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Moon gang - let's get to it, we were messing around all morning. We have serious business serious business to attend to this afternoon. This you can't joke around in the stock market. This is serious.

Business, no messing around ah woohoo, all right here we go here. We go we'll never blow my mind that a thousand people watch the power of chair. I honestly think you guys come here for chair and i'm just more of a nuisance. You're like we have to deal with matt today.

We just want to hang out with chair. Ah, here we go here, we go here, we go here, we go here. We go stop blocking chair here. We go hey matt long time, watcher.

Fourth time, super chatter: what is it like living with sharon? Do you agree with his thoughts or moral implications of factory farming um living with chair? I would imagine it's not much different than living with like rihanna or beyonce, or paul mccartney. It's just like you're living with a legend. Well, like just i don't know someone, some people have like changed the course of history and chair is one of those people yeah. I already kicked stanley yang, we're already axen people.

I love chair too um chair's thoughts on factory farming. Um thinks it's very, very bad. For the environment, a chair wishes we could cut down on factory farming and i have to say i agree with that um. Let's do this: let's get ready for the afternoon uh important question, yes or no to glasses for this, because i've been reading more and more about the stuff.

What what what's everyone's thoughts? Should i do glasses um, my eyes are actually good, it's more of like the blue. The blue screen thing uh, but i do have 20 20 vision. Actually, according to some uh like what is it optometrists or whatever they're eye doctors, some of them say i have 2015, so that's matt's fun. Fact of the day.

I have abnormally good vision. I just don't want to lose my vision. Ah t t cat just rocketed. What's going on with t cat cat cat to cat to cop, where are we at wait? Where did we land on the glasses thing? Are you guys gon na make fun of me? I just don't want to like ruin my eyes, i feel like i all.

I do is i'm ruining my back wow holy guacamole batman, yes, glasses sophisticated until you know, i mean business. It sounds so weird to talk to yourself when you have just your headphones on, i feel like a crazy person. Sometimes team rally glasses. He means business.

The glass more of like a clark, kent vibe. What are we doing? What are we doing here? Kind of cold tesla? Of course it's going down. Don't eat factory farm salmon. It's toxic af! I would 100 believe that uh, hey matt.

How do you feel about a co-option, 250 expedition april 6, 250 expedition? Is that the specific stock edition is this a company? Is this? It uh, i don't think so. 250 david uh, which one are you talking about so anyway, back to my problems. This is the match: show um yeah, i'm just trying to not go blind uh. So these are those like the fancy blue light.
Whatever i don't know, i got them from felix gray. I know felix gray does actually do sponsorships, but i'm not sponsored by them, but we should practice just in the meantime um. Maybe i could cut this clip and send it to fields gray and just show them how i'm a natural um all right. Let me think of something what i could do, uh what's going on internet, are you ever staring at your computer, so much thinking wow, i'm going blind more and more on a daily basis.

Well, that was me too, until i smartened up and bought felix gray, and my life has never been better granted. My eyesight is about the same, but everything else is going well, i'm making money, my health is there. I grew a six-pack all overnight. All thanks to felix gray, um buy it yep we're gon na we're gon na clip that send it to felix gray.

I feel, like i nailed it uh. I need more friends, friends, friends, friends: where did you go? Do like seriously stop saying we sponsor you? Oh, i'm just going to start doing that just keep talking about these companies, as if i am sponsored like don't do that glasses gate uh-oh, the new scandal trenton's on it gray. Are you having a good day a bad day? Are you sick? Are you tired, felix gray fixes it? I didn't know what i was doing in my life until i found felix gray and then everything everything went well, the ability uh check out tkc. Oh wait, hang on maddie advising, i guess against factory farm salmon sounds uh good.

Unless you know, unless a factory farming salmon outfit reaches out to me for a sponsorship, i will probably switch my opinion on it. So uh just so. Everyone knows that all of a sudden i come in here and i'm just like pitching factory farm and sam. Are you tired of eating healthy, non-poisoned, well-raised organic fish? No, are you tired of healthy fish it's time to buy some factory farmed fish? Are your organs functioning too properly? Well, we could change that man.

I feel like i'm just killing these uh here we go here. We go. Oh man, our viewers are way down for the afternoon. It would be awesome if you uh, if you all, could drop a like.

We have three thousand viewers. Can we get up to one and a half thousand likes? I really must have made. The algorithm. Is it because i swore right when i started? Ah, i don't get it.

Why can they swear on tv like public tv, cable and stuff, but as soon as you swear on youtube, you like don't get promoted like why i don't get that it doesn't make sense to me all right anyway. Back to this, i keep getting distracted. Uh. Someone asked me to check out tkc five dollar call for mid-april uh.

It looks like you're just playing a bounce back. I don't know. What's going on something bad had to happen, i don't know you might be good, it might have a nice gap fill, but i don't know what caused it to gap down it's because your steam stopped and rescheduled yeah. I rescheduled because, like last time, that's like what happened.
I don't know it kicked everyone. Well, that's good! No! No! I don't think it um purposely like i mean i restarted it because last week we saw like in the afternoons it just stopped promoting me. So i was like oh like maybe i just need to restart it. You sound different in your recorded videos.

You sound different in your recorded videos. How do you like that? Oh matt's, feisty mad's in a feisty mood this guy in the glasses is really feisty. Turkish currency devalued yeah. Maybe you shouldn't mess around with that one then chapstick.

