Proud To Be DUMB MONEY πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
AMC, GameStop & Robinhood Update
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What's going on moon gang, this is your dumb money update for today, thursday august 5th, and i'm pretty excited to bring you this particular update. Amc killed it today up 12.3. It closed out the day at 33.51, which is an important technical level that we'll cover in a bit. Gme also did really well.

It gained 4.5 closed out the day at 153, but before we get into these moon stocks that apes really care about. I have a little bit of a story for you, one that i find to be particularly funny, because we all know especially the longer you've been in this community. You know that social media is like always accused of, manipulating and pumping and we're just we're just dumb money and what we're doing is so so damaging to the overall market. Well, in the bottom right here i have robin hood for you: trades under the ticker symbol, h-o-o-d well, yesterday, august 4th it opened up, and i had a pretty good day - did run 50 percent.

I mean opened up at 53, ran to 85, even better. When you look at where it closed on august 3rd and then today, absolutely plummeted ended up dropping 27.59 and besides the fact that hey their business model is based on payment for order flow and they're, basically stealing money from the customers to improve their own bottom line. And even that business model might be outlawed, i think that is very dangerous for the company i'm not recommending going along on it. In fact, to be completely honest i have purchased puts on robin hood.

I will make money if it continues to fall. I just want to be completely transparent about my position on that one, but i have a little bit of a funny story for you, a little bit of a ha ha, let's go into it. So this is our boy, jim cramer, jimmy boy. So, as you can see right here, august 3rd glad we pushed robin hood last night, so many told me i was dead wrong now who wrong hood well.

First of all, two things obviously you're wrong. It did drop 27 today and i don't think the bloodbath is necessarily over. We pushed sounds like an oddly aggressive financial advice statement there and you're using social media for it. I don't know i wonder if the sec enforcement will look into it and then so that was on august 3rd august.

4Th of course, he's on his high horse. Hood is insane. We love it on mad money on cnbc, so you push it. You love! It feels.

Oddly, like a pump and dump to me folks who knows like we are in the middle of it, i don't know what tomorrow's going to be bring. Maybe i'm going to be eating my shoe on this one. Maybe i'm completely wrong, but if it can't hold this area of 49.50, i think i think we're coming down down down just my opinion. I don't know i'm not a fortune teller, but i'm at least giving you hey like here's, the pros, here's, the cons, here's! Why? I dislike it, we push it, they love it.

I'm assuming someone made a lot of money, i mean it gets crazier than that. I mean check this out robin hood. This is this morning and part of the reason why it sold off so horrifically robin hood retreats from monster rally this week as stockholders filed to sell 98 million shares. This is roughly 12 percent of the company.
Now, let me remind you a little bit when mudric in late may, early june sold 8 million shares 8 million out of 500 million. Everyone lost their mind when it related to amc. Look, how could you possibly be in this? What are you possibly doing? Insiders are selling institutional, investors are selling. This is so bad and they basically in a roundabout way, called a stupid, and how could you do this blah blah blah and then what nothing right now they sold 98 million completely normal.

Like usually this position, you sell it on the day of ipos um. This is anecdotally. What we've seen in the past of investors pre-ipo end up selling it on the ipo, but instead for whatever reason what they weighed in an odd five days and got out at like a huge run-up rally. I mean this looks so horrifically bad.

Maybe i'm missing a part of the narrative, but the optics of this particular play out when they waited on an ipo, which was a bit weird. We have kramer who's like pumping. It say he loves it. He says we push it.

That's his own tweet that they pushed it and then from there saying we love it on cnbc and then it gets absolutely murdered the following day. It really looks and seems like an eye, a pump and dump excuse me, and you know what they say. If it looks like a duck quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck all right, so that's what's going on with those and now, let's turn turn the record a little bit to something more exciting going on. Let's start it off with the ortex data on amc, so, even though we rocked it today and we gained over 12 look at this uh, they still borrowed 2 million against it.

With a net of half a million short interest of 15.47 percent utilization sky high still can go higher 92 percent and shares on loan still above that 100 million mark. Basically, for me to quickly sum this up - and i also looked at this earlier today - the average duration of these shares on loan is around 42 days, so they've been in it for a while they're paying a fee they're, actually getting more and more bearish, then that, Basically means when we get that technical breakout which we're about to go over, it goes higher and higher and higher you're raising the ceiling, because so many more shorts are going to be captured before we do the technicals. I just want to bring this up. We are updating, i mean we now have 42 000 votes, almost 50 million shares.

