trend where the way i just pitched it, you would expect to see the block sizes to be considerable, because, ideally, it's massive players taking massive positions, but what we're starting to see is Actually, the exact opposite we're seeing an immense amount of volume um overall in the market, like the average stock we're seeing about, i don't know upwards of 60 on a dark pool, and then we have stocks like amc and jimmy that are 70 80, like even higher. So like a huge majority, but what's interesting about this majority, is it's in it's an immense amount of small volume trades which that's weird, because it's kind of the exact opposite of how dark pools are actually pitched to be utilized and there's a strong theory. And i agree with this theory that what it is because it's such an immense amount of volume in small black trades, it really looks like high frequency traders - are just running rampant within dark pools.
So these high frequency traders, what they're doing is on the bid in the ask that we can't see because it's a dark pool and you can't see the bid and ask they're, basically lining up the bid and ask in almost every dark pool, i'm most likely. As many stocks as you can, possibly think of and as their orders are getting hit, these are very, very intelligent, sophisticated algorithms they're starting to realize where the players are um, think about it this way. So on a lid exchange, it's a perfectly lit ocean and you could see the whales. You can see the sharks.

You can see everything in a lit exchange and you could see us like the little the little clown fish um and then in a dark pool. It's a little bit different because you can't see anyone uh you and i can trade on a dark pool if we want so we're like the little fishies, the little guppies. There's the whales, the sharks and what's interesting about a dark pool, is on this. It's completely dark.

You can't see the other players like you're all just in the water swimming around, and now we have literal hunters in there and that's what these hunters are doing, they're in the dark pool where they can't see and they put out all these different fishing lines. This is how high frequency trading works. They put out all these very fancy fishing lines and they're trying to get a concept of where everyone is. The entire game of the stock market is the people with the most data and the most information end up winning so they're in the lit exchanges and they're, also in dark pools with all these fishing lines.

To figure out where everyone is, the name of the game is to figure out where all the big players are, where all the medium players are and where all the small players are and when they're doing this, obviously that naturally spikes volume because they're just getting hit And they're trying to piece together where all the big players are, where all the media players are and where all the small players are, and once they have a good idea of. What's going on, they obviously trade in the in the direction that they think is going to be net beneficial to them, knowing where all the players are and with that to me, if you look at the data, the data trends and really the data sources, and also Just like the methodology of high frequency trading, it makes a lot of sense that high frequency traders are just running absolutely rampant within dark pools. So with that, that's a huge reason to be against it, because they're also less regulated, lit exchanges. The new york stock exchange, the nasdaq iex and how many the other major 10 ones - they are far more regulated by the sec by friendra by yada.
Yada dark pools are not so we're in a scenario such as amc and gme, where you have about 80 percent of the volume being executed off exchange, which means, by definition, it's occurring in a less regulated environment. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you have a majority of your trades done in something that's by definition, less regulated well. How is that good? Because that's just opening an opportunity for more nefarious, potentially manipulative action to actually occur um, so it in my mind it just can't add up in a positive sense, um. So, overall, that's the run-through.

That's initially why dark pools are pitched, that's what they're supposed to be used for and then that's some of the issues of. I guess the twists and turns that they've taken of where it goes wrong and it's potentially detrimental to the system at large um holy smokes duck dude. What the actual f is happening. Everything's a bloodbath spy is doing nothing biden.

Speaking in repo i'm seeing a whole host of red over here, a whole host of red, i mean the spy is down it's down. What are we down point five percent iwm also coming down um. The markets are not looking good on this friday afternoon. So i mean, can you draw on amc and explain? Uh support sets resistance lines yeah, so i could look at on the bigger time frame.