Would you ever do you guys ever sit around and think about what life must have been like before? Chapstick, like were all these people in like medieval times just running around with cracked lips like was that just their life? I think about that a lot. I also think about how there's like no way just like recently. I know we have medicine for acne and stuff, but up until, like i don't know like 1950 for the first, like 250 years before that, like everyone just had to have horrible acne, there was no way people were walking around with like clean skin. They all had messed up teeth, acne and cracked lips like that was life, and they never show that in um, like historical based movies, like we're all watching movies of like alexander, the great no way, no, no way their teeth were messed up, they had acne, they Couldn't see everyone was grumpy, you were lucky to live to 25.

I don't know, i never use chapstick and i have no issues yeah yeah right. This is already going off the rails, man uh. Unfortunately, this is completely sober. Matte.

That's, what's scary, imagine being my girlfriend having to live with this when this is like painfully sober matte, you guys should feel bad for her. What's going on in discord, you're winning the internet today they used animal lard. Oh well, that's disgusting! I think i would prefer cracked lips long calls on jimmy not mentioned. Silence is deafening to the rick interesting.

What are you all doing? What are you talking about, like i'm, just saying, there's no way alexander the great had like normal teeth and we're picturing brad pitt from troy, um, which is just so inaccurate, like that dude he might have been a good fighter, a good general and everything but like If we went back in time right now, we would all like definitely make fun of him. I'm sure he had pimples on his face messed up teeth. I just think we kind of romanticized the quality of it knowledge of blue lights. If you want to protect your vision, you should get blue light filters change your light settings on your computer.

You should yeah blue light filters. According to users, the data is far from certain balance. The room uh. Well, these like big, bright white.

Oh, they actually hurt to look at i'm totally going blind for this. What does a short seller mean? Does this? It means someone is selling the stock and then they have to buy back obsessively put chapstock on every few minutes like yeah. No, i definitely agree. Mom is headed to the moon, i'm right there with you, there's.
Actually this really nice, lady sarah, who reached out to me uh. I just read her dm last night and i need to respond to her, but, like legitimately we might be picking up a chapstick sponsor which would be sick. What does your girlfriend think of all the jokes we make about your wife's boyfriend? I don't think she gets it. I think she just thinks.

I feel like this whole time. She thought i was super weird and then she's like amazed that other people like put up with my antics - i don't know ellie whatever she does, what she wants. She's, a she's, a lone wolf all right, i'm like already super behind on these super chats. What's up matt, you know how on twitch, sometimes these people like they don't play their games.

They just have a just chatting. Why can't i do that? Why can't? I just have like a mid trading day stream, where it's just chatting and like i can help. We could help figure things out. We could solve old, cold cases, we could talk about people in history and why we always picture them with good teeth when their teeth were definitely messed up.

There's so many things to uncover and with this platform that i was given by harambe himself, i feel like we could do it for a lot of good all right. Everyone is still super into tcat right now i signed on to the show to talk about stocks. This clark, kent fella in the duck shirt, isn't talking about what i want to talk about. I'm angry i'm going to voice my frustration in this chat box and maybe i'll change someone's mind on the internet because that's how it works.

You can also stream under the stocks category on twitch too. Oh here we go historian here about to lose my s on matt people had good teeth because of the lack of processed sugars and alexander died. Far before dental issues would ever manifest. Tell matt hey! I'm reading it that's interesting um.

My dentist told me that one of the worst things is uh. Actually chips like when you eat chips. It like gets stuck in your teeth and that's like a big issue with cavities uh, someone just said viacom. I swear if you're making me look at viacom, because it's going up, i'm gon na go kyle on the whole operation.

Dude. Stop telling me to look at stocks that make me want to cry. I bet everyone was super youtube live is so cringe yeah cubed. I agree who, on this world, would possibly do that as their full-time job like dude dude, not cool, it's so cringe.

Why would you do that youtube? Coming in anita, he's right, the locals in alaska didn't have tooth decay until sugar came around. I've also heard that, like the locals in alaska, have like a really really low rate of heart issues, just because they eat so much fish and are like never really eating uh other forms of meat. I don't know if anyone can if we have any um alaskan people. Let me know is that true, i'm just gon na start.
I don't even know if we have to like like spread facts like i'm, just gon na start making things up and then we'll use this community to spread it into the ether matt, how much i've i've lost or when since. But i don't know what that means. I've lost a lot of my mind since quitting my job gary becoming a member joining up. Thank you gary.

I appreciate it welcome aboard check out tkc all right. We did that. What do you think spy will close that today? No clue but the spy is looking very, very strong um in terms of predictions. I don't know it looks crazy, strong though how's tcat doing guess, matt doesn't like tacos.

I love tacos uh, my first internship. Ever every single week of that summer we always did taco tuesday. If you flip your monitor, everything will be the opposite: hard financial advice, um i'm addicted to chapstick expiration april 16th. Sprt call option uh.

I don't know if i really like that. Just because i don't know if there's going to be fall through on this whole sprt thing um i mean it did really well with the acquisition, but like there's no guarantee of follow-through, it is looking. Oh no! Actually it's not. This is the five-minute chart.

I would like it better if it gets above seven. What's your thoughts on bill for like a five uh nathan, i would have to know more about the company's fundamentals. Um for a five-year play. Technicals aren't really going to help you too much sean.

I also have 2015 vision pro. Let's go, why do you hang out with matt on livestream? So much hey man? It's because we have the same quality of vision. We can both see like hawks uh. I've heard that matt is a chapstick shell.

