Citadel Isn't That Bad (They're Worse)
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Citadel's Latest F
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#AMC #Squeeze #Citadel
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Boy, oh boy, do i have a video for you today, moon gang? I hope that your socks are on securely because i'm about to knock them off this video will be split into two major parts. Part one will be relating to citadel securities i'll, be explaining. Why they're really not as bad as you think they are in fact they're, probably worse in part two i'll be explaining why amc stock is absolutely primed to explode before we hop into all that, though, just so you know, i am creating this video on saturday march 27Th and as i'm filming it, amc is training at 10 and 31 cents alrighty, let's hop into it. So why at all, am i even talking about citadel securities? A very, very good question.

Well, citadel securities in the biz is referred to as a retail wholesaler aka a market maker there's a very, very good chance that, if you're using a stock or an application like robinhood, when you place a trade to buy or sell it's not going to an exchange. Such as the new york stock exchange or the nasdaq most likely it's being facilitated by citadel securities, there are many many market makers like this citadel securities has strong strong relationships with robin hood, as we know from the roaring kitty, uh congressional hearing, so with a company That has such importance because you know so many of us are on robin hood. There are many many users on realm undone and just so you know it's not just robinhood. They actually deal with many many brokerages, so you would hope a company like that is pretty straight-laced following the rules and has our you know are the best intentions in its heart.

For example, in january of 2021 alone, for just the stock amc, citadel securities traded had facilitated 3.6 million trades, which amounted to 1 billion shares of amc being traded back and forth. This is the volume most of these. A decent percentage is going to be from roman hood, but, like i said it does facilitate the trades also for other brokers. So with that, like i said, you'd really hope that they um they're pretty straight-laced that they're following the rules.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case according to this fenrir report, which i will link in the description below, if you check out page 37 from 2006. Until now, there have been 58 regulatory events aka the times that the government caught citadel securities doing something it shouldn't be doing, and they all pretty much ended with this without admitting or denying the findings the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings. Aka they said hey, we didn't we're not going to say we did nothing, we're not going to say we did anything but we'll pay. This fine and hopefully you'll, go away.

There are there's 58 in here. You can check them out yourself. Remember i'm not a lawyer. I'm trying to just decipher this the best i can but um, let's go through some of the fun highlights citadel fined.

800 000 by u.s regulators for trading violations. Citadel securities among firms find over trading data errors citadel will pay 3.5 million for violations stemming from incorrect reporting for nearly 80 million trades from 2012 to 2016. u.s regulators find citadel securities over trading breach. Citadel security is paying 22 million for misleading clients about pricing.
Trades. Stop me if you know where this story is going citadel securities fined by finra for trading ahead of klein. I know this sounds pretty bad and you might be thinking to yourself matt. Maybe citadel changed maybe, but in 2020 alone citadel securities was centered by finra a total of 19 times to be fair.

When i went through that document, i only counted seven, but if you're seven either number they're, both bad for a variety of misconduct, including failing to close failure to deliver positions. Naked short selling, inaccurate reporting of short sale indicators executing trades during circuit, breaker, halts and failing to offer its clients best prices on the bid ask spread one more time for the people in the back naked short selling and inaccurate reporting of short sale indicators. This is a big deal because obviously we're dealing with the the data we can possibly deal with, but with me the way i choose to run this channel um, i can't make wild conjectures. I do think the numbers we're seeing are being under reported, but all i can do is really just show you the numbers and like hope that they're accurate, but right here, naked short selling and inaccurate reporting of short sale indicators.

You know what they say: um walks like a duck quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck on more of a serious note. It is a fair argument, a fair argument that maybe they stop the illicit practices that they're involved with. I really don't think so, because it's such a lucrative business in the last quarter of 2020 citadel securities brought in one billion dollars of earnings and then for the year of 2020, they brought in 4.1 billion dollars, that's billion with a b, and that was a record-breaking Number for them, those fines - we saw the biggest one - was 22 million. We they're they're, just not stopping.

In fact i mean why would they stop when it's a net profitable thing for them to do they're, not we caught them 58 times from 2006. All the way up until 2020. imagine the amount of times we didn't catch them and when we do catch them, they're just they're, paying it's a small small smack on their wrist. No one cares, and, in fact literally how in your face is this as recent as yesterday, thursday march 26 finra slaps 275 000 fine on citadel securities for reporting violations, the market maker neither agreed nor denied the allegations wow.