So we have a major support at 36., it was the low from july 28th and the resistance intraday is 39 and we know there's resistance from 40 to 42, but major support about a dollar lower at 36 amc currently trading at 37.10 uh. Someone was saying about house bills, uh. Thank you. Can you clip this explanation and post it to the clip channel? High frequency trading is definitely the dark pool volume issue they are making and killing off of us yeah i mean that's what high frequency trading doing? Is they trade an immense amount of volume in small blocks and hope to make a small profit off of each trade? I mean some of it is just absolutely insane.

The fishing analogy was gold you're going places ponyboy you think stonks will take with lockdown talk uh. No, i think they would have to uh officially announce it but overall to come back to you. Um t brewer trading on a dark pool is not the same as a lit pool, but they still both impact the price but they're. It's still a different game.
Uh. What? If hedge funds start paying off youtube popular personalities to change their positions? That's something they might do thoughts um i mean i will i'll. Let you know i'll. Let you know if i get that offer um, but i don't.

I don't think they i mean. I guess i could. I can't say that they wouldn't, but i i haven't been offered anything and i i would hope out of my own, like knee ego and narcissism, i would hope that i'm one of the first persons they offer money to and um. Thus far, i've not been offered a sent by a uh, a hedge fund.

I have been offered money to pump certain crypto coins and certain companies, such as, like zekenz z, k. I n has offered me like a lot of my money to make a video talking about how good the stock is, but those are more fun for me just to read to you, so you know which ones to avoid and or short, if you think the pump And dump won't like do well, uh yeah, every time we're buying 75 of the time we're buying a synthetic uh. Ernie could be true. I'd be curious in where you're getting that information could be true, hey matt.

I had a great idea, but it needs your support. Can we do a hashtag ape meme contest on twitter? We tag you and the one with the most likes gets something cool from your shop um yeah. Let's do that. I like that idea.

So what we'll do? What we'll do? What we'll do is this all right? Let me go to twitter, i like that concept, if it ever loads um. So if you all right, eight meme contests, all you have to do is uh, follow up in this and which everyone i see end up, getting the most likes like tomorrow or sunday, uh i'll dm you and uh. You can pick whatever you want from the the merch store, uh yeah, whichever one is like the most funny which everyone gets the most likes. I don't know something like that, but just respond to this thread with a funny like ape based, meme or duck or tiger or whatever you want, or hedge fun fund, whichever one i see that like is getting the most engagement i'll reach out to you and you Can pick whatever you want from the store? Oh and just so you know if you're new to this, it's matt underscore course it's above my head, but matt underscore core is on twitch twitter and instagram uh ape slingin financial establishment uh.

If government shuts things down what happens with amc, ps found out another one of the wife's hairs at work today, it's really unbelievable. It depends on the appetite for shorting the stock, obviously shutting down the the country, the economy would not be good for a movie theater. Clearly not, but that's still, a very strong like fundamental thing, and we all know that amc is not a fundamental trade right now. This is a short squeeze trade, so it kind of depends on what they decide to do or not to do in terms of.
Let me be specific in terms of the shorts if they want to increase their position, because it's all of supply and demand. If someone takes a new short position, that's increasing supply and if there's more apes, more people trying to buy that's more demand. It's all coming down to the equilibrium of supply and demand. Now you might argue well, hang on some supply and demand is being manipulated and it's fake yeah.

I agree um, but it still comes down to supply and demand. We could argue where the supply comes from. We could argue where the demand comes from, we could argue, is the demand being suppressed. Those are all very valid conversations, but it still comes down to the current supply and the current demand uh.

What hedges are shorting using the high frequency traders and algorithms to drop the stock and buyback and rinse and repeat and triggering stop losses, could be possible? Uh could definitely be possible. So, just so, you know high frequency trading, it's not as much of a it is obviously a directional trade, but it's not really a swing trade. My understanding of high frequency trading is that they're in and out within nanoseconds. They don't really care how it trends over a couple days, a couple weeks and definitely not a couple months they're in and out before you can blink your eye.