Mash is paid off by the big chapstick industry. Why are sabre pits doing so bad wait, you're pass break. Even you should be in profit. Then, if you're pass break even what's sabr doing uh, i mean just be patient once it breaks below 15.

We're good we're good out of sight out of mind here we go, amc is waking up. I think that's the trick is like this morning when these stocks weren't doing too well like we were too laser focused on stocks. You have to um just kind of bird speeds for life: oh heck, yes, cuss, yeah, brother, we'll drink to burt's bees, um yeah, i'm ignoring amc, because it's working all right, i'm doing what i can to push these stocks up. So if it's me ignoring it, that pushes amc higher you're welcome, hey zach, just joined up with the moon gang discord shout out to zach.

That's a reminder. If you guys want to be in the moon game discord, the link is through patreon in the description. It is 30 a month. It helps keeps the greg's out.
Speaking of that, are there any questions in discord? Here's a cool fact. The rate at which your fingernails grow is also the speed that the land masses drift across the world. Pretty neat whoa that'll. Keep you up at night, troy thanks i'll, let her know you said that that's very kind so does that make this short price rising.

So when someone takes the short position ricky, it puts a downward pressure on it, but then, when they close the short position, that's upward pressure because you have to buy back into the market. Shorting a stock is literally the exact opposite of um buying a stock. So when you buy a stock, you buy amc at 12 35, you click buy and then you sell it later, like, let's say: 1260. a short's, the exact opposite.

You create the position by first selling it you would sell at 12.35 downward pressure and then, when you buy back, you buy back at like 1180 and that's upward pressure. It's the exact opposite of um when you normally normally buy. Can you do ehth for me again, of course, annie h e h, e h, t h, oh coming back! Ah man, that's a great play for you. Uh still look for this gap.

Phil up to 78! That's looking good uh gap fill 78 ehth. If you guys, like whatever this, is a life slash health insurance - oh that's another crap! No, that's going to get political! I was about to go on to a rant about health insurance and how crazy it is um, especially for me now that i'm like riding solo and not a part of corporate america. Health insurance is insane, but i know that'll turn into a political argument. So, let's not get into that uh.

Can you help with this one? I have a call 540 baidu. 917 shares only got three percent today, yet i've lost over 100 uh cp. That's because volatility is dying off uh. You need volatility to pick up.

You missed my last message before break my apologies. 12.50 call tba for 416 thoughts, 1250 call tba 1250 call tba tba did i sell my viac puts nope. I only sell things on stream with you guys. I announce everything.

Would you get a 1250 call? Toma. Bravo advantage financial conglomerates. That sounds so cool. What do you do? Oh i work at a financial conglomerate um.

I don't know, though the the chart doesn't look the best. So i'm not really sure i like that play, but i do financial conglomerate. What do you do? Oh, i run a financial conglomerate, no big deal yeah. I was i work in seafood.

There are new messes that make salmon farming sustainable non-sponsored, but blue house atlantic sapphire is green and tasty. Well, maybe they'll sponsor me: can we get margarita mat thursdays? A lot of you ask me how i keep my cool um, mainly the second, i turn stream off. I go to the closest bathroom i scream in the mirror for a bit to like just let out some pent up energy, and then i just see how quickly i can put alcohol into my system like a fun race. I work at a hedge fund called wsv uh top shot, oh top shot.
Pack. 3. 240 pack resold 900. I want all right troy.

I know this is my fault, but i want to buy some nft thing. I don't know. What's going on, i get conceptually what nfts are, but to me it sounds like a more fun way to gamble, so i want to do it. I will gladly talk health insurance with you after the stream.

I mean it's just so my only point about it is just like it's difficult to like get like my little brain. I thought i thought the insurance you got at companies, you could just buy from the private market. I i knew you had to pay more, and i was fine with that, but i didn't know it wasn't even like available like i was like hey. I want this plan and they're like no.

No, that's not how we do it. In fact, we don't even talk to private people, i'm like oh okay, that was my only it's just like i was. I just didn't know about it. It's crazy casual viewers are going to think you're being serious.

I don't even know what i'm oh about a drink. It's a fine line. At least game stops, picking up 195 market strong as ever she's a beaut clark, uh tesla, obviously moving against me, because why would it not clps blockchain it with talks of it being nft play interesting? If the world's fate relied on where waldo game, we would be superman uh, where are we did jimmy hit ssr? No, it didn't. How far do you usually like to buy call options, it's all dependent on like the volatility and the underlying stock, it's different per one incorporate yourself as a youtuber as a company, then do it through your business.

That's a big brain play there. I like that chapstick. Actually dries your lips, i sunburned my lips and my doctor told me: chapstick, makes dryness worse. Blissex works and has clinical trials man.

We were spitting facts about chapstick. Today, hey man, i bought vic 85 put 416 last week. I'm thinking i will wait till break even at least at 4 30 thoughts. I mean i'm right there with you.

I'm also trying to wait forum now on. We can people adopt dogecoin as our insurance chance. Amc really does squeeze one in 10 odds, maybe ryan. I don't know fact matt back.

Did you know that the sun is more powerful than 5g? Oh, you guys are the best, the best the best the best. Let me just go on my little rant here. Do you guys ever just get into um? I'm not funny enough to be on tick-tock, but i'm a big consumer of it, and i could just sit there for hours and just walk like they're. Just people are so so creative, like so insanely creative and their humor level on tick tock.