That sounds oddly familiar. It's just commonplace for them. Unfortunately, that's the real world. We are dealing in right now.

Once again, this is just the evidence i found. I will link all this stuff in the description. The video i highly highly recommend you do your own due diligence, but i just want i wanted to let you know the the pieces of information that i'm personally finding and now, let's start with part b how in the world does this all connect to amc and Why am i oddly positive saying that it's absolutely juiced for a squeeze? Well, first, let's get a couple of definitions out of the way so for any any stock. First piece of terminology is outstanding shares.
That's the total amount of shares of stock in existence and it's different for every company now next is free. Float. Free flow is the amount of public shares. So if you added the free float, institutional shares and private shares or like insider owners, that would be the outstanding shares, so outstanding is always a bigger number of free float.

Free flow is the amount of shares that people like you and i can trade. That's the public market so and then we know short interest short interest is the percentage of the free float that is being shorted. So if there were 10 shares in free float, which there's always way way more and two of them were being shorted, the short interest would be 20 2 out of 10., so this is on ortex um. Just so you know there has been a lot of debate in this community right now with amc and gme of what is viable data, especially when we have quote unquote bad actors such as citadel and potentially other people not reporting the numbers um at least not reporting Them accurately, i agree that there could be manipulation.

In fact, i think that there is, but as of now, i don't have like definitive proof of what the accurate numbers are. So i'm just dealing with the best numbers that i can as of now as i'm filming. This, the estimated short interest up for amc of the free float is 18.42 just so you know when i was looking at a bloomberg terminal on thursday march 20, whatever that was the 25th, the or actually the morning of the 26th friday morning, amc was coming just Over 12., so bloomberg terminal is saying that amc is shorted at a rate of 12. While ortex is saying 18., i think that's roughly the realm we're in.

I can promise you we're not we're definitively, not below it. If there is um, i guess shady things not being reported, that would mean that the number is just potentially higher, but i do have. All i can do is show you the numbers that i could potentially find other than that it's just basically kind of um. Maybe a hunt or a thesis, but i need to show you the data that i can personally track down and that you could also track down so right here.

Um. The other thing i want to point out - and this is going to be important - i'm going to tie this all together. I promise you is utilization, so the biggest circle is outstanding shares. The next one is going to be free float in.

That is the amount of shares that could technically be shorted. There's a lot of people out there who turn off their lending. So that means that their shares can't be lent out to someone too short, so it's an even smaller bubble. So utilization is the percentage of shares that could theoretically be shorted and how many of them are being shorted.
So, right now on amc out of that entire pocket of hey, we could short. This amount, 84 is being shorted that is sky, high and i'll. Show you tesla as a relative thing in just one second. The other thing i want to point out is percentage of free float on loan.

So this isn't exactly the short interest but they're highly correlated. So basically um you could loan a share out, but you basically you pay a fee. You could borrow it, but some people don't actually short it they're, like hey i'll, pay this fee. I now have this share of amc on loan, but they might act not actually like pull the trigger, so they're not going to be exactly the same numbers but typically they're highly correlated and before i hop into it as you're about to see.

I don't really care about the magnitude of really any of these numbers like it is good to know i care about how we're trending, and i think this is the part of where i can best explain. Well, really, the fact that the utilization is as high as 85 percent. That itself shows that amc is absolutely juiced, but i think the trend in free float um will be interesting. So overall, just so, you know, let's just recap the short interest on amc right now.

According to ortex is 18.4, the free float on loan is 29 and utilization is 84., so those numbers sound great you're, probably thinking matt. Those are great. What will i in the world possibly do with them? Well, let me just show you how i guess much interest there is in shorting, because tesla is considered to be one of the most shorted stocks on the entire stock market. Well, its short percent interest is 5.8, its free float is 4.9 and its utilization is 15 and that's high look at amc's they're coming in way way higher.