It's like a very, very fast thing: um, so high frequency traders definitely have a different game plan and a different goal than like your typical hedge fund, which might be like a strong directional play, i'm feeling cute, so i'm going to drop 500 on amc. Now. What a way to celebrate! I have a feeling, i'm going to feel even more cute on monday, oh brother uh, just on twitter, hr, 4618 and 4619 past committee, fud or correctly uh. Well, i mean if it's on twitter, it has to has to be real right.

Four six, you said one eight and one nine, so one eight is about uh, 13 f. No, this bill is still in the first stage of the legislative process. It's being considered, it did not pass committee did not pass. The house did not pass senate was not signed by the president um and then let's check out the other one, four six one: nine wait.

Why are there so many? Oh because it's all the different districts, which one is this to extend? No, no, no, which one is this pretrial detention? 4619 nope. Is it this one nope that was 1984. 4619, which one is it? Why are there so many four six one nines? I have a feeling, though, if the first one was not passed, hang on. I have.

I have the link on my video. Let me just find this really quick. We could get to the bottom of this right content. Was that video? I think market makers in prison time.

Four, six, oh, it was the 117 is the district just so everyone knows bills. Let's get this out, this one is also still being considered by the house committee on financial services uh. It doesn't unless this is slow to update uh, but it doesn't look like anything has been um happening. If you want to know what's going on with 4617 4618 4619, i have a video on the channel called market makers and prison ooh wall street is ducked um.
That's on the channel. I posted it on what day i think, two days ago, yeah july 28th, it's on this channel. If that's something you want to know more about very quickly, 46177 is the one that will be um kind of evaluating payment for order flow. Uh.

One 4618 is about in the 13 f filings, making them in right. Now, 13 f's come out every quarter. This would make it every month and on top of that, they're looking into reporting short positions right now, a 13 f is followed by any entity that manages over a hundred million dollars. As of now, they fire quarterly and they do not have to report any short positions, um and then four six, one nine is about holding market makers, the ceo and the individual employee legally culpable if they are front running their clients.

Four: six one, seven, four, six one, eight four, six one: nine and it looks like the district or whatever it is - is 117, but they're all still in committee matt. When you talk about high frequency trading, it inherently creates large amounts of volume where's. That volume reflected um, i mean you're, seeing the volume live right now, like it's part of any of this volume like if we were to zoom in here, like this volume, the daily it's part of the daily volume, because it's still buying and selling it just happens To be a computer, that's doing it um! So that's gme! Let me zoom in um you're, seeing what is this? This volume 100, i mean yesterday's - was 59 million shares, it's part of the normal daily volume uh. The last time i read it was for an average stock high frequency trading accounts for 70 plus percent, and then when i was looking into it for amc and gme, it's more than that.

So if you look at this volume, most of this volume is not retail trading. Most of this volume, it's not even necessarily a hedge fund unless it's a high frequency trading hedge fund, but most of the trades the buys and sells throughout the day, and i'm talking a large majority - is actually high frequency trading and not like a human buying and Selling a big majority, but all of it is still wrapped up in this volume that you see here. Thank you. You're doing a great job, keep up the work and greetings from a german fan ape shout out: kristoff, hey matt! I apologize if you've already addressed this, but can you give your thoughts on adam's aaron's tweet from earlier regarding no info validating naked um? Yes, i can uh.

I did not address that yet, but i'd be happy to hang out. Let me bring it up. Let me bring it up, bring it up all right, adam aaron! Oh wait! I should just look it up over here, okay, so this is what people were referring to uh he tweeted this out about two hours ago. Many of you continued to be concerned about the amc sure count.
In early june we announced all-inclusive share count of about 513 million legally legally issued shares precisely zero news shares have been issued by amc since then um so right there. I want to talk about how he's specifically said legally um. He didn't just talk. He like went out of his way to type up that word.

That's the legally issued share account. Um a share count does not tell you illegal shares. I don't know where that was necessarily coming across that uh we'd figure that out, but this is just the legally issued ones. Obviously they're.

