This is going to piss some of you off
Weekend thoughts with Matt
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What's going on moon gang welcome to weekend thoughts with me, matt upon reflecting on my interview with marco hodis, if you haven't seen that it's it's a worthwhile interview to listen to i'll, make sure to link it below upon reflecting on that, i thought it was imperative That i make this video about. How can we win, how can the apes possibly win at what we're setting out to do now to obviously make that video, it's probably best to start off with defining? Well, what is us winning now? I understand that many of you watching right now would define the apes winning as amc and or jamie squeezing to the absolute moon and i'm right there with you. But if i'm being completely honest, that is not how i define us winning at least not fully how i define us winning, i think we win by permanently changing the nature of wall street. I am setting out to make wall street more transparent and fair fixing.

The tilted nature of wall street and i strongly believe that, if we're successful in that mission, a side effect of it will be the moas and to get there. Whether, however, you define us winning it's getting to the point in this eight nation community. I strongly believe that we have to be more mature, focused and organized. I mean i mean seriously.

Aren't we all getting tired of how social media is starting to trend in this group? I mean what every youtuber and their brother saying this is the exact catalyst we need squeezing coming every redditor up voting uh a post just because the the title of it confirms to their confirmation bias every twitter twatter out there hopping onto whatever's trending, just because it's Fun to bandwagon on the current hashtag, i mean this is about to probably ruffle quite a few feathers out there, and i still think it's important to get out if you think that dark pools are our main problem. If you think that short ladder attacks are our main problem, if you think that odd lot trading is our main problem, you have not been listening if we're so fortunate. One of these days to as a community grow so large that our voice starts to reach the people who can actually enact true change. I'm talking about government officials, we cannot come with such a weak argument.

We need to be laser, focused, articulate, and i don't think it should be that difficult, because i wholeheartedly believe i wholeheartedly believe the truth is on our side now. These are just my opinions, but i think this is how we go about it. I think we start by demanding a forensic investigation of what happened in january of 2021.. I want to know what happened between robin hood citadel securities and the government slash whatever body of the sec.

I want to know when they communicated the nature of their communication and who traded what now. Obviously i don't know what the outcome of that investigation will be. I could argue if i were a betting man, that some of the results of that investigation would obviously, i would guess, be pretty damning regardless of that, though, it would open the door for us to argue about very, very legitimate things and, like i said, i think, The truth has our back. We could argue about payment for order flow.
Trust me. There are very valid reasons why other countries have banned it. We could argue right there that more trading should be done on lit exchanges. It is not good for our system that we have the duopoly of market makers.

That is not a safe system to be reliant on one or two players. When hits the fan, it is not a safe system, there's not a backstop to it. It seems like we're in this progression where some mainstream media is trying to make that particular argument, politically divisive of, if you're on this side of the aisle you're forward, if you're on the opposite side, you're against it, no, no, no, no, that is crazy, and this Is how politics are always going to go they're going to try to bucket people and it's just easier to get votes, but this is very much the david and goliath, the 99 versus one and we're fighting for fairness. This is not a political issue.

This is a bipartisan, regardless of what political party you identify with. You should want this because, if you're at all involved in the markets, obviously you want it to be as fair as it can possibly be and right now we see that trend, and it blows my mind. But this reminds me of the point that our community is large, so as we become more organized, we are numerous. There are people who are running for whatever the next political seat.

That would count on our vote and, if we properly organize and make our voices heard and articulate they're going to want to know what we have to say. If we're such a large voting bloc - and that's just me talking about lit exchanges - i could go on settlement time. Why are we on a two day settlement? We currently have the technology that we could have instantaneous settlement and with that a lot of the manipulation and loopholes and just generic issues, we've seen between market makers and prime brokers that would be taken care of on top of it 13f filings. Why are longs, calls and puts all reported, but not short positions that makes no sense pattern day trading if you're in the u.s? Why is it if you're below 25 000, in your account? Why are you treated differently? We're always pitched this concept that it's a free market.

Well, why are there different rules for different people? All the apes, in my mind, are really asking for is for it to be fair across the board. Everyone participating in the markets should get a fair stab at it. We should all be playing on the exact same level field. All in all, i truly believe for us to be successful.

However, you want to define the success of the ape nation community. We need to be more organized more informed and we need to go through the proper government channels because it's in the government, those are the people who are going to be making the rules now, i'm sure throughout this. These are my own opinions. Throughout this i probably ruffled a few of your feathers.
Maybe you agree with me. Maybe you don't agree with me, but i can say this if you do identify as an ape, i think it's very important for us to remember after this long as i'm filming this 10 month battle, remember we did not come this far to only come this far. You.

30 thoughts on “This is going to piss some of you off”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam says:

    Watch Lou vs wall Street were diluting our gains buying more and more synthetic shares we need to hold so squeeze happens. Before the trash talk starts watch Lou vs wall Street change your mind and give feedback

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janzer says:

    when you get to be enough of a pain to people they do two things: pay you off, or delegitimize you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damon Haner says:

    Thank you sir, I Support your opinions.