It's like the next level um. I wish i were funny enough to be like a big tick tocker, but man. I could just sit on that app for hours and just scroll and like some of them aren't funny. You just keep going but like there's a couple times when i'll watch a tick tock and like it's that laughing, where you don't make a noise and like you're in pain, because your stomach is so tight.
I like. Ah, if i'm on tick, tock and long enough, it definitely happens. There are hilarious people on tick. Tock youtube shorts are the new tick tock.

I haven't made a youtube short, but i should i feel, like i make youtube longs. I just stream for hours the exact opposite. Those glasses make your nose look fake. Does it i'm like look at myself? I don't think so.

I feel, like my nose, looks pretty real. It looks like a little red. It's stuffed up. I have to take an allergy pill, my issue, my allergy issues, uh, i'm allergic, not bad.

I have like normal, whatever, like pet allergies, like to cats and dogs, but my issue is that i have like no, where close to the self-discipline to not like go pet and play with a cat or a dog like. If i see one i have to talk to it, i have to mess around with it. I just have no ability to stop myself and my body hates it, but um my brain overrides and it's like nope. We need to go play with that.

Animal right now youtube shorts are still in beta so and make it a bit weird for anyone outside. Oh i'm bullish on that course. Thank you, mickey that's! So nice one of my channels went up 20k since started doing shorts. They help with the algo so like i just post them like on top of all my other stuff they're like i don't get.

This matte course guys. He has seven hour streams, but then he also has second, seven. Second, like shorts, young emcee nvis is doing well. Today, how's mvis doing where's mvis mvis yo.

I am up 26 in a week on nbis, crushing it here's a fun. Little fact i'm down sixty percent on my vicom puts, but on my viacom shares, i'm up 541 get yourself a man who can play it both ways team. He can lose money as he's making money, big tip hot tip of the day, how's tcat doing tea cat whoa t-cat on fire still who's into. If you're wait, if you're in chat and you're still in tcat, let me know: that's fascinating just keeps moving.

They look. Dapper uh, i just don't want to go blind look into by omi. Crypto runs nft network been 500 plus youtube. Video made in last four days, probably a ponzi scheme, but i'm early yeah i mean ponzi schemes work out if you're like on the top of it.

Your seven second shorts can show you have bought and sold an option. Each second can be a step, oh, and that is a good way to do it. Keen fire you ever get into. I surely did you're in tcat man, there's people making serious money like.

Are you at the point where you're just writing it to see how high it can go like what is show the limit doesn't exist. I feel like tcat is going full on lindsay lohan what a parent trap. What a classic movie i mean, obviously so, is mean girls all right. Where are we at? Where are we at um amc? 12.

30. Do we have any walls jimmy coming back up? Gme has been hanging out at 200 for, like four days three days, something like that 15 shares of t-cat at 28 riding it. You are up, so you're gon na be doubled up soon. That's crazy! Do big moments of the day.
You can shoot them in like a five minute break on stream, even use them to promote the stream or other all right. I have to look into the shorts thing because i'm assuming the youtube algorithm is like being very, very supportive of them um, just to see how they do just to see how they do. What are we doing? Amc is coming back. Looking pretty nice for power hour, whoa whoa there hi matt uh, hope you're doing well.

Could you please check tdoc a potential breakout at 200? I like to hear that and thank you for asking me if i'm doing well, that's very very nice! Oh i like it. I do i like it: t-doc t-doc t-doc, that's looking good to me um! I i own t-doc, but i'm in like in this mess, like back in, like closer to the mid 200s um. Maybe i should average down, though i like to tdock as a like. A longer term play, i really do.

I think it's a good time to buy and forget about it. Someone's spamming 500 shares in both tcat at 17 and hofv at 325. I'm loving it eric. You are killing it.

Matt started with the strats and stayed for the quacks joined duck chair with gme hotel rice breaking i'm a medium-sized tic-tocker right at 140k, youtube sent me some tick-tocker invites to it live telling us about shorts before it was a thing interesting. So really it's like youtube's attempt to bet like attempt to battle tick. Tock is youtube shorts. What's up man, it's the whole nft sector.

Tcat moves the other are in i'm currently in yvr. I had 30 shares, but i scaled out. I'm up 17 percent. That's awesome! Brian doge 1 btt hot nps, all gon na rock it what's going on krav maga welcome back tesla you're breaking my heart about to 765 calls.

Let's get this call um how the pltr looking looks like a bargain. How is pound tier doing if it's above 25, i really like it if it's below 25, i would just rather that it gets back above 25. I mean it does. Eventually.

Palantir is gon na swing for sure it's just gon na take time. I guess, unfortunately, man playing it off of 21 was such a big brain move for anyone out there that didn't, i didn't. Do it tcat at 185, with 35k shares from texas, rick, crushing tcat 185 you're up so much money like how are you containing yourself, 35k shares? How did you even that's like a 70k bet? Initially, how did you like even talk yourself into doing that? Insiders blew out palantir, i mean, i know they got over their lock up period, but i think palantir is still a really strong long term play i'm still in. I have 900 shares of amc.

I just don't get why i put into amc when i could have bought tcat like a week ago and sold at a profit. You could have taken those profits and then purchased more amc, even but that's also perfect trading high frequency vibe sent. I love it. Team team team - i would uh what do we? What are we at six thousand people in here? Can we get up to three thousand likes? Is that possible? I mean i just don't know how many other live.
Streamers are out there in a duck shirt with silly glasses on saying that they like chapstick, i feel like i'm unique, i'm a millennial, i'm unique, i'm different. My life story is so unique and different. I deserve everything the world should do. What i wanted to it's.