We know there's like illegal counterfeit synthetic whatever you want to call them as to the existence of so-called fake or synthetic shares or the naked short selling of amc. We are unaware of any information validating these theories. I mean folks. This is a leadership team for a movie theater chain.

They are not the ones who get it's not like naked shorts and prime brokers and market makers are reporting to the ceo of the company, the illegalities occurring in their stock uh. Their goal is to improve the business and make the business as good as it can be. They are not getting abnormal stock market information um about. What's going on like that's, you have to leave that up to, i guess, like stock market professionals and talk to the market makers and talk to the prime brokers right here.

I'm sure this is just something the lawyer is making them said. We are unaware of any information validating these theories. Well, that's him. Adam aaron he's they're unaware of it.

It's not like it's not like the people taking illegal. I guess. Manipulative actions against adam aaron are like dming them and saying, oh hey just so. You know we like illegally shorted your stock today, um in terms of the stock in the stock market, there's a very good chance that they're getting the same information we get like they're, seeing the same chart they're saying this like, of course they're the ones who can Trigger a share recount, but to me this just sounds something like a lawyer made them say.

I think it's important to notice that he went out of his way to say legally issued shares, and then here we are unaware of any information validating these theories. He can't go out and publicly say of like it's just not necessarily how it works. Like i'm sure lawyers, a team of lawyers helped him craft these tweets. Also, we are unable to make any comment on the considerable training of puts calls derivatives.

Okay, like i don't know if that really adds much to it. We just know: there's like a very um a high amount of interest in the uh options chain for amc and many people have theories, but the ceo of a company isn't the one who can confirm illegalities. That's the job of the sec, that's the job of finra. That's the job of someone like gary gensler, not the ceo of the company, are apes.
Wanting vote, tally or share count. I want the number of votes cast. I believe that was filed um in the sec. I think they came out with an 8k to do scc filings yeah.

This just came out uh. We can see how many people voted it's right here. On july 29th, it held its annual stockholder meeting. We had yeah, you can see all the votes right here.

The fourth again, so you can see the total votes i mean, i guess you would just add these numbers up. Uh i mean roughly off the top of my head. A hundred and like all the voting information is right here. That is stuff.

That, like has to be presented to the sec - and this is the official ak filing for that um. But if you want to see the votes and how they were tallied up and the total amount of votes, you would just like add these numbers up, and you would get your answer. My quick math, it looks like there was 270 ish million votes cast and remember it has i mean we just saw from the tweet that the shares outstanding the legal shares outstanding is 513. I think it's a little bit higher because that was from early june, but yeah you can find this in the way you would get it.

I just googled amc investors, you come to financial performance and you look at the most recent ak which was filed today. Marcel message retracted all right and we did that good question: kyle uh. What is this someone else uh? Where are we at? Oh? So it looks like someone did say that four, six one eight and four six one nine are passed. So maybe the government track website is down um.

That was the only source i was using uh going back to those two things there is some i do see on. People on twitter are saying that they have passed committee um, so maybe the gov track website. I mean it's a government web run website i would be. I would be surprised if it's actually that timely um, including derivatives holdings um, it looks like they did pass committee.

I wonder if there's a source for this hang on. Let me see if i can find a source for all of us. Let me see if i could find this. What website would i use? I guess you could go to uh, i'm trying to see if they actually pass committee.

Everything i'm seeing says that they're still in committee that it was introduced, but even with that, after passing committee, it would then have to pass the house. Then it would have to pass the senate and then it would have to be signed by the president. So this doesn't mean that it's a law, it's still a bill um, i don't know if it did or didn't pass committee. I hope it did because then it would go on to the house, then the senate and then the president, but just to overall.
Let you guys know i finally decided to leave robin hood, but had to cash out. Since i couldn't transfer to weeble. The discount will be really great. When i buy back next week, shout out chris uh matt, we matt.