Once again, i don't think that these, if they are being misreported, that means that the numbers are just higher than they are, but even if these are spot on 100, accurate they're coming in at more than triple the rate of tesla, which is a highly shorted stock. So, yes, these numbers, whether it's their magnitude or relative rate to other stocks on the market. Amc is sky high and just because the the short interest is sky high uh, i need to clarify that that doesn't definitively mean we will see a short squeeze, but it does mean that if there is a short squeeze, the the magnitude at which we'll run will Be very, very not only sky-high but very, very violent, okay, so another important thing: let's get into the numbers specifically for amc, so i just want to clarify this is the estimated short interest of the free float and also uh exchange. It's based on exchanges.
So we're not counting dark pools and we're also not counting non-atss aka market makers such as citadel securities. So this is just like it's a big piece of the pie, but it's not the entire pie. I just need to get that across, but we're here to look at the trends, and just so you know the short interest. These numbers are actually only reported twice a month um.

So that's why the most recent one we have is from march 15th and it's saying that the short interest is uh. You can see it right here around 49 and the free float is around 19. um on that date. Obviously, as i'm filming this it's march 27th, so that date is clearly already old, but there's no updated data, but we do have an updated free float on loan and, as you can see, look how they track each other they're not exactly the same.

But there's a nice trend upward. In fact, the free float as of thursday march 25th has been the highest ever for amc in the past six months. Like ever look at this, it's just at the highest and since we know it is correlated to the short interest, we don't definitively know it, but we could probably safely assume that the short interest is actually the highest. It's been once again.

This isn't updating accurately we're just estimating it, but look at that if it is packed with the free float on loan, the short interest you could assume, as i'm stating this as i'm filming this right now is the highest it's ever been, which is phenomenal for us. Once again, this is just an important piece to the puzzle: a high short interest. A high free flow on loan doesn't ever guarantee a short squeeze, but it's an important piece of the puzzle that has to be there for a short squeeze to even be possible. I am well aware in my previous video, my sentiment wasn't what it should have been, and in fact i didn't have this data available to me.

I just got on this so now that i have it i'm trying to share it with you. I wholeheartedly believe that amc is not being shorted at a rate of 400 percent or even anything close to it, but the rates we're even seeing now if this is accurate, it's more than enough for the squeeze that we're all hoping for and in fact it's trending Upward every day, that's passing this is looking better and better for us, so i just wanted to get that out there uh citadel to wrap this entire video up citadel securities seems to be a bad actor. Finra has caught him 58 times since 2006 had to be the best of my knowledge. It was seven times alone in 2020, it's a highly profitable business for them and, as recently as yesterday, they were caught again once again, um.

That's who robin hood is using to facilitate their trades, it's roman hood's market maker, on the other side, more specific to amc the data we're seeing right now, i don't know if it's accurate or not to the best. My knowledge, it's close to being accurate, where amc squeezed before we've grown 50 cent percent. Since then, both the short interest and the free flow on loan has increased by 50, since that original squeeze, which tells me that if we get another squeeze it'll, be even more violent, we will go higher than the numbers we saw for round one once again. This is my own research, my own evidence.
I am not a lawyer, i'm not a financial advisor. If i got any part of this video wrong, i would love to discuss it with you. I want to use this platform to share the most accurate information and explain it in the best way i possibly possibly can and right now to me, things are looking pretty good. Once again, i would like to get your opinion in a comment below and beyond that.

Um to me, i'm looking at this as like a very positive improvement, uh relative to my last video, so i would truly appreciate it if you could share this video with a friend and help me out with the youtube engagement. Don't forget to drop a like leave! A comment and hit that subscribe button, all that engagement, tells the youtube algorithm that more people need to watch us, and i think this is pretty good stuff to be aware of at this moment in time. So i would really really appreciate that if you could share it, um and don't forget also if you want two free stocks sign up for weeble one for signing up and then a second free stock for depositing a hundred dollars. And until i catch you in the next video or a monday to friday, live stream best of luck in the market.


27 thoughts on “Proof amc is primed to explode citadel isn’t that bad they’re worse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Due Diligence says:

    Couldn’t we take all the past records and calculate an average?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IkmeyEom says:

    Massive sell walls that repopulate instantaneously in spite of non borrowing situations=manipulation=naked/synthetic shorts.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sup3rNov4 says:

    They are all dumping stock out of hours and being offset by banks to prevent movement of the underlying asset was confirmed bu a bank and bloomburg live this morning. So to prevent a market crash and manipulation of stocks due to there malpractice of institutional traders PREVENTING A SHORT SQUEEZE but goldman broke this accord and started block selling-stocks during market hours hence the market drop on Friday and Monday.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony U. says:

    Washington vows to examine stock-market moves, what an F'n joke.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pearl Lillian says:

    What's the difference between AMC Ent holdings & AMC networks? Which stock is going to squeeze?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl M. says:

    With the corps like Citadel making billions, the fines they're paying are just part of their operating overhead.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tc3383 says:

    Serious question if it’s six months to a year from now in these stocks which have nowhere near the value at your place in them are still training lower and/or sideways will you still be on here trying to monetize these lies to people who don’t know me better telling them that it’s going to explode any day? At what point will you admit that it’s not going to explode and that it was an anomaly that actually had very little to do with short interest and more to do with the pump and dump scam setup by a select few at Wall Street bets?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrDawe says:

    Your title ''Citadel Isn't That Bad… They're Worse'' – got me in the first half 🤣🤣 then I read they re worse lmao

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake scurfs says:

    matt you're the most genuine and honest stock youtuber out here and I appreciate you so much for it!!!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Singleton says:

    Told all my friends to buy Jan. 20th only 1 did, all those poor bastards gonna be salty.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relax,Calmdown, And Chill says:

    10k minded here. Speak your words out in front of you they will catch up to you later on. Think negative get negative. Same energy think positive get positive.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CredibleWhiteKnuckle says:

    The only thing that bothers me with the short interest level is the fact alot of people have turned off their lending- so I'm wondering if the number is artificially pumped

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aurelio Santucci says:

    Great vid. Love seeing you guys admit when u could do something different. Don’t feel bad if you got bombarded by shills and people pissed. It’s better to be transparent and say what u feel vs blowing smoke up someones ass

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apevido says:

    I know a thing or two about a stock market. Been trading for 6 years. And i do have a big position in $AMC i also believe the squeeze could happen only because its a meme stock and its got worlds attention. If we keep pushing upwards through the walls and manipulation it will squeeze.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Che Guevara says:

    I appreciate the low amount of monetization unlike TREYTRADES greedy fuck puts like 6 everytime

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Pazos says:

    Question /problem? Each time citadel has to borrow money to short AMC is by contract? So the 1 contract let’s say expire in 30 days and citadel covers those 30 days. They can open a new contract with more $$ with less interest plus another 30 days and just keep looping for ever? My problem is when AMC will go broke in 3yrs the hedgies would win because they sustain the price lower for all that time.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Pazos says:

    It is super cheaper just to pay the guilty fees for AMC.. what is going to change?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eloy I. Balderas says:

    How should we play it to maximize potential for shot squeeze? Buy calls? Or just buy shares?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirscha Kievits says:

    as a teacher I would like to tell you: you are a GOOd and FUNNY TEACHER!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Gravelle says:

    You have no credibility. You spout the same mindless shit every week irt these stocks.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Clements says:

    That fine of 275,000 is just about 1% of Ken's total net worth… Just goes to show if you have the money, you can literally commit any crime and it not make a dent in your wealth. It would take me 10 years to make that much! I hope this squeeze absolutely ruins all of Shitadel!

    I'm out there busting ass, providing for our economy and this lazy slacker just slurps up money from shady trading practices! I'm definitely buying more AMC tomorrow, so please, Citadel, since we know you're here, why don't you drop that price with your manipulation just one last time before the DTTC margin calls your ass into oblivion!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lance Huepenbecker says:

    @matt_kohrs what’s your thoughts on treys video regarding the slr? Does that play into your thoughts on the possible shorting and squeeze play? Thanks for the videos new to them but it’s been awesome to watch

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hawks says:

    Great video as always Matt. I just posted a summary of your video on the Yahoo Finance Chat Platform so people can watch your video and understand what is really going on. Holding strong!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ljeezy45 says:

    You're energy is amazing but you comparing a company with amazing technology and a company that shows movies.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky Gradient says:

    of course the fines need to go way up for these guys, but that's not going to happen while they have so many friends in government. 🙂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aint Right says:

    How can it be so many violations without any huge consequences?! Like comon!! What is 3 mill to a multi billion dollar company?!? The rich always get away wit a slap on the wrist

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatsapp me+①⑤⓪④③⑨⑨②⓪①③ says:

    I enjoyed your video, i am actually tired of worrying about stock and stuff…. It's driving me nuts these days I think crypto investment is far better than stocks

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