So fun to make fun of millennials because we really do suck like we're such like entitled little jerks like it's so bad, i'm a millennial, i'm almost not a millennial waste of a super chat. Would you say it's just max? Let me find it i'll track it down for you pal, all right, red red wood. Could you please stop spamming that? Oh, it's just max! I didn't even scroll down to yours. Yet it's all right! Man, hey! You sound! Like a fellow millennial, it's gon na work out i'll get to it.

I just i'm a slow reader every. If you've been on my chat for a couple times. You know i was never hooked on phonics as a child, i'm not the most lickety quickity reader out there i'll get to it. It's okay, matt! How old are you i'm 26.? Have you also ever noticed for anyone who's like above 23, that you like commonly forget how old you are like once you're past 21 you're like okay, that's an important age, and then you hit 22 and you're like all right.

I like that taylor, swift song like it's one year now that i could drink in the us but past that, like i legitimately, don't know how old i am sometimes could it be a the sign of like a degenerative brain disease. I don't know maybe, but i think it's pretty normal anyway, back to these questions, it's just max's mad. He needs palantir answers. What's going on max, i also just like the name as in like a lot of people um like assume, there was like a lot of umaxes and like you're, just the only one you're like no like i get confused with like a whole grouping of max, but It's just me max down on palantir calls expiration 416 for 30 34 um in all honesty, max palantir, so i'm in a very similar position as you.

So, let's, let's take a look at this little ditty um. So i got palantir right here on this trendline breakout, and this is actually how tesla looks as well. It broke out and then it's been selling off same with apple apple, tesla and palantir all have a very, very similar chart. They broke out of their trend line and then like it wasn't met by anything which is weird because the market is like almost at an all-time high.

It's like a couple points away from an all-time high, but anyway i told myself well if it breaks below 25 i'll get out. I was playing the 30s for mid april just for clarification, um, but anyway, and then it broke down. But i was like: oh okay. Let's see if it can get back above 25, so i'm still trying to wait that out to see if it can recapture this because, above 25, i think it's really easy road back up to 27.50.
Like i truly do it's just like coming here, i'm not saying we're gon na go in the money, but the chance of your option being profitable is like i think it's decent early like especially if we somehow do it this week or next week. I don't know if you're going to want to hold this to expiration, but if we could get up to this zone like 27.50, maybe around 28. Those calls should be in uh in profit and we could just sell them early. That's how i'm doing it, but it's just right now, like 25, is just such severe resistance, um and it if it gets it rejected there again and starts to come back down, especially if it breaks below friday's low of like 20 30 23.

40. I'm personally gon na pull the rip cord because i think after that, there's a good chance, we'll revisit 21. But it's just not a lot of. It is making sense to me because all these stocks, that we like tesla apple microsoft, blah blah blah like they're all kind of low, but then the market's so good, like this indices, the s p 500, which is like i just don't get it like apple.

One of the i think it's the biggest company - it is the biggest company in the us, so how's the market at an all-time high when, on the flip side, apple is down 15 from its all-time high. In fact, at one point it was point one percent away from going into bearish territory. Like i don't know, there's a big disconnection going. We all already know, there's a big disconnection between um, the economy and the stock market.

It doesn't make sense that the stock market's at an all-time high, when our economy still has a lot of recovery to do, but there's even a disconnection between the overall indices and like these mega stocks, such as johnson and johnson, microsoft, apple, blah, blah blah. The list goes on um, big disconnection and one of them's gon na have to give way rotated out of tech. That's fair, but then does that really explain? Johnson and johnson, like i get that tech itself was a bubble like people were paying a huge premium, especially on the price, their earnings like if you're one of those people who follows like forward pe, we were paying a big premium on tech. I get that, but what about like, even just your big banks and stuff or like cruise lines like they're, all i don't know something's weird, it's almost as if it's all made up, and it doesn't matter anyway max.

I hope that answers your question. We want that break above 25 if it goes below 23.50, i'm personally gon na pull the rip cord, hey, matt! Sorry, if i missed this but thoughts on ford uh, i actually like ford. It was in a like a decade-long downtrend and then, when it got into the world of ev, it finally broke out so as long as they can execute properly on, like their electric vehicle initiative. I think it's good how's, the the baby situation going.
Have you confirmed whether you are in fact the jury is still out on that one ooh gon na give you oh troy, wait. I don't know if i want to read this out loud uh, it's worth yeah, i'm totally gon na pretty enroll we're making some nft plays. Do you know how there's um, like a allegedly a big bubble in nfts right now, and you have like all these boomers who just don't get it they're like? I don't get it you own the song, but i could listen to the song. What's the deal with that um well, anyway, do you think that the bubble in nfts could be so become so great that, like the next bubble after that will be back to physical things, they're like like, let's say our kids kids like do you think their mind? Will get blown away you're like you're telling me you can buy a physical product and then they think that that's the bubble, because they're so used to digital assets.

I don't know just thinking out loud t-cat all right. We read that we read that i'm still oops, hey matt, how about some duck jokes last time sure had me quacking up uh send out positive vibes for everyone, especially you ma, hey krav, that's so nice! Everyone here worried about it and look at that. We're sending out those good vibes and amc's picking up you called t-cat lindsay lohan. Can you please call amc britney spears, so it goes parabolic during power hour.