Should we not come up with ideas that could be better than amc like offering tickets to amc with premiere buys or gaming um? I think it's smart for everyone like. If someone has an amazing idea, you almost like pitch that to the leadership team um. I think that could be smart, but that's just my own opinion. I guess we'll find out um if they're like truly listening to us or not like i don't.

I know many people were talking about sports uh, but i don't know if they were already in the works with uh the ufc when they did that partnership. But i feel like they're listening to us match courts shout out to asmic kovac cosmic avocado as mccovac um. Aren't there only 501 million shares outstanding, no there's more than that um. I think we're actually even higher now than the 513..

Let me just double check for you. We are at 513., 513.33 million shares outstanding uh, but how long can shorts realistically drag this out as long as they do not get margin called and as long as they can pay that cost to borrow fee, they can drag it out. It's not like there's a particular date that they're going to be forced to buy back in it's more of the overall. I guess safety of their account and everything like that and if they still have free capital, paid a cost to borrow fee, robbing the hood and giving to the hedges.

What's up drew uh in a non-financial way, just personal thought. What would you think is needed for amc to break out of the 30s um? I think enthusiasm uh. I think i think the apes who have been in this fight are pretty much now fully strapped for cash and, like don't have much more money in their accounts. Free money, so i think one of our biggest issues or what would help us break out of like that 40 to 42 resistance level is an influx of new apes um, and because of that, i feel about that so strongly.

That's why, over the past week, i've agreed to do so many more interviews. Uh was just to still get the story out there. This, in my mind, is a game of getting the story out to as many people as possible. Um i mean i just kind of talked to anyone.

I don't care who the news station is. I just try i'm just trying to share the the story of ape nation and, what's going on because i view it as we just need to somehow in totality represent more demand and more demand comes from more money, which i think at this stage of the game. Is equivalent to more apes matt, i watch your entire stream every day for months. I ask why amc is down and i get timed out.

What's the deal with the mods um, i don't know a real life craig, it might have been an accident like you have to look at chat like and just um give them a little bit of leeway like look at chat goes like kind of nuts could very Well, just be uh an accidental timeout, you didn't get banned. I mean you get timed out for 300 seconds. It's it's like not that big of a deal matt if they did a one cent dividend. That would only that would only what i'm so tired of a friday in the moneys getting pushed out just as we get seen so apes held at 39 just arbitrarily chose to sell.
This has to be manipulation. Um, remember that the price movement and all this stuff um could be some retail and, as in some apes, but think about like we know, there's there's at least 200 million shares out there that are not owned by apes. Those 200 million shares can be traded freely and influence the stock price up or down um there's. We know there's at least 200 million chests that are not in the hands of apes, so if those are being actively traded that that's, why we're seeing price swings? That's the people influencing it simply holding stock does not impact us a price.

What moves the stock price is the new buying and the new selling and the price that they agree upon. Um us holding stock is obviously exponentially better than selling clearly, but think about it. This way, if everyone who owned amc just decided to hold well, that means it's just not trading and that doesn't push a stock up or down it just means it's literally going perfectly sideways. Holding stock does not push it up good afternoon matt.

That's it that's my message: shout out: not a hedge fund, um still hotel till i start shuffling super bowl 2023 personal average is down to 48.. I hold up for you horrible, for me c is super bowl. 2023. um dark pool, buys and sells, do not need to be reported for up to three hours right.

They can be reported a little at a time as they drive the price down. I don't know where you're getting the three hour thing reporting a trade and in its its influence on price action, is two very, very different things. If you're, i guess referring to a reported trade as just the dark pool saying like hey yeah like we did, do this trade, that's very different than like it actually having an impact you see, um hang on. Let me bring this up.

Let me bring this up. Uh, where is it? Where are you hang on? This? Is um trades usually hit the here we go here. We go here. We go here, we go here.

We go if it ever loads, all right um. I don't know where you're getting the three hour thing uh to my understanding. The time is far far less. Let me zoom in so you guys can see this without going blind.