I mean we're still looking at over 1 200 shares for the people who reported. I had a whole spiel about how this is a bimodal distribution, and you can't multiply that by 4 million. It actually brings the number down, but even i mean i had that entire rant about no matter how conservative i could possibly be just randomly throwing out numbers, it still does not account for what we're seeing in reality. To put it simply, the numbers do not add up.
The numbers, do not add up the only thing that would possibly explain it is synthetic counterfeit phantom, whatever you want to call it, but somehow shares are existing. That should not exist, and this is beyond just theory of we think we now have evidence. We now verifiable, statistically back data that is suggestive of something illegal, illicit nefarious going on in amc, and i hope that karma is a to them in terms of technicals. We do have this double bottom off of roughly the 30 region, so we're hoping it's more of like an elongated george, w type of a setup so right here we bounced and then actually we ended up closing right at previous support and or resistance.

This is what we saw on june 1st, so first thing is kind of overtaking that tomorrow right at 33.50, and then i want to see how it reacts to 36 and then past that we have the key region of resistance from 40 to 42.. Those are the major levels i will be looking for and i'm hoping for a nice apish bullish momentum follow through tomorrow to close out the week on august 6th switching gears up to gme. Today there was a net return of a million shares, which is sizeable because remember gme does have a lower float, but the short interest still high 15.2 percent utilization at 50 - shares on loan at 9.92 million. So when you take that into account, probably now at 9 million in terms of gme's chart, also bouncing off of the support.

The supported bounce off of was 145, which was the exact low of april 23rd. And that's simply the reason why i had it mapped out. There was no special mathematical thing going on in the background. I was like hey it bounced here.

I wonder if it'll bounce there again and it looked like it - did we're looking to overtake this region between uh. Basically, let's just call it the high 150s, the low 160s and then, after that, i'm definitely watching 175, not only a key psychological level, but we've seen that act as support and in the stock market. It's very common for support to go to resistance resistance to go to support and that type of a deal. So overall amc and jimmy looking very good.

Today, nice bounce, they were both technically oversold people. I think apes came in just good swing traders day traders, whatever whatever you want to call it. We finally saw some buying pressure people, i think just said hey. This is oversold.

Let's see how much we can momentum, we can build and let's see where this possibly rides to very very excited to see how we close out the week for the first week of august, amc jimmy looking very good robin hood, not looking so good kind of excited To see how far this one actually falls, uh, i'm just curious. My own prediction, like i said i am bearish on it, so i want to see how this one plays out for not only the remainder of the week but for the remainder of the month. I would love to get your thoughts on amc, jimi and robin hood in a comment below, of course, if you want to help me out with that youtube algorithm, you know all that good stuff like subscribe. It just helps promote this video to other people, so apes know that apes are still fighting the good fight.
We want those people who are on the fence who are like - maybe they weren't it not in it anymore or generally, maybe following the story but haven't really committed any capital. We want them to know that there's people still fighting for it who are not giving up on these stocks uh to me, that's probably one of the most important things we can do as a community at this moment in time is to make sure that our storyline, Our narrative does not somehow just die, and until i catch you next time from me and chair best of luck in the markets, you.

20 thoughts on “Proud to be dumb money”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars waterjob says:



  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CorePump says:

    I am perplexed why are there not millions of votes on the Timothy B question??? We all want to know how many naked shorts there are, we have been given the opportunity, yet only 1% have voted! Absolutely disappointing with the β€œlack” of action by this Ape Army. Those who do nothing, get nothing, and sadly becomes nothing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Bryant says:

    So this is even more proof that amc is going to blow up. Adam Aron the ceo said their is 513,000,000 shares of amc legally and 4.1 million Individual investors own 80% of the shares ( probably way more now) and the average is 120 shares. 4,100,000 x 120 is 492,000,000 shares. Now that's not even including the hedge funds and they own millions/billions.

    Someone else did the math and they came up with there this 4 billion shares and they would all be synthetic shares which is illegal because the company only has 513,000,000. So we all know the real price of amc isn't 33.00 even the ceo of the new York stock exchange said the real price isn't accurate.