Captain duck i mean i would love for that to happen is do we have any updates on britney spears? Is she like, okay, i'm concerned for her 10 600 shares of mvis, mostly around 60 and a dollar fifty nice daniel j finn is going crazy. I've been trying to tell you for 10 minutes. Mbi is: let's go amc gme all right. We got a hot lana hotline on jafen j, finn's gon na rip faces off tesla 700 end of day.

I would love that. What did she do? Isn't she like banned from like accessing her own money or whatever, like she doesn't like, have control of her? Like the money she's earned, which is like something like that, i don't know, obviously i'm not an expert on this. Do i look like a person who's, a britney spears expert? Honestly, it wouldn't be that surprising if there was like a britney spears expert and they didn't look that different from me. It's that's because, after age 21, it's all downhill uh.

It would make more sense if i read these in a more timely fashion, but in a way i think it adds to the humor when i'm so delayed matt. You mentioned an avro levine conspiracy theory in previous streams yeah. So the conspiracy theory is that, like avril lavigne, it's like a body double, isn't there like a similar conspiracy theory with um eminem or something i think we just need to like start making. Our own conspiracy theories leave me alone.

I'm trying to help her uh wb was a tiblio pick for a long call on thursday. How do you think the chart is looking uh? Let's check out wb looks like it's just doing a bunch of consolidating lower highs, higher lows. Just wait for this triangle to break uh if it does break once it gets above. 53.
50. 54. Sorry. 54..

I think you're looking pretty good, i'm batman! What's the furniture stock, you spoke about earlier restoration, hardware, rh uh. This is actually, i believe, another big warm, but buffett um like investment and it had a nice breakout wow. This is looking good how's amc. Looking also looking good, it's a little ditty look at the market just non-stop buying.

This is the s p. 500. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye bye. Can you check out bigc, please thanks.

Greg. Ah vigc does look like it's uh, potentially bouncing off whatever this is 56 our side turning back around decent risk reward. Big commerce holdings. Is this another financial conglomerate? There's a theory that macquarie's is actually the baby.

No one has proved it wrong yet yeah. I can't comment on that uh thoughts on sbrt. Is it chasing too hard uh? I think it is a bit chasey, especially because, like you just don't know, if there's going to be a continuation tomorrow, it could continue if you're in sprt. I hope it continues.

Just not exactly my play just in my opinion. Nft will be easier to carry out than the actual material being that you can carry out digital assets on a one, terabyte flash drive or more yeah, but, like you know how millennials now are really into like cool vintage thing of like look at me, i'm wearing My my dad's 80s rock concert t-shirt because i'm so different and unique and vintage. I think that that could happen with physical things of like look at me. I got this shirt in the mail instead of like digitally owning a shirt.

It's just an idea, i'm not saying i'm right, you know a big overall wrap up of this is um. This live stream is like i'm gon na have a lot of ideas throughout the day. Nine out of ten might be awful, but you got ta stick around for that tenth idea, because it could be a money money. One.

I'm a conspiracy theory master. Ask me anything since you're john cena thoughts on wwe chair gang uh. I mean i don't really watch wwe, but i do have separate individual thoughts on john cena. So, as you guys know, uh, because you're very intertwined with my life now i've been re-watching all the fast and furious movies, because i live life.

A quarter of a mile out of time, and i just watched fate of the furious, which is the eighth one. It's like the one right before the rock and jason statham did their own spin-off one and like there's just it's so many quotable lines like i don't know who the scriptwriters were for fast and furious, but it's some of the best quotable lines ever and the one From the movie last night, was it doesn't matter what's under the hood of a car? It matters the driver behind the wheel or something like that, and i was like ugh. That's just that's exactly training like the parallels between fast and furious and trading, and really just life like it is a story of life. That is what fast and furious is, but anyway, i'm gon na connect.
This stay with me. I know i'm going off the rails a little bit, but obviously with every uh with every fast and furious movie like they started off as like normal, like heist people, they were thieves and now like when you fast forward they're like saving the world from like. I don't know like an emp blackout or something but like the issue is like it's gone, so off the walls that they always have to top it, and i just watched the trailer for the newest one and they're literally bringing in john cena as vin diesel's. Like long lost brother like so, i feel like they're just sitting around in the pitch room and they're like how can we top the last one? We just did this.

We just did that and now they're like you know what, even though this guy who's like all about family, like that's vin diesel's like driving like facet, it's just like how much he cares about family, allegedly there's another brother in there that he just never spoke about In that brother, it's john cena. Well i mean i guess it is john cena, so it makes sense if we wouldn't see him that often, but i don't know so. I hope that answers your question about my thoughts on the wwe pug mom has been in surgery. All morning she gets into a car and immediately asks what's matt doing and how's amc you're my wife's boyfriend man, i i hope, everything's all right james.

I really do in hyv 548, like a smooth brain. Would you hold overnight? Should i sell for a loss? Wait. How's hofv now doing t cap or j fin running how's tcat doing no. I should probably spell it right.

Come on matt, there's millions of people watching you right now. You got ta spell spell properly uh how's tcat. Looking t-cat wait. Why is it doing that? T-Cat? What's with weeble today, hello, okay, tcat, looking very strong, actually um.

What did you ask about uh hall hofv, you are in at what price 548. I would watch this low 484. I would watch 466.. I would basically just see if you get a bounce off of 465-ish.