This is written by dave. Lauer um, definitely an expert okay. So what about trades? All trades in the national market system have to be printed to an sip feed. It does not matter where they happen and all trades during regular market hours, 9 30 to 4 pm must be within the nbbo, the national best bid and offer.

These are hard and fast rules that cannot be violated. All trades on exchanges are reported to the regular sip, all trades that happen off exchange ats, which alternative trading system. That's a dark pool or otc. That's a market maker are reported to the trading trade reporting facility.
Trf run by the new york stock exchange in the nasdaq or finra. There are three of them all trades have to be reported to the trf within 10 seconds of being executed, though the reality is that they are reported nearly instantaneously. So people are saying this trade report thing and i think we need to get very, very specific of what people mean when you're saying reporting and trade, because what we care about is the trade being executed, because a trade being executed is when it impacts the price Of the stock, it's the literal execution and right here all trades have to be reported to the trf, the trade reporting facility, which there's three of within 10 seconds, um and right here. Here's the otc.

This is a market maker thing and you can just see like the rules that they run by um. If you want there's other great information in this, i would recommend that everyone reads this: it's a reddit post, you guys know me, i'm not the one that, like i, don't commonly bring up. Reddit, dark, pools, price discovery and short selling, slash marking. This is on super stonk and it was written by d, lower l-a-u-e-r.

I would highly highly highly recommend that everyone reads this: everyone should read this and it will give you a better understanding of what the dark pool is or isn't payment for orderful that stuff. This is more dark pool related, but to i would if i were you look up sip and look up trf, but right here all trades have to be reported to the trf within 10 seconds of being executed. Now we do know that citadel has previously been fined by delaying executions, but that was in the realm of about minutes not days. So when people are saying not being reporting delayed, that's the point in where you ask them like what do you specifically mean? Because this is the situation in which you want to get highly highly detailed and technical, so we're all on the exact same page um, but yeah check this out.

Here's the title: it's a good, read very, very good! Read: uh, hey matt! Can i still some encouragement? Uh to my bro, i'm all bing he's feeling a little down shorts have not covered patience. We will win mark shout out to you and your bro bronson blake, shout out. Let's say every aged ape, hodos fresh young apes have thrown their bananas to the cause. Will the hedges keep trading between themselves or will the stock at some point come at a standstill? Oh that the not necessarily the hedges, but the high frequency traders will trade.

This thing all day every day, like they're, going to go in and out they're in and out within nanoseconds. Whenever there's any movement it'll get amplified by what these algo trainings are doing, we will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter. We will not fail peace and freedom will prevail. George w quote for the george w pattern shout out andrew.
Where did chad go? Number 21 hit um check, fintel website and amc. They have some interesting notes. Added highlighted in yellow i'll play your game i'll play your game if this loads, if this loads buying total super bowl 2022 is in inglewood, californian super bowl 2023 is in glendale uh ar preference getting two shares every two weeks, thanks mike, ah honestly matt, i feel Like they would both be fun and i guess flip a quarter. That's how i like to decide things like that.

Just the old quarter - flip, hey matt, added 7 000 - shares this week due to the sale, nothing but bulls in our future. Thanks for everything you do. Every single day rose. That's what i'm here for, and i wish you the best of luck.

I hope you absolutely annihilate the trade. You see the 5.4 million shares available on sango tracker. Remember: stonco tracker. It's only using one data source, um, that's very problematic! They're! Only sourcing information from interactive brokers - it's accurate, but it's not by any means complete.

Honestly, even ortex is incomplete, it's closer to being complete, but it's not complete by any means. What other questions we have or someone who's asking for. Ortex updates! Oh wait. Here's fintel! What's in the yellow uh, as of july 22nd, we have changed our approach to short sale volume.