    So I did more math (rough estimate) for 513 million shares the price is 33.00. Add 500 million 7 times to get to 4 billion . So 33 x 7 = 231. So right now amc should be 231 dollars per share not 33. It hit 72 dollars at its highest point so it would of been 504 dollars!!! When it squeezes I expect it to go higher than gamestop (450) but since the real price is suppressed it could go way higher because they are going to have to return all those shares

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. Magneto says:

    Wow! Bro that segment on Charles Payne spoke for all the apes so brilliantly… Just wow been here since day one and couldn't be prouder to hold these shares and have you as one of our leaders. You have no idea how large an impact you will have on our way of life

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stevenkurt32@gmail⏺com says:

    Greetings mates, Most newbies usually undermine and neglect the importance of technical analysis with regards to trading. Technical analysis overly predicts the movement of assets prices regardless of what is happening in the wider or broader market. Essentially, the education involves studying the paths of a particular asset movement in this past so as to establish a sustainable pattern that can be used to predict future movement of an asset. Doing technical analysis can be quite different which is why most newbies / traders neglect day trading their stocks/ coins and stick to holding which is very dangerous as when the market goes bearish, advise any newbies / traders to buy the dip for traders who are still wondering to enter the market or old time traders who are holders to seek help from not just any trader but an established trading expert with at least 96% trade accuracy .I underwent series of trading loses l'd best not talk about before I was introduced to trading analyst Mr Elvis Hercules My contact with him has been the Pinnacle of this year for me, under his careful guide and his signal service I've been able to recover my losses and even grow my trading portfolio massively from 1.6 BTC to 7 BTC and also from 10k to 67k in stocks ,in just 5 weeks. I orientation of trading will advice traders and newbies to before they involve in it. Mr Elvis Hercules,makes you learn daily while you make profit with his signals. he can be contacted via mail..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gina Chad says:

    I watch several YT videos on how to trade in the stock market but haven't made any headstart because they are either talking some gibberish or sharing their story of how they made it, i have made huge mistakes in the past and I do not want to make mistakes by taking risks in my own hands again.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Trento says:

    I WILL BET EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN TYE COMMENTS,,,, you all lose 30%… and this guy Matt is an entertainer. Youlll be in the 20’s by next week. Idiots

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Swordsman says:

    Someone sounds like they've been watching Kennan Grace, quack quack lol. Great vids as always by both of you guys

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick P says:

    Better investing in cryptos that are doing better then this shitty stock. The trend is ur friend the trend is going down why doesn't everyone see it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Great Satan says:

    I have shares of AMC but I'm not buying more because it's not going anywhere but down lately

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert gorrell says:

    These guys have been screaming dump for months now. It is true, sheep’s do think alike, chances of them being right is close to 0%. Fed is debasing the dollar, smart money is exiting to assets and dumb money is holding tight to their cash savings pissing themselves thinking about a Great Depression

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roland Regos says:

    Can’t connect Webull to Say vote system. Not sure if others had this issue, but that’s 600+ shares not being represented in our share-count.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crtxl says:

    The 80-20 rule is not statistics. It stems from project management. Calculations basing on it are not mathematical facts.
    But I still hope you are right. πŸ’ŽπŸ–πŸš€πŸš€

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROb El Cid Rising says:

    We have to stay strong we have to stay United for those of you who are young investors just been at this for a few months maybe a year and you want quick games hey the bigger the trophy the bigger the fight bear down get some grit and hold on the reward will be worth the time and the climb if you don't hold strong when all is said and done you'll be sorry on the sidelines wishing you had waited it out and that's exactly what those scumbags want don't let them win do not let them win stay with us we're not just apes we're King Kong a when that means we will crush them!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sothrieg says:

    @Matt: What means: "For me and chair, best luck in the markets!" What chair are you speaking about?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Abernethy says:

    AMC shares you get from Robinhood are fake. Everyone needs to switch to a direct broker. I think a lot of people are still on that bs platform. Some of the other brokers are probably doing the same thing.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Courtney says:

    Just bought more shares I'm at 301 shares 44$ avg. Not selling buying more! They can't stop us

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattyew says:

    i went from having an interest in investing in stocks to being fully invested in an amazing and important storyline in our planet's history. lol thanks matt!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Ackerman says:

    Just remember, folks, take anything BAM Investor says and posts w a grain of salt… he is usually WRONG. But if you call him on it? He blocks you so as to fraudulently market his system he is trying to sell you. You were warned.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luvismei says:


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