Did you study options until you had a solid foundation of the concept before buying contracts? Um, i know like i look like a really serious person, um very accountable, like just just a good church going fella, but i'm much more of a shoot. First, ask questions second, and i'm not saying that's good, because it's cost me a lot of money, but i am, i don't know, i'm more of a trial by error type of person. So that's how i learned options which cost me thousands and thousands of dollars, because i don't know i did the same thing with futures like i just would buy futures and i was like what does this mean um? I highly suggest, if you're trying to learn about options to start with a paper account. You look like steve from youtube with those glasses, hey, matt, ta on cnbs, and maybe a quick look at its current holdings.
Cmbs uh tesla going down making me want to cry. I need to i need time away from tesla in terms of its chart. It looks pretty similar to a bullish, pennant lower highs, higher lows. I would expect this to go up, but it might take some time.

It's a relatively large one, um, it's just a cannabis. Etf, so it's going to be the same as like mj probably same like overall exposure. I would guess so really i would view cnbs mj as pretty solid long-term holds, but amc looking good love the man channel man huge fan. Thank you ralph.

I appreciate that someone said i missed theirs. I don't see the one. I miss sorry, my apologies. Sometimes this chat is just a million miles per hour, especially when i get on to one of my rants, because then i miss part of it and i'm like well, who said what and i'm scrolling back and then more people talk and then i have to scroll Back even more, it's a whole thing.

I had enough of fast and furious when vin diesel caught a car with his hands in midair. In the trail, it's crazy, like they're, like yeah they're borderline like super humans now like they like legitimately, have been stealing powers from uh like marvel how's viac doing uh, you guys bring it up like a trauma, yeah or getting killed, but it's just so over extended. Like how is it not taking a breather? Oh, i don't even want to look at this. Let's just look at something good.

Like amc, alright, now there's even more people saying i missed it, roland knight, i'm trying to track yours down. What's your friend, no i talk about is restoration. Hardware rh. I even brought the chart up again roland knight, restoration, hardware rh.

As soon as i asked you about wb, it took off seriously. That's awesome. Looking good, i mean above 54. I think this thing could really move new game.

Put all the socks on a wall, throw a dart and buy a thousand dollars worth of whatever the sock, and you cannot pull until you make a 50 profit. That's actually sounds pretty fun. I'll have to figure something out that we could do a game like that. Matt.

If you are halfway thinking about nft, is going anywhere. I need you to really look into engine coin enj. I am. They are building the future of nft's gaming and it really hasn't hit mainstream.

Yet all right, fuzzyg uh i'll, definitely check that out. I feel like you definitely i noticed that you've mentioned it a couple of times. So, let's see how that's doing, but i'll definitely look into it. You explain fast and furious beautifully.

I like how you picked it apart and then close the conversation with a valid reason, and we never why we never saw this brothers ah free, my grandma. I appreciate that and also um best of luck with getting your great grandma out of wherever she is. Enj is a hard fork of cardano. I didn't know that.
Did i see jordan belfort's cryptic amc tweet, i did uh to be fair. Uh e janine in chat had to oh swiftness. You did me dirty man, that's a brutal picture. How did you find that that is so bad uh? I used to be a tour guide at college.

That was an awful picture. I look like a baby. Do you want me to buy some vi ac, so it starts moving the other way for you uh. I would be.

I would appreciate that yeah troy yeah yeah, i'm with you on that. I'm excited. I don't want to front run myself. Good things are coming, keep up the good vibes and we'll all be good.

Also, why is there only 1.8k like smash the like button, hey yeah, thank you for that reminder. Uh team, please pretty! Please, can we get um? What am i even asking? Oh 3k likes. Is that possible guys? Could you don't forget to drop a like and hit the subscribe button um? I don't know why anymore, it's just for social media gratification like we're in a weird competition with everyone else in social media um. I don't know it's crazy, it's crazy! The things that we have been engineered to care about like.

Why can't we just all sit here and talk about fast and furious all day like? Why is that so bad? But no, you got ta get likes. You got ta get subscribers, you got to get followers because that's how people measure their importance these days. Look at me my name's matt kors, and i have subscribers on youtube. I'm awesome like come on.

I think, especially in the us we've gotten a little bit off base of whatever matters mike hang on. Are we talk? Wait. Super chat mike danger, butterfly tokyo drift. What about tokyo drift? Oh, i would love to talk about tokyo drift.

The fact that they cast like a 40 year old as like a 17 year old, probably one of the best castings in all of hollywood. His name is john cena uh. There we go. Those likes are coming in.

I can feel like i achieve something with my life now but mom. I had 2 000 likes what i'm doing with my life matters one time so i grew up in uh. I grew up in like a real, really really rural area, like i'm talking like super farm town like very, very rural like one day like you know how a lot of high schools have spirit week, and it's just like um like each grade against each other, and You compete in games like we had that at my high school. I don't know if that was common, but um.

So in mine we had spirit week and one of those days, one of the games of like how you get the most points uh for that day, related to like, basically, you got to drive your tractor to school like there was. Our parking lot was like i'm not messing around. It was like legitimately, a ton of different tractors like it was just tractor day or something uh, which is obviously i understand how crazy that sounds. I i out of all the things i mess around with on this channel like that is very true.