In addition to displaying finra supply data, we are expanding coverage, so this is nothing to do actually with short interest, short sale, volume and short sale. Interest, um or short interest are two different things short sale value is the amount of shorts in a day, but that means, if you short, a share and then buy it back, that would add to that volume, but that would actually not add to the short interest, Because you're already back to net neutral, short sale, volume and short interest are two different things short sale volume to me: it's pretty much useless um. You could look at the short sale volume ratio over like a period of days. I think that that trend could be useful, but to look at the magnitude of short sale volume.

That's literally going to get you nowhere like that's that's it's referred to as dirty data. It's absolutely like useless short sale volume ratio. I can find some utility in that trend, but um short sale volume. I don't look at it because it's it doesn't matter if, if you see this number 13.8 million like what's that going to do for you, you don't know if those are legitimate shorts, you don't know if those are high frequency trading shorts, you don't know which of The shorts got in and out within nanoseconds and are back to net neutral versus legitimate shorts, who are looking for the stock to fall.

Uh, there's no way to know what percentage of this number is. What type of short so because of that? I only look at the ratio and i look at the trend of the ratio. Is it trending up or is it trending down over multiple days, but to look at this magnitude? If someone is citing this magnitude to you as somehow being useful, i just don't think that they understand what this data point actually is then, and uh. You really can't get much utility out of the magnitude of it all right, all right, all right spy, bouncing amc, bouncing iwm bouncing gme kind of flat at 160..
I think part of the reason why gme is down uh a lot of bets against it today. A lot of bent's bets against it today, oops there it goes there. It goes all right. Let's get rid of that.

Let's do a quick or text update now that we just kicked off power hour, um whoa! Oh, wait! That's gamestop! Okay! They still the net borrow against gme. Today was a million and then in terms of amc, a return of 962 000 short interest of 15.21 percent. Oh uh, quick reminder if you haven't already, if you want to help me out with the algorithm, which would be much appreciated, destroy that like button and if you haven't already don't forget to like forget to hit that subscribe, button liking subscribing and it does help out. With the algorithm and gets more apes in the fight lets, people know that we're not giving up uh someone just said benzynga article, why a massive wave of bankruptcies could be just around the corner.

One of the most absurd stories of 2021 is what happened with amc. Aaron used the lunacy of retail investors to line his company's coffers with cash by selling new shares of stock the lunacy. I guess we are dumb money. Extreme risk appetite, i would say that's also us guy sounds like a negative nancy, uh aimc and jimmy bubo.

I know, mr, i believe mr boulay in discord has some foobo shout out. Amc is one of the most famous meme stocks and then ronin 19. It became the favorite. Let's see this earnings earnings, earnings, earnings, and just so you know the next earnings i believe is early august.

It actually might be this upcoming week. Oh people are saying no, no, so binzinga look over here. It serves as like a news aggregator. So when people like you just put in the ones you want and then it it kind of scans the internet and if there's other articles like partner, bz sec partner, you can see investor like there's various.

I don't know i guess syndicated news sources that it's pulling it from. It's not like. Benzinger, writes all these articles. It's just a news.

Aggregator, a news, aggregator matt, don't eat bananas and drink coffee can mess your stomach up, no worries apes, i'll buy puts for next week, and that would be almost 100 certainty of the squeeze based on how the market moves. With my actions, you're welcome shout out kevin. Let's go buy, hold movements are never easy, continue moving through the mud and eventually you will get out. Let's go.
This is the way um hey mark, in which platform or software can one coded trading out, go based on one's own definitions and concessions. Thanks nice hat by the way oh brother, mexicanos del mundo - um, i would say probably one of the easiest ones to start with, would be tradestation and they have an internal language called easy language. Um. You can't use that on a mac, though it's only done on a pc power hour, six minutes into power hour all right.