    What do you think about being in politics ?someday? I think Americans need you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars turtle4614 says:

    This is the first video of yours I've watched in a while. Honestly the anxiety I got from the size of this channel and the FUD were on astronomical levels. I have to admit this is exactly the video that needs to be made. Yay we hit the squeeze and get life changing money. Now we have to go back and fight computer algorithms, cheats and shady hedgefunds with endless pockets. I wish I could give this video 2 thumbs up.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Model 3 Dude says:

    You and you alone think you are going to beat The Big Guys? ? Young man you have no clue… You have Zero power! Your just whining, and have no answers to any questions! Just because you fill 3 minutes on a 5 minute segment on a TV program does not make you a person of knowledge, just a person that helped fill a time slot!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stoic Trader says:

    He's looking more demonic by the day. That's what greed and selling your soul for money will do to you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brognar123 says:

    matt is a smart guy. i like him. his amc channel was entertaining. but to stop that channel and now pull off the conviction about amc seems disingenuous at best.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishmael Asad says:

    Still holding πŸ™. Focused more on cryptocurrency these days but I haven’t sold a single share of AMC and I’ll hold until justice is served

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlie's Vids says:

    Honestly, YouTubers like this are the main problem.

    People with no background in Finance teaching "apes" finance.

    Even when corrected, lashes out and then blocks like a coward, and sends (likely pays) for bots to attack your channel.

    Keep it up Matt.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beef Jerky 69 says:

    Your already rich ya phuck I could careless about changing laws give me my money and I’m out of wallstreet.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amazing J Landscaping says:

    Just riding the wave, buying at $33-36 n selling at $41-44 on my brokage account. I'm a holder on my 401k account

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iNNoCeNttDReAMs says:

    I agree. I hold because they turned off the buy button. How the fuck can you do that? I understand the entire depository shit going on with clearing houses but why didnt they just halt the stock on both side of the buy and sell? Not only that but by holding we've brought to light so many things, such as dark pool and PFOF.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kladale D says:

    Why do I sense that reality is finally seeping in for some of the so called apes?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Bogansky says:

    My generation has been pushing the weed movement. I've been watching us change the laws and regulations on weed for 20 years. This is something your generation can achieve. Real change takes time though. Just becuase it'll take longer then we'll live to reach a different star should we not try??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Some Guy says:

    I’m conservative, a father, an investor… I simply want to be part of capitalism… not destroy capitalism. I want to swim in the same pool as everyone else.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blade gump says:

    Completely agree and been in since January . And I have a family it’s difficult 😞

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Spangled Yank says:

    Thank you Matt for taking the time to saying what really needed to be said. We did not come this far to only come this far. The people we are up against have no issues working together to hold us down so we must do the same to rise up. I am an Ape and I send much Monkey Love. Hodling Strong.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gorilla Trader says:

    History lesson….back in the 2000s banks executed illegal mortgages. Without going into detail, trust me, its was a fact. Everyone knew, the banks, the politicians, the judges, everybody. It should have been the greatest exchange of wealth, but guess what, the politicians claimed…the banks were "too big to fail". so, instead of people getting their homes free and clear they were kicked out. I see a correlation here. The only difference is that there are more people affected and more people internationally. But trust this, the powerful stick together. The only way this can play out is if the Hedge Funds/Marker makers/DTCC go belly up, and do you thick the govt will let that happen? Drastic measures need to be taken. Demands, lawsuits, etc won't help. The judges are on their side. The only lawsuit(s) that would have a chance if brought by a foreign govt. But like I said , the powerful stick together.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gorilla Trader says:

    Who makes changes? People with money. Lets get our money then we can fix Wall Street.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ab says:

    I think all problems are problems and yea change to a corrupt system would be great but #1 thing we are here for is Moass.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SkippingRhyme says:

    Just go into the Webull comments and you'll lose faith in this movement. If you aren't anything but Ultra Bullish you get ridiculed.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nag analytics says:

    we are living in truman society and the moment truman realizes nothing around him is true -it opens up us to different senses – a.k.a manipulation to the highest levels

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Martinez says:

    First YouTube video I’ve seen in almost 3 weeks for this reason! Tired of all the fluff!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rager_Fox says:

    The government is corrupt, we will never be able to sway their minds. Replacing them will not help either. After they are replaced, the replacements also become corrupt.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpaceLion87 says:

    I agree on many points except fairness. Fair will not happen. So I don't need it. Accountability on the other hand it is possible. We need Wallstreet corruption to end in prison. This is not anymore a matter of legal. It is an organized mafia with collars and briefcases.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Jabouri says:

    The War > This Battle. This battle isn't done, but there are others that need attention. I think we need to create an advantage for retail, every other player on the markets has an advantage. We don't. Once we create an advantage, then we have leverage, until then they're gonna look at us like Oliver Twist and treat us as such… who remembers how Oliver Twist ends?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Murray says:

    I'm kind of a new ape I've only been in for 4 or 5 months but if somebody would write a book about the corruption from the corruption from Goldman Sachs JP Morgan king Griffin Janet Yellen all the different corruption is going on in the people that are running the SEC citidel all of that that would be a book that I would love to read And give us a roadmap on where we're gonna try to get to in the future to get rid of the corruption the evolution the manipulation is nippulation the dark pools the short trading named naked short selling the synthetic shares get rid of the corruption not just the policies but the people running the policies / That would be a book that I would like to read and study / Go apes go apes go apes

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jovan Eung says:

    I thought it was funny to be immature at first which is why I liked you. It started to piss me off how oblivious you got and how immature you stayed throughout this movement. Now it seems you have finally came around and matured, and didn't stay this embarrassment to the community. If you stay this mature, I think that this movement would actually gain way more acknowledgement and recognition. Keep THIS up and don't look back

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Montana and Rose says:

    Matt, this starts with the real Apes with YouTube channels like you, mask investor, Kenan grace, trey. Join your super Ape forces and bring the herd together. It starts with you guys and real apes will rally.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wallstreet Dirtbag says:

    Been holding for a long time and haven't been looking at the price at all for months. Been easy to hold and wait for my money πŸ’°πŸ’° my friends on the other hand… Go crazy every day. Idk why they do it to themselves lmao

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