That happened, i'm not being sarcastic but anyway, um oh shoot. Where was i going with this? Oh, oh anyway, so that's my point of just how farm town this was so my neighbor was a farmer and when, when i was in high school, that's like when facebook was starting to like first get like super super big um, and i was trying to explain The concept of facebook to this farmer - and i'm talking this - is like a sixth generational farmer, blah blah blah like it meets all the like quintessential, like stereotypes of who a farmer is and like how farmers act and like it was just me like whatever, like 14 Year old me trying to explain facebook to this guy's like and not even as a joke, he kept calling it the facebook like in the movie, not even knowing that was like how it was originally named. So he's like. What's the deal with this, the facebook thing, like you, just look at pictures of people, i don't get it and i was trying to explain social media to them.
Uh, probably the only thing i've ever failed at in my life. I would say we attracted at my day to school too yeah. It's a thing like some of the a very small percentage of people in this chat they're like yeah. We had track today and they probably looked down out of like embarrassment because of something they had.

No control over like where they were born and then the rest of the people in chat are like he's like i'm, i'm all on board with matt's antics. But this has gotten too far and what's funny is like that's the realistic thing: yeah pennsyltucky, 100 pennsyltucky. What are we doing? It's almost power hour, john oliver made the joke of explaining bitcoin to an 18th century last week, great minds. Uh i mean i don't even watch john oliver, but mine also wasn't a joke.

It was just like legitimately what happened. I feel like there wasn't even like a funny punch line to it. I just like was reminiscing on that because i i don't know i would like to explain to him what i'm doing now so he's like so you're telling me you sit in a duct shirt and yell at your webcam and people drop likes for that. I'm like yeah - i guess so.

Um he's, like i don't know, it'd be some big philosophical argument of my contribution to society. Pennsylvania represent uh all right, tcats moving. We are going so far off the rails. This is just like a life lesson stream, not really about tea cats.

Looking good, i mean, i don't even know how to comment on it, because it's just like not normal, it's just like exploding, so i wish you the best of luck. I vote to have power hour renamed to tractor hour all right for today alone. We will call it tractor hour. The wwe has a lot of chair abuse and i just wanted to support it with our colleagues being so close to the community.

What that's an amazing sweatshirt, this harambe sweatshirt, is something it's a work of art wait. So i missed something. Am i not you? People took tractors to school for like show and tell yeah like i don't know, it sounds crazy, sharing it now, but it was like. So normal, like we all just because you know it in elementary school and um middle school, like you just know, one day of the year, everyone's driving tractors, i didn't do it.
I didn't own a tractor. Oh actually, that's now a lie. My parents now bought a different tractor for firewood. We have like a a wood stove, so they now use that to move wood around.

So i can't even say we don't have a tract. I never got to drive a tractor to school. I missed out, but um lucky penguin. This is getting um.

Where are we going? Hang on? I got ta get back to these super chats all right. We went through the fast and furious thing we went through. I know this might not be. This might be tough for you guys to believe, but this is not scripted.

I know this has like very natural transat transitions like back and forth, really well thought out um thoughts and really complete fleshed out ideas, but no no. This is actually all off the cuff buying a tractor in gme squeezes. You should do that with palantir as well. It's just max if you have uh gme or palantir.

That's gon na fly a tractor to the moon uh that we went that far off the rails, because one person super chatted. Why are there only 1.8 000 likes god? It's so easy to distract me ivan. Thank you for that super chat. My dog kept chasing people on a bike, eventually got so bad.

I had to take his bike away thanks for the stream. Oh thank you. I done left and came back on an old video and had amc at nine dollars, and you talking about loss of heartbeat. Oh, oh okay, like you, thought, head drop, my chicken was struck by lightning and now only lays hard boiled eggs.

What are your thoughts on ua? I grabbed to put from tibia. Isn't that under armour ua you got puts on tibio um yeah i mean i would just use my risk as either 1970. I would really just use this high uh, so that would be my wrist point other than that. I would look for this trend to break jimmy cuppinghandle is here, amc is pumping too i like to see it i'll, walk in a wall.

Hey matt question part two will txmd peak anytime again concerning buying the dips. Today i mean it might isn't this more of a um yeah, it's more of an announcement based thing like whenever you're dealing with like a biotech pharmaceutical play, it's more of like big announcements and approvals and positive tests uh. So it could. I just don't know if that news will or if it's gon na be released, hey in all this time of messing around amc's.

Look pretty good uh coincidence, i think not. I think it's just good vibes like we're just having a good time and amc is receptive to that yo tuna bread cybercat come on when is idex going to pop up yo tuna breath. Oh, what are we doing today? What what did we all do this weekend? That were acting like this as i blame it on you, i'm like yeah we're all in on it. It's just not me um i-d-e-x.
I think the party's back on above 350 cybercat, please check ribt for powwow hour.

9 thoughts on “Amc gamestop : when is this squeeze going to happen? rd #2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SamP says:

    imagine texting and calling a streamer when he is live to leech off him!! Must be matt the leech, who is selfish and thinks people like him.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diana Simpson says:

    Holding 5000 at 7.92 going to the moon the battle is here keep in the front line

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher says:

    What's going on with amc

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M says:

    Hey chair!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wat Pho says:

    The โ€œsqueeze was squoze โ€œ

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilvalen 2000 says:

    Its over

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Britt xo says:

    Do I have to locate this duck by myself? Lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The ChuckWagon says:

    Well AMC is down like $2

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lois Smith says:

    I have to say that I appreciate the time with chair, he has such a calming effect

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