What what kind of things are we putting together for clothes today? Uh? If i sell a call, it says: infinite loss. Does that refer to two possible profits? I'd be missing out on, because if the call is exercised, i'd have to sell my shares to that strike price and can't lose more. If you sell a call, your loss is infinite um. If you sell a covered call, it's capped, brambles, uh, that's definitely an important distinction, so you'd have to make sure that you're not just selling a call you'd be wanting to sell a covered call selling a call.

21 thoughts on “Amc gamestop : the shorts have not covered dumb money ep 18”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fee H says:

    Manscaping Ad voice over hysterical – 🀣🀣🀣 helped lift the drudgery of our drive from south of England back home to Scotland. from UK Apes Fee and Tony

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Burtis says:

    They haven't covered because they are making mucho money!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Musicby ZerΓΈ says:

    Hi Matt, there is a lot of rumors about you out there in the Youtube community. Please address these rumors to the community. I missed you on Trey’s reunion as well. Any reason why you weren’t there?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve o says:

    Matt would you please explain how dark pool trading effects the main Market price of the stock if it is not reported thank you and congratulations on getting your channel back I followed you on Twitch for a day

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Taylor says:

    I would think the Government would want the MOASS to happen. Average it would make in taxes from all of us is 4-8 Trillion dollars.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sean gall says:

    Watching ortex, the lines, and charts doesn’t really matter anymore. Just hodl and buy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars texasRoofDoctor says:

    Just discovered your great channel. We appreciate all if the fantastic knowledge you are dropping.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Williams says:

    Youtubers no longer covering AMC!!!!!! All have stated the same thing. AMC will squeeze. We need to keep the energy going.

    We need to spread out to Claybro, Kenan Grace, and Roensch Capital

    Apes stay strong and keep buying and holding. To the moon!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars d7 says:

    I wish you would cover Bitcoin and crypto. AMC 24/7 must be exhausting.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJ Blanton says:

    Stop talking about Walter bulls copy in chat using Matt's channel to try get people over to your dead channel.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Whale #2 says:

    This kid needs to go to school before giving all this false advice to all these kids!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonaly dias says:

    Please do not leave AMC. GME we are here with you for that. Thanks Matt.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dink says:

    It’s the 117th Congress. We get a new one every 2 years. :-). Each Congress they start the bill numbering all over.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott C says:

    Hi Matt, just keep doing what you’re doing play your drum walk your path and always be true to yourself and if those choose not to listen that is the right but for me I enjoy listening to you and learning about the stocks my sons are so proud of me.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pokey Johnson says:

    Great day for ORLA as it continues to move up off its recent lows made a few days ago. Pokey the Black Market is predicting a move above $10 in the next couple of months. ORLA was up $0.30 on the day. Meanwhile for the stocks I recommend selling AVPT, BNGO, CHPT, CTRM, FCEL, FSR, INSG, NNDM, NVCN and PLTR they all finished down on the day. LAZR, LCID SNDL TTCF, and UAVS finished up on the day. I still think that all of them will get crushed in the next market correction. None of these stocks have put in the type of bottom I like, and they want be taking out the 52 week highs anytime soon. So if you are a buy and hold investor get ready for a nice roller coaster ride to the down side, before being able to ride to the moon. I am Pokey the Black Market God! I am never wrong about the market! My kill rate is high! Stay tune so I can teach you a few things! You know this stuff is like taking candy from a baby!!!!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Kroeger says:

    Where do we post the meme for a chance to win some merchandise again?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Stevens says:

    Bro THIS SOOOOOOOOONGGGGGG WAHHHHHHHHHHHH MARTIAN OUT HEREEEEE. i finally have something to play in the car ill buy with this

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DC2231 says:

    Boom boom candles by martianxtg

    Available on Apple Music

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Lubin says:

    Sooooo much good news out and they continue to play stupid games and tanking GMe and AmC. Smh. I hope this bite them all in the @$$

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.Mehta says:

    Another day, another dollar that comes out of the hedgies pockets

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aleena J says:

    Hi Matt! What a day, it almost shattered my nerves..but hanging on to my bananas

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